Status: trying my best

Keep On Searching For You

If I Only Had The Heart

We've known each other ever since they moved here 15 years ago. I've always kept my feelings for her all to myself. No one knew. I've written almost every single song for her. She broke my heart a million times but she has no idea that she did. I know I'm stupid for not telling her how I feel towards her but I was scared. Sure, I'd tell her one of these days..... But not today.

"I'm craving for some slurpee. Let's stop by Seven Eleven," Summer said as she wiped away the sweat from her forehead.

"Yeah sure," I replied as we headed to Seven Eleven.

When we got to Seven Eleven, she immediately got a cup and filled it with her favorite flavor of slurpee. I did the same and we headed straight to the counter. I got my wallet and got enough money to pay for the both of us.

"Come on, John. You don't have to pay for my slurpee," she said.

"Just this once. It's been a while since we spent a lot of time together," I said as I gave her the smile that made her agree to almost everything that I say.

"If you insist," she said and so I paid for our slurpee.

We walked out of the store in silence and headed back to where our car was parked.

"That smile got me again, Mr. O'Callaghan," she said with that big grin on her face.

"Sorry about that, Ms. Gomez," I teased back with that same old smirk on my face.

She just laughed in response as we drove off to our next destination, Lindy's on 4th at Tuscon. We stopped by open areas and just ran around like we did when we were kids. I miss those days a whole lot. I'm glad our friendship is still alive, though. We fought a lot of times back then but just those typical kid fights that no one really cares much about. My mind trails off to something more serious. My feelings for Summer. I just couldn't get the words out of my mouth. Yeah, I sang all those songs I wrote for her at our concerts while she joyfully watches us at the side of the stage. That's different. She would always ask me who the girl I write all those songs for but I never gave her an answer. If I only had the heart, the nerve, the words--

"I'd tell her how I really feel," I accidentally said out when it was all just supposed to be in my head.

"What?" she asked as she she slowly awakened from her sleep.

"Oh, um, nothing. I accidentally voiced out my thoughts," I replied.

"Oh. Okay," she said probably half asleep and drifted off to slumber again.

You see, one of the reasons why I took her out is because of her dumb ex who dumped her for eating ice cream messily. If you were to ask me, I'd say she eats ice cream in a very cute (yet messy) manner.

We finally reached our destination so I had to wake her up. We were having dinner at the place I mentioned earlier to try out the OMG Challenge wherein you have to finish this enormous pile of patties in a span of 20-30 minutes. It may sound fun but I think I might puke right after. Summer once told me that she had always wanted to go to Lindy's on 4th but no one would come with her. She's the adventurous type of girl who knows more about Arizona than I do.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she said as she hid a smile.

"Nothing. Just wondering what my life would be like without you in it," I replied.

"Aww, same with you. You're the only person who's always there for me and the only one whom trust my whole life with," she said as she pinched my nose.

Right at that moment our burger was served. Being the thin person that I am, everyone else in the room gave me looks as if I won't be able to finish it up.

"O'Callaghan, are you ready?" she asked.

"Oh yes, I am," I replied as I began munching on my own burger.

GUESS WHAT? I was able to finish it in a span of 25 minutes while Summer was about to puke her entire stomach out. She finished 10 minutes later than I did so she basically didn't make it to the Wall of Fame. Lindy took my photo and posted it on the wall along with the rest of the winners. It was good that I didn't have to pay for mine but I still had to pay for Summer's which is just fine with me. We both had a blast, anyway. I was so full that I began feeling drowsy and so we had to grab some caffeine before we get back on the road to Phoenix. It was already 10:30pm when we arrived so I walked her to her front door and walked back to mine. Everyone else, including my parents, were already asleep when I got home. I headed straight to my room and fell flat on the bed.

As I lay in bed that night, I thought about everything that happened today. We were both so happy. Soon enough, I drifted off to sleep.


Probably a few hours later, I was awakened by my ringing phone. It was Mrs. Gomez, Summer's mom. Her name's Sarah. I immediately picked it up nervously.

"Hello?" I said as I picked up.

"Oh my god, John! Is Summer still with you?" Mrs. Gomez asked in response.

"No. I dropped her off last night," I replied, my heart throbbing uncontrollably.

"I should have known," she replied.

"What are you talking about, Aunt Sarah?" I asked.

"Someone," she began, "someone kidnapped her and I think I know who?"

"Who?" I asked.
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Hey hey hey! Welcome to my new fanfic :-) Please do comment and tell me what you think of this story!

Please tell me if you see something that sounds quite wrong and confusing because I didn't notice some of the words getting auto-corrected :-)