Status: trying my best

Keep On Searching For You

With A Little Help From My Friends

I didn't really expect to find out that all this time, Summer lied to me about the real reason why her ex dumped her. In fact, she's the one who dumped her ex. I find it creepy how guys like that exist in Arizona. Well, they exist all over the world but I mean, why do they have to get near Summer? Sending death threats to your own girlfriend is just the shittiest thing one boyfriend could do. I have always known that something was wrong with him. His name is Cody. Summer thought he was different from her other ex-boyfriends back then but she eventually found out that he was literally different. Literally. Turns out, he's on drugs and he gets all crazy when he's so "in love" with someone or something. It's scary. According to Mrs. Gomez, Summer regretted saying yes to Cody. She also told me that Summer would show her all the death threats Cody would send her. It was intense. We were torn between calling the police and just doing things on our own since there might be a bigger problem if we call the police's attention.

My phone buzzed signaling a new text message. An unknown number. I opened it hoping that it was Cody. If it was him then it means that I would find Summer. My heart skipped a beat when I read the text message that appeared on the screen of my cellphone. It read: "John, come and get Summer. I honestly don't know what has gotten over me. Cody got me drunk and I think he even made me take one of his drugs so I can become one of his slaves. This is a 911 signal. John, please. First clue, it's near Eighty One Twenty Three. - Jared"

Jared knows where Summer is imprisoned. Now that I am thinking of it, there is a huge possibility that Jared is locked up with her. I got so caught up in Summer's case that I totally forgot about my band mates. I dialed Garrett's number to check if the others were okay.

"Hello?" Garrett said as he picked up after three long rings.

"Garrett, are you guys okay?" I immediately asked.

"Yes we are but we have no idea where Jared is. We got a text from him this morning and the only thing on it is '911'," he replied.

"Bring the rest of the guys. We've got a huge case. You guys have to come to my house right now," I said as I hung up.

I paced back and forth in the living room while waiting for the guys. I just couldn't sit still. I can't help but worry about Summer and now Jared too. I don't know what to do. I just can't figure out why Cody did it. There is obviously a reason behind it and I am longing to find out what it is. It has been 15 minutes since I called Garrett. Where could they be now? They didn't live far from my house... And then there goes a knock on the door.

"Okay, what the hell is happening?" Pat asked as I opened the door.

"I can't say 'calm down' cause I can't calm myself down, either so could you guys just come in? We are in so much trouble," I replied as I gestured for them to get in my house.

As I closed the door, my mom made her way down the stairs with her hair messed up. She was immediately awakened by the sight of Pat, Kennedy and Garrett and started running her fingers through her hair and greeted them. She headed straight to the kitchen leaving the rest of us to talk about this particular subject matter.

I sat down on the couch opposite the others. They all had that worried look on their faces, just like mine. I sighed before letting out the first word slip out of my mouth.

"Summer and Jared," I began, "they got kidnapped by Summer's ex, Cody."

"WHAT THE FUCK? John, stop messing with us," Garrett said as he let out a nervous laugh.

"I'm not messing with any of you! I called you up because I need all the help I could get. Apparently, you guys are the only one I could trust with this case," I replied.

Kennedy let out a loud sigh and said, "Okay. Let's get this case started. Did Cody or anyone give any clue?"

"Yes. Jared did, actually. I'm not sure why he has his phone with him, though," I said frowning a little.

That got all of us thinking. Why the fuck does Jared have his phone with him? That's got to be the dumbest kidnap-case ever. But then, Cody must have taken Summer's phone. Not that I'm assuming that Jared helped Cody out but... I don't know. I don't want to jump to conclusions. Another question started revolving around my head. Why did Jared send a 911 message if he had something to do with the kidnapping? Goddammit. I don't even know. We all fell silent when I said those words. We were all probably suspecting the same thing but no one wanted to speak up.

Then Pat broke the silence by saying, "Not that I'm saying that Jared has something to do with all this kidnapping shit but--" we all cut him off by nodding in agreement to what he was about to say.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and I was surprised to see a new text message from Jared. I opened it and it read: "I will continue sending you clues about where Summer and I are imprisoned. If you're going to ask help from a group of people, make sure you all go in different directions. Don't go to the same place at once. That's the last advice I'm going to give you. Good luck, John. You will find Summer. PS. You might be wondering why I have my phone with me so I guess the only thing I can tell you now is that you're going to find out real soon." I locked my phone once again after reading it out loud to the guys. Our faces looked blank and pale. We didn't even notice my mom sit down next to us. We were back in reality when she coughed to make us notice her presence.

"What's all this about?" My mom asked.

"Mom, you still remember Summer, right?" I replied.

"Yes, of course I do. Why would I forget one of your great friends?" She said.

"Yeah, okay. Well. She got kidnapped," I said. Her eyes were filled with pain that seemed unbearable. I may look the same but I can feel more pain in my heart than hers.

I couldn't afford to lose someone like Summer. She's the only girl who has ever made me feel this way. I may be dumb for being an ignorant person but don't worry. I regret it. I regret not telling her how I feel. I regret not making her mine. I regret not wrapping my arms around her during those times when she was heart broken. I regret not making sure she's safe and sound, asleep in her own little room. I regret not telling her what I thought of Cody. I regret a lot of things... And that's not healthy.

"So what do we do now?" Kennedy asked.

"Wait for Jared's next clue," I replied as I stood up from my seat and went up to my room.

I packed up clothes, water and some paracetamol just in case. I told the guys to go back to their homes and pack up their own stuff. This is going to be a long ride and it's just about to begin. I am going to find Summer Gomez and I won't give up. I'm in love with her and that's what motivates me to keep on searching for her.
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I really like the plot of this story so I'm more motivated to keep on updating this and finish it up before I get back to writing the one I wrote earlier than this. So yeah! Comments?