Your Perfect Life


"I think we showed up a little too late." Andy said. There was a tone of worry in his voice, before he asked, "Did you take any?"

"Any what?" The girl asked, damn near oblivious.

"Any of those pills!" Andy said, gesturing at her hand.

"These?" she asked, waving her hand around, sending the little poisons flying.

"Yes those!" Andy yelled exasperated.

"'Course I didn' steal em!"

"You must've taken something to be acting like this." Andy said, looking like he was about to go call the ambulance.

"Andy..." The other man said.

"What?" The singer snapped.

"Look at all the bottles here."

Andy did. Two were empty. A nearly empty bottle lay by the girl's foot. As they watched, she finished off the bottle, and reached for another. "You drank all that by yourself?" Andy asked incredulously.

She nodded, her shaking hands barely able to hold the other bottle. "Hey! Don't drink that!" Andy yelled. "Keep your goddamned voice down." The other fallen angel hissed in annoyance.

Ignoring him, the girl slurred, "The only way yer' stoppin' me 's by drinkin' it b'fore I do! But ya can't, cause yer not real!"

"You take that half, I'll take this half." Andy said to his companion wit ha sigh, gesturing to the still full bottles. "You know my policy against alcohol." The other man groused. "Dammit Stitches, just do it!" Andy snapped, snatching the bottle away from the girl.

"Fine, but you fucking owe me, Biersack."

Andy didn't reply, as he was currently guzzling down the rum. His eyes were watering from the sting of the alcohol. Stitches picked up a bottle and cracked it open, before taking a whiff. He wrinkled his nose in disgust. Taking a cautious sip, he nearly spat it out. "God, this is fucking nasty." He snarled. Andy, who was getting rather tipsy, glared at him.

"Why're ya here anyway?" The girl asked, looking at them in amusement. They really were stupid, weren't they? They could've just poured it down the kitchen sink and nobody would've been the wiser. But instead, they were making themselves drunk.

"Lost a bet." Stitches said.


"Yeah. And because of that, we gotta save a hopeless case. Or try to." He said with a shrug.

She couldn't help but smile. So she was a hopeless case, was she?

By the time Andy was through with his first bottle, Stitches was barely halfway through his. "By the way, you should do something about those." The girl said, waving her hand absently at the pills. "Goddamn." Andy said, gathering up about half of the bottles, and stumbling out of the room. There was the sound of small things plapping into water. "Why's he tossin' 'em in th' toilet?" The drunk muttered, confused. "Good point!" Stitches said, before he grabbed up the rest of the pill bottles, chasing after Andy with them. "Hey! Give those back!" She called after them.

The only answer she got was the sound of a toilet flushing.

IF she wanted to end it, she'd have to use those pills that had scattered on the floor. Before she could reach for them, however, in came Andy and Stitches. They started back downing the alcohol.

2 bottles each later, they were passed out, like the fucking lightweights they were. She was still awake, however, and staring at the 2 knocked out men on the floor in front of her. She noted something. Andy had the typical black feathers of a fallen angel. Stitches, however, had wings of dark green, bright red and yellow, and shades of blue. There were hardly any feathers of the usual black. He almost looked like a parrot.

"Does that make him a fallen parrot?" She muttered to no one in particular. She crawled over to the parrot, before starting to pluck his feathers. She had quite a few of each color. For good measure, she plucked several large feathers from Andy.

Neither woke up. Then, she hid the feathers below the rug. She had no idea why she did it. And she didn't have time to think it over, before she, too, passed out, Andy's scrawny stomach a pillow.
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Yeah... One of my fish died last night or this morning... I'm pretty bummed. Thank Andy it wasn't Sydney. It was a fantail... Those things seem to die soooo easily... 2nd in as many months. Now I'm paranoid about Anthem, my other surviving fish, who is ALSO a fantail goldfish. But meh, I've had those two for almost 6 months since they were floating specks with tails, and they've grown and SURVIVED~! I think it's a good thing right? But more to the point, Sydney has survived a case of ick that was pretty severe, and Anthem didn't get beaten to death by Sydney so it's a good 6 months so far. Neither of them have died yet, though Sydney has come pretty fucking close :( And funny thing I realized that the only reason I got Anthem in the first place was because when I got Sydney, the shop didn't have any calico telescope eye or red cap goldfish, and I didn't want Sydney to be alone, or have something that looked exactly fucking like her. And yeah, I just gave everyone the most fucking longwinded rant of life about a couple of fish. It's scary considering I can talk for hours about fish, any fish at all, not just mine, and genetics,