Status: trying my best

Keep On Searching For You

Don't Stop Now

Keep On Searching For You: Don’t Stop Now

We waited all day for the next clue to come. Apparently, nothing arrived. None of us received a text message or a phone call. We stayed up just waiting and waiting and waiting for something to come yet nothing came. We weren’t hopeless but we hoped for the best. Christmas is near and I couldn’t lose Summer during winter. In fact, I couldn’t afford to lose her no matter what season it is. I would be cold all winter without Summer. All I have right now are Kennedy, Garrett and Pat. They’re the only ones who could help me out. It’s a good thing we’re not on tour or recording this month. I just hope we could find Summer and Jared already. In the middle of all my thoughts, my phone finally buzzed signaling a text message from whomever. I guess this whole case is going to revolve around clues until we finally find them. I opened the text message and it read: “You know exactly where we are. You just don’t know where to look first. I wouldn’t want to delay you but I can no longer give any clue. Cody is going to kill me if I continue giving you clues. John, please forgive me. I’m going to get Summer and I killed if I tell you. It’s all up to you now to look for us. Keep on searching, John. Don’t stop now.”

I decided that it was time to get moving so I woke the guys up so we can start moving. You see, they fell asleep waiting while I still stayed up. Who would exchange sleep for the safety of the person they love? One would usually give up his or her life just for that person. The only wrong I see in that is how the person they died for commits suicide right after. Just another type of a Romeo and Juliet love story. Well, I don’t want that. I want my own love story. Thinking about that now makes me feel all ripped up inside because part of me thinks that I’ll never have her. But I don’t think I should focus too much on that right now. All I need to focus on right now is saving Summer.

When we were all ready, we hit the road and started searching in places that seemed suspicious but then I realized that we’re searching in the wrong places. I don’t know where the right place is but I’ll eventually find out some time in this journey.

“Stop thinking too much, John. We’re going to find her,” Pat said probably noticing my expression.

“Why didn’t I have the courage to tell her how I feel towards her back then? I just—why did I even—fuck,” I said unable to finish my sentence.

“So, you did write all those songs for her, didn’t you?” he replied.

I nodded in reply and closed my eyes trying to stop the tears from falling. I was ignorant beyond belief. Some people even wonder why I never got into a serious relationship with a girl. They would always ask me why I seem to be all fun and games. That’s because they don’t know the truth.

I stopped by a random place just in case I would find something interesting or in some way, helpful in here. The doors were unlocked so I entered and no one was in there. I spotted a trail leading to the deeper part of the warehouse and guess what? I found a piece of paper taped on a chair. I got it and it had my name on it. I didn’t open it until I got out of the warehouse. I met up with the guys at the nearby café and I showed them the note. It read: “Cody felt the need to move to a different place. You’ll probably find this note sometime today or the following days. Just, keep on searching for me. You’re going to find me. Trust me. – Summer”. I trust her. No matter what the instance is, I still trust her. I love her and when you love someone, there has to be trust… and it has to be a hundred percent. I believed every single word she tells me. I guess that’s why I believed her about the whole ice cream dumping thing even though it sounded so ridiculous when she told me. I think it’s really like that when you love someone.

“How are we supposed to know where to look for them?” Garrett complained.

“You’re ridiculous, Garrett. Of course they won’t give us the exact location,” I replied.

“Well, they could have. We found their old hide-out anyway… or at least you did. It would be a piece of cake to find them once again,” he said as he raised his right eyebrow.

I nodded and took a sip from the coffee I ordered. I think I may have those big round circles around my eyes again. This will be worth it, I guess. I sat there silently listening to the plan they were discussing and illustrating on that one piece of tissue paper. We ended up agreeing on going separate ways to be able to find their hide-out much easier than doing it as a group. But then, Pat had to go with Garrett since he was scared to go on his own. As soon as we finished discussing our final plan, we all went our separate ways and began searching. We all kept contact with each other through call and text.


After hours of walking around and entering wrong hide-outs that could have gotten me into more trouble, I decided to rest for awhile at that same old convenience store Summer and I would drop by a lot to buy Slurpee. I smiled at the thought of it. I miss her so much already. It has only been 26 hours since I last saw her but it’s hard when you know she’s somewhere out there struggling to escape.

At that exact place, I saw someone that looked quite familiar. His back was turned and I was 97.5% sure that it’s Jared. Right when I was about to stand up and walk up to him, he rushed out of the store and headed to wherever he was going. I got up and decided to follow him as sneakily as I can. He walked fast, alright. But I was able to catch up. There, I discovered their hide-out. Today isn’t the right time to sneak in just yet. I had to give them more time. I saved the warehouse’s address and called the guys when I knew I was too far away to be heard.

I don’t know what type of wrath I am going to experience. But sooner or later, I’m going to find out… too soon. A hand cupped my mouth and whoever that person is, there must be some type of drug that he put in my mouth cause soon enough, I was unconscious.
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I don't know when I'll be able to make a chapter that is extremely loooooong. Probably the next one. I'll work on it :-)