The Thrill of a Madman

The Thrill of a Madman. - Preparation.

The knife trailing up the captive's thigh had a dull shine to it as the old cobwebbed lights flickered and strobe. The character withdrew the knife slowly, his eyes shifting to the prisoner's contorting face. Awakening, his vision began blurring in and out on his captor. The dull fog in Bruce's mind began to clear slightly as his eyes began to flutter, as if to try to get rid of it.

Something was not right with his body.

His vision sharpened almost painfully, as the light flickered, giving him teasing glances of the assaulter. A dark plum suit. A orange vest, with a blue ribbon lazily dangling around a white neck. Sharp red colored lips and slightly yellowed teeth.

But it still was not clicking. Something was wrong with him. His mind slurred painfully on, trying to decipher who the offender was. Then, there it was. He heard a small chuckle. A soft unusual chuckle, but Bruce Wayne immediately knew it was his arch nemesis. Anxiety began to set in as he attempted to move his arms laboriously, his leather gloves stressing and crinkling against the strong thick rope, making a small dull squeaking sound as he pressed his back up against the seat he was in.

He watched as Joker turned around, facing the darker part of the room. Suddenly, another presence was made known, as a large shadow came forward. The yellow eyes with small sharp pupils lit up as the figure faced the clown. His large grey scaled body towered as Joker spoke.

"Thank you, my scaly comrade. I'm be indebted to you. Your half of the deal is waiting. You know where to go. I'd shed tears, but it would really just be -crocodile- tears my friend. AHAH!" He jeered a little, relishing in the exasperated groan he received from the reptilian villain after he delivered the punchline. Croc then shifted sluggishly, and vanished into the dark, the door making a sharp clang as it shut. The room settled again, into eerie silence. His shoes made a hollow echoing sound as he approached Batman once more.

The usual smile that resided on his contorted face was absent for a moment, until they both finally locked eyes. Immediately, his lips parted and twisted upwards, displaying his teeth, and the usual wrinkles on his face creasing.

"WELL! Look who finally is awake! And here I thought bats were nocturnal. I guess you are noc-tur-not!" A sharp cackle pierced Batman's ears, as he grimaced.

"What have you done, Joker." Batman growled, through his teeth, his arms and legs tensing against the ropes that held him, trying to judge if he had enough strength so he could break free. The Joker's eyebrows lifted up high as his lips contorted downwards in a concerned manner.

"What have -I- done? What have -I- done? I'VE done nothing... -much-, don't you remember? Poor, poor bats. Croc must of knocked around that pretty little head of yours too hard... and rattled a few things." He whispered the last part of the sentence as advanced. He paused looking at Batman, straight faced, but his eyes lit up in pure amusement. But there was something else in his glazed over eyes.

"Of course...," he said, as he put an index finger and thumb gently around one of the fingers of his right white glove and effortlessly pulled it off with a small tug. Surging his bare white hand forward, he slipped it underneath Bruce's cowl with sleuth, his fingers sliding through Batman's hair as he leaned in towards his ear. A foreign pleasure surged through Bruce's body as the Joker's black fingernails scratched along his damp scalp.

"I'm about to rattle a few things in that head of your's too." He said, letting his hand slip out from the side of the cowl to travel down the strong chin of his foe. Joker's eyes glazed over as he felt the small bits of stubble scratch his finger, feeling a small muffled quake from Batman.

What in the HELL was going on here. Batman thought as he continued to feel a surge of pleasure beat steadily throughout him from Joker's finger. Bruce closed his eyes tightly as the Joker let out another small nasty cackle.

"W-what have you done to me Joker." Batman coughed out trying to maintain his composure as Joker trailed his index finger over Bruce's lips, noting another tremble. Joker cocked his head to the side as he snapped his hand back, seemingly analyzing Batman.

"It's not about what I did... that was a very minor part in all of this...," He said dryly.

"It's about what is going to happen, Batman. I want to share with you why you will never truly defeat someone like me. I want to share -my- side of the story." He said in an unusually cold tone, as he smiled, his eyes gleaming. Turning around to a metal table without another word, Joker began to pull out a blade. Batman's brow furrowed as he strained his tired muscles, once again trying to break free. Joker observed this from the corner of his eye and laughed. He ripped off the other glove, in a violent mood swing to anger, and threw it onto the table.

"WELL! Even drugged, you try to break free, you feisty little fox!" The clown chimed in, a hint of annoyance in his voice as he reeled, and advanced.

"What the hell are you doing, Jack. Let me -GO-." Batman warned.

He paused, a spark of remembrance of his old name, a smile crawling across his face. Brushing it aside and not answering his victim, his eyes darted down to Batman's waist. Not paying any attention to Batman's intense glare, his eyes glazed over as he stepped in between the space of Bruce's legs. Bruce tensed them, but Joker's force managed to slowly part them as the clown's knees rested somewhat on the chair.

"Ah, I almost forgot, silly silly me, I almost left that wonderful utility belt right there. Time and time again, I'm constantly loathing it, because it is so nifty at thwarting me!" He said, placing a invasive hand on the Batman's chest. A surge of electrical pleasure seemed to rush from the hand and into Batman, like a wildfire had spread throughout his body. Joker smiled at Batman's eyes shutting tight, his lips parting for a split second to gasp for air, and pursing them shut again once more.

"You think this is bad, just WAIT. But first comes first. That belt of yours..." He murmured, the palm of his hand lifting as he trailed his fingers down Bruce's chest. The grey suit outlined every muscle on the man's body. Joker's eyes momentarily shut as they sloped over Batman's tense abs, grinding his teeth together so hard that it hurt. Yes. YES. His fingers met the cool metal of Batman's belt, momentarily granting Bruce a small relief of the onslaught of the disturbing pleasure he was feeling. Joker's eyelids parted and there was a small click. He slid the belt away with ease, and then straightened himself, taking his knees off of the chair. Bruce's face was slightly dampened with sweat now, as his eyes looked away from his assaulter, attempting to restore his stone cold gaze.

"There's no need to try and fight it. In fact. You won't be able to fight it at all soon. -Enjoy it-. Like I do." Joker chimed in as he turned towards him once more, petting the blade's side. Joker's eyes then proceeded to wander all over Bruce's panting body.

"This is my gift to you." His voice was low, dark, and even more, sensual.