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Some Things You Just Can't Control

A little Surprise

Emmet POV-

Rose screamed at me… again. But this time it wasn’t my fault, Jasper challenged my honor, she just doesn’t understand. I’ve been ignoring her for the past three days… there are some things I miss, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I was out hunting when I heard something and not soon after smelt something… interesting. I followed the sent a couple miles east of our house to find this huge house I had never seen before. ( I had to say the house was cool, the colors really fit in with the forest surrounding it. Esme would love it. I could hear the people indoors, I could hear three heartbeats and laughter coming from upstairs, and two heartbeats from downstairs as the two people whispered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw figures dart out of the house and into the yard chasing each other, I made sure they couldn’t see me. How many people are there?! I quickly darted back home and ran into the house almost knocking into Carlisle.

“We have new neighbors.” I said quickly. Everyone turned to me. Carlisle laughed, “Yes Emmet, your mother and I were about to discuss that. My old friend Lane and his family have come into town and live a few miles east of us. They have a large family and I don’t want y’all making them feel unwelcome.” He said looking at Rosalie.

“When do we get to meet them?” Alice asked with a smile.
“Well actually,” Esme said attaining our attention, “we were going to take you over there now.”
“Well what are we waiting for, Let’s go!” She said skipping out to the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
( <-- the House