Status: trying my best

Keep On Searching For You

I Must Be Dreaming

I woke up feeling nauseous and I felt my head being rested on someone’s shoulder. Now, that really woke me up. I shot up and looked at who the person I was sleeping on. Have you made your guess yet? No one else but Summer Gomez. She was asleep and she had scars all over her body. I looked at her with a sad look on my face knowing that she isn’t awake. I am so glad I finally found her even though I have no fucking idea where we are. And then it hit me. I am now trapped with Summer in the warehouse I’ve visited earlier when I followed Jared. I stood up and checked if there was anyone around but I then realized that this was just another room in the warehouse and we were locked up inside.

Moments later, I heard Summer stretching and groaning as she woke up from her sleep. I checked on her and I saw her look at the empty spot beside her which I occupied earlier. I smiled as she got up and started looking for me behind planks. While her back was turned, I silently made my way behind her and waited until she leaned back so I could surprise her. A few seconds later she was starting to lean back and I was getting ready to surprise her.

“BOO!” I screamed.

“FUCKING FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT,” Summer shouted and let out a laugh when she found out that it was just me. I laughed with her.

“How the fuck did you get trapped with me here?” she asked.

“I don’t know. One moment I was walking and then I wake up, I’m already in here,” I replied with a big grin on my face.

She returned the grin and said, “Well, I am so glad you’re here but at the same time disappointed because it’s my fault why you’re here right now. If I,” she paused lowering the volume of her voice, “If I didn’t say yes to Cody back then, we wouldn’t be here. None of us would be. But John? Jared seems to be on Cody’s side.”

“What do you mean?” I asked my expression changing immediately.

“You see, I remember that Jared was one of those people who picked me up when you left me in my front door and I wasn’t able to get in immediately for the keys were in some compartment in my bag,” she replied.

“I was actually blaming myself the day I found out you were gone,” I said as I scratched the back of my head.

“You don’t have to blame yourself, John. It’s my fault,” she said.

“It’s no one’s fault but Cody’s,” I replied as I sat down on one of the corners in the room.

She sat down next to me and rested her head on my shoulders. We sat there silently listening to each other’s breathing pattern. This was the closest we ever got as best friends… physically, I mean. After I don’t know how long, she removed her head from my shoulder and looked right in my eyes and said, “We can get out of here you know”

“How?” I replied.

She pointed her finger towards the window that wasn’t locked and didn’t have grills either. I kind of doubted that we would be able to get out just by passing through that window pane. I still got up, though and tried to escape. And surprise, surprise! We were able to get out of the warehouse. We shouted in victory and she gave me a peck on the lips. Now that, that has to be my imagination. All this has to be my imagination. She grabbed my hand and we ran farther away from the warehouse. Oh god, I must be—

“Dreaming,” I said as I finally wake up for real this time.

I shook my head at the fact that I was only dreaming. That kiss, the way she rested her head on my shoulder. Oh, fuck. I looked up and found myself in the same warehouse I saw in my dream. The only difference is that Summer is sitting unconsciously on the opposite side of the room. Yeah, she had scars but worse than those in my dream. I wanted to come near her but when I tried to stand up, I was tied to something. It was hard to get out. My phone was still inside my pocket which was quite peculiar but since I was tied up, my phone’s got no use. I need to contact the guys right now. But then again, if they come and get me and Summer, we’re all going to get trapped inside this hellhole and no one’s going to get out. How are we supposed to get through this shit? I noticed that the rope was extremely long and it was connected to the rope that they used to tie up Summer. I looked for stuff that I could throw at her to wake her up and fortunately, I found a stress ball just beside me. I threw it at her and good thing it hit her and she was awake in less than a minute.

She looked around and then she caught my eye and said, “O’Callaghan? Is that you? Wait, I must be dreaming.”

“No, you’re not dreaming, Gomez. I’m really here. Could you, like, come closer? Our ropes are connected,” I replied.

“I can’t. I think I’m too tired to even move my body,” she said.

“Okay, then. I’ll be the one to come closer,” I said as I dragged myself to her. I didn’t care even though it hurt so much in the ass. I had to get to her, make sure she’s okay. But judging by the way she looks right now, it’s obvious that she isn’t okay. After dragging myself for about 5 minutes, I finally got to her. I can tell that Cody or any of his helpers isn’t good in tying knots but they got it on pretty tight but messily.

“Okay, so this isn’t a dream?” she said as she let out a loud sigh and rested her head in between her knees.

“No, it isn’t,” I replied.

She ended up crying so hard and as her best friend, it was my duty to comfort her. I hugged her and told her that it’s all going to be alright. I sang Saving Grace to her as she cried on my shoulders. When I got to the “we are lovers lost in space, we’re searching for our saving grace”, she stopped crying and she wiped her tears. She looked at me and said, “Did you know that that’s my most favorite song of all the songs you’ve written?”

“No, I didn’t know that. You never told me,” I said as I removed the strand of her that was covering her face and tucked it behind her ear.

“Well, now you know. Carry on and sing the whole song,” she demanded as she laid her head on my lap.

I began singing from the top and as I sing, I stroke her hair to make her feel relaxed. When I finished singing Saving Grace, I sang When I’m At Home. I felt her cheek bones stretch when I sang more songs to her. She’s still beautiful even with all those scars. She still had the same smile glued on her face. She’s still Summer Gomez.

In the middle of the moment we were having, the door banged open. Summer immediately shot up and fixed her hair. It was Cody. He brought in food for us. Well, at least he still feeds his prisoners. He didn’t notice the change in position and he immediately left the moment he gave us the food. He locked it up again and we were left alone.

“When can we get out of here?” I asked.

“Who knows? But at least we’re stuck in here together,” she replied as she rested her head on my shoulder and we both drifted off to sleep without touching our food.
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HAPPY PIONEER DAY EVERYONE!!!!! I will be out tomorrow so I updated three times today! I will make sure to update on Saturday :-)
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