The Thrill of a Madman

The Thrill of a Madman. - Execution.

A swift flash of metal, and it had happened. The first slice was stealthy and unsuspected. It made a short tearing sound as it swiftly cut Batman's clothed grey shoulder open, his face grimacing as his body jolted into a rigid stance, his body stinging with pleasure, while tearing at his will power at the same time. Joker seemed to stutter on his breath, his eyes fixated on the fresh wound as blood began to seep from it. Placing a warm bare hand around the wound, the clown let the blood slowly meet his hand. A shiver of delight coursed into the vigilante's shoulder, causing Bruce to tense once more.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He said, lifting his bloodied hand, rubbing fingers together with half lidded eyes, full of lust.

"All the times you have managed to cut my skin open with those wonderful batarangs you craft. Using this knife was my error though. I guess I got a little too -excited-. To finally shed your blood again. The bee's knees, really!" He paused, slanting his eyes downwards.

"Or should I say... the bat's..." He said as he slid the bloodied knife over Batman's knees longingly. Batman let a small gasp escape his lips as he did his best to resist. Holding a bloodied finger up to his lips, and licking it off, Joker smiled warmly, noting the reaction, and turned, putting the knife back on the table.

"I'd continue with the knife, BUT! This is about showing you my side of the story, and how wrong you have it all..." He trailed off, letting a finger slide over the dark grey metal batarang on the table. Breathing in almost like he was preparing himself, his fingers slowly began to wrap around the batarang.

"It's. Just. About. Time." He growled out of his smiling red lips as he turned slowly. Batman's heart began to pound even faster as he saw Joker, armed with one of his own batarangs. The Joker laughed, once noticing where Bruce's eyes rested.

"Really bats, you should watch out where you leave these lying around! Anyone coulda' used this weapon as a murder weapon and pinned it on the Batman - I thought about doing it once or twice, as a gag, maybe murdering a little boy's parents, just for the irony. But even I am not that low. Heheh." He watched Batman's eyes shift down to the ground, as he relished the slight flash of sadness go through his eyes.

"You're sick." Batman spat out as his face hardened. Joker wheeled a chair over casually, his black and white shoes clicking on the ground. Sitting down, placing the batarang on Batman's tense thigh, he interlaced his fingers of his hands while placing his elbows of his knees, and pulled himself close to Batman. Lowering his head to give off a mocking look of a concerned parent, he retorted.

"I'm sick? -I'm- sick? HAH... that's a hoot, Bats. I sometimes wonder why they never toss you in those wondrous cells with me." He said, giving a small head shake, a small piece of hair falling from its place. Taking a deep breath in, and exhaling sharply, his hands flew, one to Batman's left thigh, and one for the Batarang. Batman immediately tensed his sore body as he heard a ripping sound, and a cool rush of crisp cold air rushed onto his chest. His breathing was heavy and laborious. Whatever the Joker had drugged him with was beginning to take serious effect. Joker placed a warm trembling hand onto the bare flesh before him. He traced a slender finger on one of the scars, the indent of it visibly noticeable.

"H-haah..." Batman panted out in a groggy rough growl, the hot puff of air appearing in front of Joker's face. Joker's face lit up, and he smiled from ear to ear, his eyes darkening.

"And so, that Bats finally begins to enjoy himself a little, and his barriers are crumbling!" He leaned in close, letting his cheek brush across Bruce's, as the smell of lavender cologne filled Batman's nose. It was intoxicating.

"And trust me...," Joker whispered, causing Bruce to instinctively bite his lip in defiance. Pressing the blade right under Batman's collarbone, he closed his eyes in delight.

"I will crush every inch, every restraint, anything, and everything." He almost groaned the last word into Batman's ear, the knife sliding across, slicing the flesh open slowly.

"Nh--!" Batman let a small mewl escape his lips before biting down on his lip so hard that it started to bleed. Joker tilted his head closer to Batman's cheek, his eyes still closed as if he smelled the blood. Face to face now, his eyes pierced Bruce's weak half lidded ones. Releasing his lip to let in a sharp needed breath of air, Joker immediately leaned in to steal a kiss. The lips of the clowns were warm and soft, twitching up into a close lipped smile, as Batman tried to pull away. Two hands clamped down hard on the sides of his head. The blade twisted slightly in its current spot, causing more jolting pain to ripple throughout his entire body. The warm blood trickled over his cold exposed chest. Batman's eyes rolled in the back of his head as he closed them.

It pulsed, tingled, and ached throughout him, his muscles twitching under the assaulter mercilessly and uncontrollably, as the Joker's fragrance and aura filled around Bruce. The Joker gently pushed and pulled at Batman, as his lips ravaged the vigilante, his head tilting from one side to the other as he relished in Batman's agony. He bit down roughly, sucking at the wound Bruce had inflicted himself.

Finally releasing Bruce, he fluttered his eyes in a sluggish manner before exhaling a deep breath, realizing he had been holding it the whole time. Joker immediately fell limply back onto his chair, in his now bloodied suit, his back arching somewhat backwards as he let the batarang clatter to the floor, blood polka-dotting the floor where it fell. His arms hung loosely for a second, before he lifted a hand to rub his forehead, his body still slumped backwards. He then indiscreetly ran his other hand over a curve pressed on his upper thigh, shuttering a bit.

"Good god Bats. Good GOD. You don't even know how long I have been waiting to do that to you. Amazing." He said with a small weak chuckle and an unusual tone. Batman spat to the side of him in disdain and glowered.

"It's disgusting. You are the only one getting pleasure out of this, Joker." Batman said. Joker paused, his eyes slowly slitting open, looking at a distant window in the dark room. His hair was slightly messy now, a few pieces here and there hung in his face. A small smile emerged on his face. There was a long pause before he laughed, and leaned forward again, his warm hand snaking his way over to Batman's thigh once more.

"Oh. Really. Is that so, Bats? -I'm- the only one enjoying it?" He whispered, running a hand over a tight area on his spandex. Batman threw his head back immediately as all of the blood rushed from his head to his pulsating stressed length. As the rest of the warmth of his body rushed away, electrifying pleasure spikes ripped through his body as Joker firmly stroked his length.

Batman was seeing fucking stars.

But then he slumped immediately in the chair, once Joker quickly snapped his hand away. Bruce looked up slightly, his body going numb for a split second as he saw Joker inspecting his suit. Rage flushed into Joker's eyes, observing the blood on it.

Wordlessly, Joker immediately picked up the batarang, and drove it into Bruce's thigh mercilessly and repeatedly, four times. Batman threw his head back violently, once more, his hips bucking and stressing upwards with every stab, as his body quaked and shivered with the immense pleasure. Joker smiled, removing the batarang, and wiping it on Batman's shoulder.

"Now look what you have done. Bled all over me." He growled, somewhat annoyed. There was a shuffling of clothes. Batman retracted his head dizzily and peered at Joker. Joker pulled his jacket off and dropped it on the floor next to him, exposing somewhat delicate but lean white arms. Pausing for a second to smile at Batman, he began to unbutton his orange vest, and removed it, his bare chest breathing gently, riddled with scars. He slid a hand across his chest, touching various scars before looking up at Batman.

"You see." He said quietly. His fingers began to motion to many various scars upon his chest and arms.

"I have all these love bites from you." He mused. Sliding closer again, he chuckled. Using one hand to pull his trousers down to his hip bone, he exposed a purple bruise, lining it.

"This one being the most recent. Rather -intimate-, that last one, don't you agree." Batman scoffed.

"There is nothing intimate about what we do Jo--" Batman let out another yelp as he felt the blade dig into his already injured thigh, his eyes closing tight as Joker began to twist and twist.

"Yes. There. Is." He accentuated every word into Bruce's ears, it echoing in the back of his mind as the white hot pleasure ripped through his body. Swiftly pulling it out again, he sliced open the side of Batman's cowl, sliding on top of him, growling. Joker's knee pressed deeply into Batman's wounded thigh, causing Batman to violently writhe underneath him.

"I think I have left far too few marks on you. It's time to correct that." He muttered. Placing his crimson lips onto Batman's now exposed earlobe, his teeth dragged across before taking it in and nipping at it sharply, piercing the flesh. Batman's head twitched towards Joker's mouth, his eyes shutting tightly.

"There is a... reason I will never stop..." Joker said, his tongue playing along the underside of Batman's lobe as he spoke with heated breath.

"G-get off of me, Joker..." Batman desperately choked out as he felt pre-cum begin to drip from his length. At this rate, Batman knew wouldn't last much longer. Joker let his legs slide to the sides of Batman's larger waist, straddling him as he lifted his body up to look down at Batman.

"Oh, I know you don't want that, Batman. I -know-." He said while smiling as he felt Batman's bulge pulse underneath him. Laying back down on top of Batman, the Joker let his breath rattle into his ear.

"You will never defeat me...," He said slowly, relishing the broad panting sweaty chest against his. He lifted his body, and reached for the button and zipper on his pants. His cock spilled out, erect and white, pre-cum glistening on his own tip.

"Because I get PLEASURE out of everything you do to me, Bats. You'll never ever keep me away. Ever. I know you don't -WANT- to, either." He whispered the last part as his hips dipped onto Batman as he laid back down on top of him, his own cock digging into Batman's hip. Groaning, Batman pursed his lips as he pressed his hips upwards involuntarily.

"N-hah... no I don't-- nhh... I don't want... this." Batman sputtered, as Joker gyrated his hips, grinding deeply into Bruce's stomach. Joker played the blade along Batman's arm before stabbing deeply into a wound made earlier by Croc, relishing Batman's reactions.

"The pain. This pain is pleasure. This is pleasure. You may not get it yet, but in time..." He said, observing Batman's face.

Leaning back and straddling Batman once more, Joker slowly dragged the blade across Batman's waist, the familiar ripping sound of his suit filled the air. Joker took his hand and tore it open further. Batman's cock jutted upwards, rigid and wet, finally released from clothing. Joker shuttered, taking it in for a moment. He let the knife slide back across Batman's waist, slicing his tan skin open and red blood to spill out once more, causing Joker to shiver violently.

Joker let the blade slide out of his hand sending it clattering to the floor before touching a button on the underside of the armrest. The seat slowly reclined with an unnerving click at the end. Joker's eyes were half lidded, the sweat noticeably glistening off of his ivory white body as his chest rose and fell more rapidly then before.

"Just-- think. I may end up breaking you completely." Joker said as he let a hand glide on top of Bruce's warm length. Joker's touch immediately restrained Bruce of saying anything. His mouth pursed, as multiple groans desperately tried to escape. Joker let his eyes trail down the twitching body he straddled, while sliding a finger down the hair leading to Batman's erection. Wrapping his hand around it, he let his head drop down. A warm hot wet sensation enveloped Batman's length.

"Nhh- aah!" Batman let a sharp mewl out as he felt the Joker's tongue lick hungrily at his length. Bruce lifted his head up to look down, only to find himself locking eyes with Joker's. The sensual expression occupying them was almost unbearable. Joker closed them softly after a few moments, breaking the stare, as he dug a thumb into the cut on Batman's hip. Batman's hips bucked as his cock throbbed desperately against the roof of Joker's warm and inviting mouth. Slowly removing his lips from Batman, his warm breath assaulted the length just below him. Joker panted slowly, and didn't open his eyes.

"F-fuck..." Joker muttered, his hand inspecting his own erection.

"You have me all flustered. Mewing like a kitten underneath me like this." Joker said, with a hint of amusement in his voice. Batman growled weakly, unable to muster words. Joker wrapped his hand around Batman's cock once more, and slid his hand up and down.

"Are you ready for this? I think you are..." He whispered into the air, throwing his head back in pleasure as he continued to stroke rhythmically. Joker's thighs shuttered softly against Bruce's body, as he lowered himself while lining their bodies up, letting his length slide against Batman's. They both shivered violently as Joker firmly gripped both of their erections with a hand.

Taking out a small blade from his pocket and placing it onto his flank, he leaned in to place a small kiss on Batman's lips before he sliced deep and fast. The blade cut Joker's flank and then Bruce's, the fabric ripping open and blood spilling out on both of them. Batman cried out loudly into Jokers ear as his whole body tensed. Joker breathed in sharply as he felt both of their release, his hips bucking forward to slide roughly onto the other. It spilled out thickly, Joker's hand still firmly grasping their cocks together as they came. Shuttering violently and collapsing onto Batman's heaving chest, Joker smiled.

"You. Are. Mine." Jokersaid, before Batman passed out, the lights flickering against their exhausted wounded bodies.