Status: trying my best

Keep On Searching For You


It has been three weeks since I arrived in this "prison cell". I missed the outside world so much that I couldn't even stand being here anymore. Despite all those feelings, I'm happy that I'm stuck with Summer and Jared. We're done writing 9 songs for our new album which is a good thing. I can't wait to release it since it's hard to self-produce an album. Anyway, we're taking a day-off from writing songs but then there's nothing much to do here. I sat down by some random window I discovered a few days ago, silently watching the people outside who can't even see me. I felt someone sit beside me and so I checked who it was.

“What are you thinking about, John?” Summer asked.

I looked at her straight in the eyes and I was unable to answer. My heart stopped. It's like time stopped right at that moment. She had that big smile on her face as she looked at me with those beautiful eyes. She is so beautiful. And I can honestly say that I am so fucking in love with her. I might have doubted myself a few times before but now it's real. The feelings I have for her is real. It's not just simply infatuation, it's love. But on second thought, I still need some time to figure things out.

“Uhm— John?” She asked again trying to snap me back to reality.

“Oh shit. Sorry. It's like 8am and I'm not like, yeah, like... Well, you get me,” I replied.

She laughed and said, “You're still the same old John I've known since we were kids. The only thing that changed about you is that you're not much of a douchebag anymore.”

I laughed with her and returned the smile she has been giving me the moment she sat down next to me. As much as I want to kiss her right now, I can't. It's going to be really awkward afterwards. But who knows? My conscience just keeps on telling me not to kiss her. I can't think of a reason why.

“I see you're enjoying the view,” she finally said after laughing.

“Yeah... It's beautiful. I really admire it,” I replied.

“Well, we still have a lot of time to waste,” she said as she rested her head on my shoulder.

We stayed that way while watching the people freely walking around town. I was looking at every single person passing by when I saw Kennedy walking past the warehouse. I shouted his name multiple times but he didn't hear it. Summer helped me out but it didn't work.

“Hey, hey. What's going on?” Jared said groggily as he walked towards our direction.

“I saw Kennedy,” I replied.

“Oh, he's probably gonna find out we're here soon. I'll just go back to sleep,” he said and went back to his old position.

I sat back down and so did Summer. Se rested her head on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes and said, “I want to get out of here. I want to go and watch the movies with the one I'm falling in love with.”

“Oh yeah? We're going to get out of here, Summer. Who is this person you're speaking of?” I replied feeling a pang of jealousy hitting me straight in the heart.

“You're going to find out soon, Cornelius,” she said.

“YOU DID NOT JUST CALL ME CORNELIUS,” I shouted and laughed right after.

We talked for hours until I told her that I'm going to go and search for more stuff in the warehouse. Hopefully a room. I got up and started my hour-long journey. Just a week ago, I decided to have that type of journey and maybe I'd find a way for us to escape. The warehouse was well-lit. It's not the type that has been abandoned. It's actually a house that's warehouse-y. You get what I mean? Anyway, just fifteen minutes past one o'clock in the afternoon (according to my watch), I found a door. It's unlocked, which is good. I entered the room and found a comfy bed and I ran out to call Jared and Summer to tell them about it and show it to them.

When they saw it, they immediately lay on the bed and Jared fell asleep. I dragged Summer back to the spot where we watched the people carry on with their normal lives while we're stuck here doing nothing.

“When we get out of here, the first thing I'm going to do is take a shower,” I said.

“I'll probably do the same thing. Man, I smell bad,” she exclaimed.

“Not that bad. I can still smell your perfume,” I replied.

For the hundredth time today, she looked me in the eyes and I did the same. She started leaning in slowly and pressed her lips on mine. I kissed her back. Before we knew it, the kiss got deeper and deeper. But then Jared Interrupted which is more of a good thing or else things would have gotten dirty.

“Oh God, get a room,” Jared said and left us.

I pressed my lips on hers once again and wrapped my arms around her waist. I pulled out and she said, “I love you so fucking much John Cornelius O'Callaghan the Fifth.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short!! I'm so sorry :( December is a really busy month ahhhh this chapter sucks and things move fastly huhu

Comments about this chapter please? :) I really need feedback omg