Finding Solace


Jefferson ran through the dense woods pausing every now and then to listen for the clanking of the armor from the Queen’s cards. Leaning against the nearest tree he put his hand to his chest feeling his heart pound against his rib cage. His dark brown hair began to mat to his forehead with sweat from all the running he had been doing. As he took a moment to reenergize a thick black cloud was rolling in the sky. Ash began falling like a grim gentle snow as the forest was being lit ablaze. The creatures from the ground and sky ran past Jefferson in a rush to escape the fire. Gritting his teeth his punched the tree as dogs howled not far from him. The clank of the soldiers grew closer towards him and he suddenly felt like the cornered rat. Feeling the darkness creep up inside him he stepped into the rolling dark cloud of smoke.

“Find the hatter!” a card yelled to his fellow guards as they charged into the burning forest. The hounds barked and growled as they stalked ahead. Slowly the cloud of smoke rolled around the guards making it hard to see. “Careful,” the ten of spades said. The dogs slowly padded ahead and begin growling, but the guards could not tell from where.

“Hores, Alitzar, where are you?!” the six of clubs yelled out when there was a whimper. The whimpers grew louder and were followed by a sickening wet sound that turned everything silent. The only thing the cards could hear was the crackle of the trees burning far in the distance. “Hor,” the card began to say when the wind blew past him. The smoke cleared a bit allowing the card to see a giant pair of bloody scissors circling his neck. His eyes widened at the sight of Jefferson, his usual colored clothes stained red as the hound laid slaughtered at his feet. Blood dripped from tip Jefferson’s nose as a chilling grin stretched across his face.

“Off with your head,” Jefferson laughed as he cut off the soldier’s head with the snip of his scissors. The head landed on the ground with a thump soon followed by the body. The guards wore horrified expressions as Jefferson waved his giant scissors like a saber. Jefferson laughed hysterically with a crazed look in his eyes, “Off with all ye heads!” he yelled. In a swift move he opened his scissors making the cards take a hesitant step back, but nonetheless held their spears out. As fear raced through the guard Jefferson felt the madness completely take him as he charged forward.

Cheshire sailed through the sky watching the Queen’s doing turn their lavish land into something barren. The Hatter’s house was engulfed in flames, the flowers were carrying the stench of death, and the green lands held no luster. Everything was crumbling beneath then in her tirade for the child, for Alice, but no one will let her touch Alice. Everyone loves Alice, and the moment she discovered this she wanted Alice. A small one, no more than the age of five was to become a doll of the castle or the new addition to the Queen’s body count. Cheshire shook his head as he dove down into the burning forest, weaving through the branches and fallen trees. If Cheshire was going to find Alice it would be in this part of the forest for at the edge is the abyss. The abyss being a black liquid wasteland that the Queen cannot control or destroy, for it where Cheshire thrives.

Keeping his eyes open Cheshire spotted the March Hare with Alice in his arms while the dodo ran beside him. Alice clutched the Hare’s orange jacket as her leg throbbed in pain, blood seeping into her once white stockings. Long blonde hair whipped in the winds as Alice’s face was covered in a black coat, “It hurts,” she whimpered.

“I know Alice, I know. Just hang in there the exit isn’t far,” Micah, the Hare, said as he jumped over a fallen tree. Though as he ran he can smell the fire gaining on them making his worries increase even more, well that and how he and Jefferson separated. Looking around he caught a glance of something move quickly over his right shoulder. “Chess!” Micah shouted as the flying cat appeared beside him, “Have you seen Jefferson?” Chess shook his head making Micah’s stomach turn. At first the group had the twins, Ruge the mouse, and Jefferson, but the Queen’s guards’ snatched the twins at Jefferson’s house, Ruge was corner by a hound, and Jefferson decided to stay back to give March time. March didn’t want Jefferson to stay behind, he knew the darkness inside Jefferson was bubbling up but Alice is the priority.

Cheshire watched March with an interest till his feline eyes slither to Alice. Her blue dress ripped and dirtied by the mud and dirt of the forest making Cheshire look back at his burning home. The forest always provided the darkness and eerie mist he so cherished. Floating back into the sky he let his eyes take in the destruction the Red Queen had brought down upon everyone. “Ravenna,” he breathed out, “what have you done.”

“They’re up ahead!” a call from the ground drew Cheshire’s attention. A group of cards were catching up to Micah and the Dodo. Scowling Cheshire dove down to the group of cards and swiped their feet out from under them causing the group to collapse. In an invisible cloud Cheshire flew forward towards his friends that took on desperate expressions.

“Keep running, you aren’t that far from the abyss,” Cheshire said.

March nodded, “Don’t worry Alice, you’ll be safe soon.”

Alice gripped March’s coat, “why does she want me?”

Cheshire watched March begin to open his mouth, but shook his head instead denying Alice an answer. March’s nose twitched as the odd smell of the abyss attacked his senses as they approached. With whatever strength he had left March began running faster with his companions at his side. Twigs and leaves crutched under March and Dodo as the black lake of the abyss was in their sight. As they approached Alice felt a cold chill run though her causing her to flail around in March’s embrace. Fighting him off he dropped her and she scrambled to her feet. She stared at the abyss just steps away from her and dared not move. A voice only she could hear was whispering to her and it unsettled her that she wanted to run. Taking a step back in her small black heels she shook her head vigorously not wanting to move forward. March watched Alice with confusion as she stared at the darkness in front of her, she was practically petrified.

A guard yelled in the distance catching the Dodo’s attention, “We have not the time for disputes,” he said and picked up Alice by the back of her dress. Running forward the four of them stepped into the abyss, it’s solid black waters creating ripples with their steps. As they ran a spear fell from the sky and pierced the Dodo in his right wing. The bird let out a piercing cry dropping to the ground and well as dropping Alice. March ran to her side and picked her up before looking at Dodo, “Go,” March looked into the abyss and then back at Dodo, “Go!”

Turning on his heels March began running oblivious to Cheshire for as he ran Cheshire remained behind with the Dodo. Stepping to the black surface Cheshire watched his fallen comrade, “The Queen shall not have you.” Chess said as the Dodo began to be swallowed up by the floor causing the Dodo to panic. “Don’t worry, you shall not die,” the Dodo was neck deep when he finally looked at Cheshire. His usually small pink self was the size of a large tiger. His claws out like raven talons and a grisly smile upon his face, “I won’t let you die.” Dodo nodded and was completely swallowed up when a horse came to a stop before Cheshire, it’s rider clothed in a black cloak and mask. The rider slowly stepped down from his steed, “and so the Queen releases you.”

The man did not reply to Cheshire as he drew his sword making Cheshire laugh. Taking a step forward the man swung his blade to which Cheshire disappeared. Floating around the man to a place behind him Cheshire began to show himself when something pierced his left eye. Screaming he felt his eye be ripped from its socket. The man chuckled watching Cheshire cower away with his bleeding eye, “we’ll see who wins this game.” The man smiled as he held up Cheshire’s left eye that now decorated his dagger. Cheshire growled at the man and then jumped at him, claws out and ready.

A loud roar made March slide to a halt and turned around, “That sounded like Chess.” His long brown ears twitched to listen closely for anything else, but it was silent. March looked down at Alice and she returned his gaze with glassy blue eyes. Ideas of wanting to run to Chess’ aid flitted in his mind but he quickly pushed them out and proceeded forward into the abyss. As he ran with Alice March couldn’t help but feel like he was running in circles. Unlike Cheshire or Jefferson, March had no idea where he was going. For all he knew he could end up right back at the forest entrance and that’s the last place wants to end up. As March tried to figure out where he was running Alice looked up and into the darkness feeling blind and anxious. The abyss spoke words to her and she found them frightening, ‘cadaver,’ ‘puppet,’ ‘sacrifice,’ they were all whispered to her. They swarmed her and in her mind she yelled from them to leave her, but it was in vein. The voices only grew louder and louder till a melody began drowning them out. It was soft and peaceful making her relax in the uncomfortable darkness.

March felt Alice relax in him when a familiar silhouette formed out of the darkness, “Jefferson!” March called out making Jefferson turn to him. March slid to a stop just before his friend eyeing Jefferson’s tattered bloodied up clothes, and red eyes that were completely taken by the madness. March slowly let Alice down and covered her eyes so to not see Jefferson. His bloody, crazed self would frighten her. Producing a wrap from his sleeve March blindfolded Alice before turning to Jefferson. He took one step towards his friend when a shot went off barely missing March’s foot.

“That’s as far as you come March,” Percy, the white rabbit, came forward with a gun in hand and a pocket watch in the other. “Any closer and he may cut you in half,” He snapped the pocket watch close and suddenly Alice heard the music stop. March glanced at Jefferson who wore a grim expression, “Quick, before the Queen comes.”

Jefferson looked at Alice as she remained blindfolded and frowned. Lifting his hat off his head he tossed it to the ground where it began to spin and create a hole in the ground. “Catch,” he tossed a small liquid vial to March, “make her drink.” March looked at the vial and felt his ears droop as he knelt down to eye level with Alice.

“Drink this Alice,” he took her hand and held it up.

“What is it?” she asked as the small glass vial was place in her hand.

March undid the cork and guided her hand to her mouth, “tea.”

Alice’s face lit up, “hatter’s tea?”

“Yes,” with that she drank the blue liquid and paused as she tasted it. The men watched as the vial fell from her hand and shattered as her body went limp. March quickly caught her and held her up to the hole.

“Drop her, March,” Percy said with his ears drooping slightly, “It’s the only way.” March looked at Alice and removed the blindfold when his ears twitched. “March!” Percy yelled causing March to turn around and see Percy jump in front of an arrow. Percy landed to the ground with a thump making him lose his gun while his pocket watch rolled away into the hole. Shocked at Percy protecting him, March felt himself back up till he felt his boot heel hoover over the edge of the hole. “Now…drop Alice,” Percy whispered and March quickly turned around to face the hole. Giving Alice a squeeze he plunged Alice into the dark hole. As March watched Alice slowly become swallowed up by the darkness an arrow shot into his right leg bring him to his knees. The hole quickly closed once Alice disappear only leaving Jefferson’s hat. It spun around and then went still completely as March stared at it.

The sound of metal clashing gained March’s attention making him notice Jefferson fighting a cloaked man. It was giant scissors verses two sabers as they fought and slowly March could see his friend losing the battle. Balling his hands March slowly got to his feet despite the pain in his leg and shot forward to aid Jefferson. As Jefferson fought the swordsman he laughed despite feeling that his fighting was a lost cause. Going in to strike the man Jefferson felt his scissors get knocked from his hand and thrown into the darkness. Jefferson held his hands up in surrounded and smiled, “strike me, I already won.” The swordsman smirked and spun on his heel piercing his blade through March. Jefferson’s eyes widened as March leaned forward coughing blood up to the ground.

“March!” Jefferson yelled.

March looked up and smiled, “I saved…her.” He coughed again as the man twisted his blade causing March to scream before the blade was pulled out. Immediately March fell to the ground and the man chuckled as he wiped his blade clean on March’s orange coat.

“You – “ Jefferson started when the blade was suddenly under his chin, instantly silencing him.

The cloaked man narrowed his eyes, “where’s Alice?”

“I’ll never tell,” Jefferson deadpanned.

“Don’t matter now that I have the hat.”

Jefferson laughed before grabbing the man’s hand and plunging the blade into his body. The cloaked man gasped as he released the blade and gaped at the dying hatter. “Fool, a hatter’s hat disappears with the hatter.” The man looked back at the hat seeing it fade away causing him to quickly scrambled to the hat to pick it up, but his hand went right through it. “Down with the bloody Red Queen,” The hatter chuckled and slowly he grew quiet.

The cloaked man cursed under his breath as he looked around only seeing three dead bodies, that is till he heard Percy groan. Quickly narrowing in on Percy the cloaked man stalked up to him and yanked him to his feet. Percy hissed as blood escaped from the wound in his chest. “Where did you send her?” the man growled as Percy looked at him through his glasses, “speak.”

Percy hissed feeling blood dribble from the corner of his mouth, “down with the bloody Red Queen.”

The man scowled and shoved Percy to the ground before drawing his sword, “so be it.” He swiped at Percy’s neck cutting him open. Percy’s ears drooped as he fell over, “lay with the rats you traitor.” Shaking his head his gaze returned to the spot the hole once was and wondered just where the kingdom’s traitors sent her.

Alice shifted in a white bed and groaned feeling her small body ache for some odd reason. Slowly opening her eyes she noticed the bed she laid in and the white walls that surrounded her. A landscape picture caught her attention when the door opened revealing a man in a white coat. The doctor looked at Alice and smiled as he approached her bed.

“Hi,” he smiled and she just watched him.

A nurse walked in and came to Alice’s side, “sweetie, do you know where you are?” Alice shook her head making the nurse frown. The nurse glanced at the doctor and then returned her gaze to Alice, “Can you tell us what happened to you.” Again Alice shook her head at the nurse, the woman’s worry grew as she watched Alice.

“Um,” Alice mumbled looking at the nurse, “w-who are you?”

The nurse smiled, “I’m Nurse Irene.”

Alice nodded, “and what about me?” The nurse merely stared at Alice, “what’s my name?” Nurse Irene moved from the bed and looked at the doctor. He sighed and moved to Alice’s side before producing a gold pocket watch.

“This was found with you,” he said and handed it to Alice, “keep it. Maybe over time you’ll remember something, but until then get some rest.” She nodded at the doctor and he smiled before leaving with Nurse Irene behind him. Alice watched as they exited the room and then looked down at the watch, taking in the detail.

Rolling it around in her hand she saw writing on the back, “P-Percy,” she said slowly when her finger accidently pressed the top of the watch making it open. The watch seemed to have stopped at eleven fifty nine making her curious. After some time she grew tired and sunk into the bed, the watch being held closely to her. Even as she tossed and turned in her slumber she could feel something was wrong, but what it was she could not tell. Turning once more the watch rolled from her hand and opened up upon the bed. It was silent.
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So tell me what you think. This idea has been floating around in my mind for a while now.