Status: I hope yo guys like

Dark Entry Shadow

part 1

992 A.D. Castle Wyvern guards scouting around the grounds expecting nothing but ever vigilant none the fall brings chills and extra fire wood but for a few night ago has the inhabitance encounter the unusual arrival of a guess shrouded in a vibrant green cloak. On arrival his presence alone brought all guards at attention and ready but the Magus persuaded them and the two lead them self in to the castle and haven't been seen sense. Now as night fall's the stone warriors slumber no more to keep peace on the home front. Their out on top of the archway guard walk the broad figure with long black main and a hard look on his face the leader of the night warriors stands the Gargoyle known to many as Goliath. Him self revered and feared by the castle inhabitance, and the enemies of Lady Katharine and the people Wyvern he is their nightmare and their living demon. "I feel a strange tide this eve mentor." As Goliath stairs out towards the horizon."Well lad, we've have had an unexpected visitor for the past two nights." The bearded old gargoyle arms cross him leaning on Wyvern castle wall. "That not what I was speaking of old friend, what I'm concerned is why he is here." "Princess Katharine hasn't told the humans any thing nor the captain of the guards the only other person who would know is the Magus and I have a feeling it revolves around the Magician. Voice from behind " Your accusations are correct but misguided Goliath he who visits is my master whom taught me all I know and he wishes to speak to you and no one else." "well lead to his quarters then." Magus and Goliath guide their way to a large room under the castle exterior filled with books and many objects of different accents and contours but seem to be all arcane influence.

A small bald man in a green cloak and brown robes looks up with joy his face seems wise and kind. He also seems not to be English definitely not Scottish this kind of confused Goliath. "I know my appearance seems to bring a since of question and that is why a few night ago I came in open secret people are not ready to know that the world is much larger. I come from a far to tell and prepare you for upcoming events." "what are these events you speak of?" Goliath feeling the fabric of the cloak soft to the touch only thing he compares that to is the skin of his crimson hair winged angel. " Dormammu is what I speak of an the event to be is a combination of sorcery and barbarian hoards invading your home all in his by your reoccurring nemeses Archmage." "If I may what is a Dormammu?" Goliath looking at the little man with puzzlement. "Well he is a being whom wants to destroy all in live in a place called the dark dimension he's all ways looking to infiltrate our world I've managed to stop him many of times but I can not intervene this time." With pause the little man rubs his bald head and casually cups his chin. "This is because I am not allowed Vishanti wills it so...and so I pass this task unto you and you succeed I know Dormammu will lose interest and your archmage will suffer his wrath."

Magus standing with regal elegance and book at hand poses his hand up. "Ancient one sir Goliath is indeed a creature of great strength but his advantage is his clan and how they combat the field. I'm only a magician and have no combat experience at all." "Magus do you remember when you came unto shangri la lost and looking for answers your attempts at magic were lacking and you thought you never be able to conjure a spell then through books you found your advantage is when you look you find. Goliath clasp Magus on the shoulder. "Your mentor has kind words." "Goliath I think he calls it Confucius, but I think I know what needs to be done. I will do what ever it takes, Princess Katharine and Wyvern are in stake." Ancient One Stand next to the others grasping Goliath and Magus hands."I am readily happy to hear those I've said I'm hear to prepare you two for your up coming encounter."

With a stance his feet crotched left arm in air right arm at chest fist in a ball a wisp air summons out of nowhere a strange chant then his right foot kicked outwards his left prompted on the balls his foot his chants gain rhythm and his body sways in dance his movement sways him upright finally ending in stance that memorizes the the other two. With a faint glow growing brighter in the distance behind the old man. The glow shapes it self in a doors archway and a shadow summons in that glow. A woman voice can be heard. "Yan you summoning me must mean I'm going to train those two. Well I say the Sorcerer seems to have quite the potential to be one of the great ones I can see it." The Woman who approached the from the light wore a vibrant green attire the same fabric as the old mans cloak. "Well..well..well a Gargoyle my kind haven't seen one since Oden's youth tis a great day for Amora."