Status: I hope yo guys like

Dark Entry Shadow

part 2

Training took longer than expected between Goliath and The Magus.
The Enchantress looked to them as if they both were pitiful creatures
and had no use for them. The Ancient one still having a simple smile
drinking a brew he calls tea keeping a hand placed in a stance keeping
a jester of sorts. "I do believe both are as ready as they ever going to be."
exhaled the Enchantress. " To challenge what I taught you two I have an Opponent
let me introduce the Executioner." A man steps out of a glowing oval shimmer
he stands nearly as tall as Goliath but more muscular nearly bald with two
streaks of black hair trailing from back of nape to the brim of brow in
thin stop lined horizontal. Wearing warriors leather garment with a symbol
of an Axe with an x crossed into it. The last part of him is the most terrifying
feature is his glare of hate in his undeterred stair.Makes Goliath blood turn cold.

Before any have time to react Executioner makes a striking blow to their jaw of
Goliath. Goliath feeling the impact nearly rendering him unconscious but stumbles and shakes the impact off. Coming in his own jab to Executioner face the man rolls the blow turns his cheek with a smile showing little in pain. Goliath stepping back about to take in another blow when Executioner reaches high in air and another shimmer engulfs his fore arm and in hand an Axe appears. "What is this?... A weapon are you a coward not able to defeat me with your might alone?" Spoken With a low grow coming from Goliath lips. "Goliath you are not with out weapon your self you have claws fangs and strength in addition the Magus. I have not trained you two for nothing." Standing arms defense pose readying claws Goliath hunches to fight Magus postures him self waving hands utters words "acrior quam ferrum mortifera ignis ipse ponere in bestia manus,acrior quam ferrum mortifera ignis ipse ponere in bestia manus,acrior quam ferrum mortifera ignis ipse ponere in bestia manus!" and a swirling red mist forms out the Palm of the Magus in swarms the claws of Goliath. Faster than Executioner could blink Goliath lands a blow spiraling the hulking man backwards on the ground.

In return on impact tumbling in a launch position fly and spears Goliath in return assault. Both man and beast scrap on the floor in a struggle of advantage clashing blows and both relentless. Kicking Goliath off Executioner grabs for the Axe swinging wildly making the blasted thing glow red then blue brown each time anew attack forming.Fire, ice, then rock form to strike Goliath wave after wave. Blocked by the wings of Goliath still taking blow after blow Goliath keeps standing wondering if he will relent. Suddenly it stops, looking up Executioner struggles to pick up his Axe an enchantment glows onto the blade and Magus chants to keep the blade grounded "Hoc telum grave tenere sicut montem anima,hoc telum grave tenere sicut montem anima, hoc telum grave tenere sicut montem anima,hoc telum grave tenere sicut montem anima." Repeating with eyes closed concentrating hard on what is said. Executioner dropping the weapon quick to launch over Magus simply back hands the wizard rendering him on to the floor.

Feeling the most terrible pain ever Magus looks up to see Executioner standing above him ready to attack for his interference. Crawling to escape arm up to shield him self "Would you attack a grounded man unarmed?" The massive hand picking up Magus body up to Executioner face. "Yes...!" About to hit Magus, Executioner falls to the floor Goliath towers over the fallen fist clenched. "Well done, That was fun I expected as much of a fight from such a powerful creature." The Enchantress sitting in a chair looking amused and pacified. Goliath and Magus both a little confused and tired catching a brief rest Goliath getting ambushed by the retaliating Executioner."ENOUGH EXECUTIONER!.....The fight is over." Enchantress eyes inflamed and angered. Executioner bows and retreats in a shimmer and vanishes. "Now that is out of the way I believe our session is over I must return to Asgard and a debt has be payed." Then with a twist and snap of a finger the blond green figure vanishes like mammoth man before her. Only three remain Goliath Ancient one and Magus. "I do believe you two need recuperation and food in your bellies. I will remain hear I need not my presents known." Ancient one smiles. "As you say master." Magus bows and exits. One question remains on Goliaths mind. "Why do you know of these affairs?"
"Once a long time ago your enemy the Archmage was my pupal, and I know his intentions true and as such times reveal them selves as turning points and I must be hear to see they are positive points."