Sequel: Chasing Stanley
Status: I hope you enjoy this story.


Chapter 61 Epilogue

Chapter 61 Epilogue.

‘Happy New Year. Happy 2013.’ The crowds around us are cheering. I have Lauren in my arms and she fits. Tygyrl is right. I’ve assessed the problem. I’ve set a plan in motion. I’ve been executing the plan and now it is paying off. We kiss first the polite kiss of strangers then a kiss for a wish of a happy new year. But I strength the kiss so she has no doubt of my passion. She returns my kiss. We are lost in the crowd of people but totally alone in our moment.

We are pulled apart by excited revelers. I am hugged and kissed by a several women. I search the crowd for the platinum blonde head that I have been tracking since yesterday. She’s about 5 feet behind me. I disengage myself from the embrace of the heavily painted lady. Three days ago I would have been trying to figure out how to get that piece of tail into bed but not now. I have set my sights on something way better. I push my body through the crowd to her side.

‘Burt, look at Frodo and Ernie.’ I turn and gaze in the direction she is pointing. I don’t know when she started calling Sid and I Bert and Ernie but I like it. Bert’s the smart right? Sid and Tygyrl are still hugging and kissing. Lauren lifts her camera and takes a photo of them. I have spent enough time with both of them now to know that in this moment they are oblivious to the world around them. They are a united entity. It won’t matter if they are in their hockey gear chasing pucks. It won’t matter if miles separate them because they have each other’s hearts. They are each other’s best friend, support and lover.

‘ I hope to have that kind of relationship one day.’ I tell her ‘ I hope one day very soon.’

‘They are two peas in a pod aren’t they? They are so similar but yet different enough to make it work. She is the yin to his yang.’ I smile down at her as she talks hoping she takes the hint that I’m talking about us.

‘Will you be plus one for the wedding?’ I ask her.

‘What wedding?’ She looks confused.

‘Their wedding. Don’t’ tell me you didn’t notice the ring on Tygyrl’s finger? ‘ She looks at me incredulously. ‘ Here I thought you girls had a special built in radar for that kind of thing.’

‘They never said anything about a wedding.’ She looks totally shocked.

‘How about a friendly wager?’ she gestures for me to continue.’ A loonie says it happens before the playoffs start.’

‘You’re on. Weddings take a long time to plan, Bert. There is no way it happens before you guys start chasing Lord Stanley’s Cup. Hell, that’s only 4 months away.’ She’s confident but she doesn’t know our captain like I do. I’ve seen that look on his face before. I’ve just scored me a loonie and the hottest date to the wedding of the year. And who knows maybe more.
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Author’s note. Thank you for all your support and comments. I have thoroughly enjoyed creating this story. I have decided to take the characters through to the playoffs to complete their seasons. So in a few weeks please look for the continuation of Sid, Tylyn, and their friends story in "Chasing Stanley".