Status: This is my first story:D

Be Careful With My Heart

Another Day, Another Bus Ride

The rain shedding from the gray, dark clouds in the sky made me depressed. It was, yet another, rainy day in September. I had no idea what is up with the weather. All I know is my hair and clothes are starting to get wet. I keep checking my phone in anticipation. School starts promptly at 8 am, and I am roughly within the first few people that get picked up. 7:31 exactly, the bus is officially late. Unfortunately, for me, that means I will be late for my first period class...again.

I stared down at my now-wet sneakers. Oh, how I missed my dad; he loved the rain. I used to run in the puddles. Now I try to avoid water as much as I can. It wasn't only cold and wet, it was just a downy day.

After a fifteen minute chunk of my life gone by, the bus slowly turns the corner and trudges up the block to meet me. I debate running down the half block to catch it first, but I'm too lazy and soaking wet.

As the bus pulls up, I roll my eyes at the arrogant driver, so she directly knows that I'm pissed that we will all be late again. She ignores me as she pulls the door closed, and I stumble to my favorite seat right above the wheel. I collapse down and put my backpack and purse next to me, so others know that they can't share my seat. I pull out my iPod, unwind my ear buds, and scroll down my music to find the perfect song. As my thumb goes around the circle, I look at the top part of my screen to see where my battery life is at, and, sure enough, it's almost dead. Which is just perfect because I really need to drown out some of the loud, annoying invalids getting on the bus.

Just three more stops and HE will get on. I swear, he is my arch enemy, my nemesis: Johnny Thunderbird. He thinks he's the hottest thing on earth, God's gift to women. He thinks he's all that with a bunch of Ho-Ho's, when in actuality, he's just the "Hoe-Hoe" part. With a new girlfriend every week, even sometimes two, and his jerky jock friends, he relentlessly ridicules my friends and me. I really think that his ignorance comes from his last name. Just because his last name is the name of a car, doesn't mean he's any better than the rest of the students in school. Now all of these little traits are annoying, but that would be to any normal human being on the planet. Why is he my enemy? Simple, because he's trying to overtake student government. This means more power to his name, and arrogance.

My phone buzzed as his stop closed in. I dug into my purse to find it, unsuccessfully. So, I full on stuck my face and hands all in my bag to find it. Where is it? Before the phone was in my grip, I could feel someone's eyes on me. I looked to the seat next to me. Sure enough, there Johnny was, looking smug dressed in his usual tight jacket and flannel shirt underneath showing off his muscles. There were some rain drops dripping from his short messy do making him look His perfectly chiseled chin with a little bit of scruff finished off the masterpiece, if that's what you could call it. He was too perfect, and he knew it. That's the part that made me sick.

Ugh, gross, I thought to myself as I shook that feeling from my shoulders.

Johnny flipped me off and smiled like the jerk that he is as he went into his backpack. I think he seriously wants to either kill me or torture me...then kill me.

I flipped open my phone to my reality: Chad. Whenever I thought of him, I thought of Chad Michael Murray. He was my Prince Charming. I met him online about three months ago in a chatroom on a site called "eCoffee House Rock," It is basically an online coffee shop without the coffee that features new artists every week that my friends and I have gone on since our freshman year. Chad and I have been Facebooking, texting, calling, and basically whatever anyone could do to have a relationship now a days. It seems like you can go for months without seeing someone and be considered in a relationship. We have been trying to meet for the longest time. He says that it's not the right time yet because he has been so busy with school and work and such. One day we will meet, and it will be the most amazing day in my whole life!

I clicked open the text message, and it read, "Hey, baby:)" I couldn't help but blush and smile right then and there. He made my day, even when people like Johnny try to push me around. I quickly responded and pressed play on my iPod so that I could actually use the remnants of my battery.

I could still feel Johnny's eyes, so when I looked over to him I motioned like, "What the heck do you want?!"

"Nice hair..So, how's lover boy?" he said looking at my phone. He only knows about Chad because he over heard Analyse, my friend, and I talking about him during a meeting at student government. Basically the only person I ever text is Chad. So, whenever I reach for my phone, he makes obnoxious sound effects or asks ridiculous questions.

"He has a name. And I don't think that concerns you, does it?" I snapped, ignoring the hair comment. I was fully aware that my hair was starting to frizz out after the rain because I was underneath the heater.

"You should probably be nice to me, considering I'll be the president of the school soon. I will be picking the nicest and most attractive people to stay. So, you're already one down. Don't make it two," he said referring to student government. He smirked and took out his phone, probably to text one of his obnoxious friends or one of his primped up bleach blonde girlfriends.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my phone and my almost dead iPod. I hated the fact that he thinks he's so in control. He's running for president of student government, and because of his popularity, it's going to be close to unanimous. Except for the people like me, who can see past his ego to the heart of the ugly person he really is. It's really sad, but I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.

As we approached the school building at 8:07 am, I almost gave the bus driver the bird for making me late, but I realized Johnny was right behind me as everyone flooded the aisle. Must he constantly be so close to me just so he can piss me off? I decided to just try and run off the bus without hearing any of his snarky comments. I still had my ear buds in even though no music was playing. I hoped I was fooling him into thinking that I couldn't hear anything. Then, my phone buzzed.

"Sorry 2 hear a/b Johnny, baby. Dont worry, want me to show him whos boss? Hey..I think ik wut can cheer u up. I'll be up in Detroit in a couple weeks visiting some family...wanna see me??"

"OMG YES! Come visit me!!" I furiously typed entering the school building. I couldn't believe it! Now that my hair's finally dry, Johnny's out of sight, and my boyfriend is finally going to meet me in person, maybe today won't be so bad after all.
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Oh, wow. I still can't believe I'm actually posting this. Please be kind.