Status: I should be updating, if I don't, send me a message.

The Return of the Fellowship.

The Return of the Fellowship~ Chapter 2.

What Aragorn hadn’t realised so many years ago was that Shadowfax could teleport. I’d ridden about a mile, before getting tired and wishing that I was at Mt. Doom already. And then, I was. In a flash of yellow and gold. It was magical. How Gandalf came to own this magnificent creature I don’t know.
I was riding through a city, I wasn’t sure which. Maybe Gondor, maybe Mordor. But I could see Mt. Doom in the distance. It must be Mordor.
It looked different to anything I had seen.
“Help me.” I hear.
It’s a whimpering voice, almost a whisper, but I hear it. I jump off Shadowfax and head towards the small voice. It’s not a child though. The voice is too mature for that of a child. It’s a woman. Yes, a feminine, mature voice.
“Who’s there?” The voice stammered.
I hear her voice tremble slightly.
“Frodo Baggins… Who are you?” I reach the woman.
Yes, definitely a woman. I haven’t seen her before. She’s pale, too pale. She looks ill. I can see her veins standing out on her face. Her lips are chapped and a light blue. There are black crescents beneath her eyes and she has her arms around herself.
“Please Mr Baggins…” She shivers softly.
I stare at her for a while, unsure of what to think. Actually, now I look closely, she isn’t an adult woman… She’s the same size as me, but she’s a big person. In big person years she would be less than half my age… 15...Maybe. I stare at her.
“What happened?” I ask gently, gesturing for Shadowfax to come over here.
I couldn’t leave this girl here to die. I’d take her with me. I’m sure Sam would have something to help her.
“What’s your name?” I asked, helping her up onto Shadowfax with great difficulty.
“Lostariel.” She murmured.
She pronounced it ‘Lost-are-ee-ell’. How strange.
“I’ll take you to Mt. Doom, I have a friend who can help there.” I murmured, getting up on Shadowfax.
Lostariel nodded gently, her face growing paler. I couldn’t see her wounds. What was wrong? I began to ride frantically. Mt. Doom was nearing.
“Don’t worry, hold on…” I murmured.
The ring began to burn, searing into my neck painfully. But I ignored it.
We reached the entrance to Mt. Doom. I couldn’t take Shadowfax in there…
“Sam! Sam, you have to help me!” I shouted, jumping off Shadowfax and standing in front of Mt. Doom. I looked up, looking for any sign of him.
No sign.
“Sam, there’s a girl, she’s ill! She needs help.” I shouted again, my voice wavering.
She needed help. I couldn’t let her die.
I heard footsteps and turned around. No one there. I turned to leave. I had to go to the Elves, or someone in Mordor. Treebeard maybe.
“Make her drink this.” I heard a voice murmur.
An arm shot out from the shadows, placing a glass vial in the palm of my hand. Inside the vial was a bright liquid, like liquid light. Amazing.
“Lostariel, open your mouth. This will make you better.” I whispered gently.
She nodded, opening her mouth obediently. I poured in the liquid. She grimaced slightly as she swallowed it. Colour returned slowly, but she closed her eyes and dozed off, leaning on Shadowfax’s soft mane gently.
“Thank you Sam.” I called out into the shadows.
He revealed himself, nodding politely.
He looked the same as he always had. He was a bit mucky, but the same.
“We’re re-uniting the fellowship, Sam.” I called out.
He turned to face me.
“No need, Mt. Doom’s right here. Why not destroy it now?” Sam mocked.
My face contorted in anger and shock. I darkened, my face crumpling into a frown.
“No.” I growled.
“Chill out. Where did you pick her up?” Sam asked gently, heading over to Lostariel.
“I was going through Mordor. She was ill. She does look familiar, doesn’t she?” I checked with Sam, to make sure it wasn’t just me.
He nodded.
“Well, I take it we’re going to meet Gandalf and the others. Shall we set off?” Sam asked, whistling for a horse of his own.
It was a brown stallion, his mane was softly brushed and he stood proudly.
“Good boy Jeff.” Sam stroked his mane and mounted him.
I got up on Shadowfax behind Lostariel. We began to ride.
“Frodo, what does Gandalf want us to do?” Sam asked, manoeuvring Jeff so that he was closer to Lostariel, Shadowfax and I.
“Re-unite the fellowship. Destroy the Balrog and get the ingredients to undo whatever potion he’s messed up this time.” I explained hesitantly.
I wasn’t completely sure.
“Dad’s worrying.” Lostariel mumbled quietly, shifting slightly, still sleeping.
So she had parents. Well we’d take her to Gandalf and from there we’d find her family.
“She’ll be alright Frodo. Don’t worry. Come on, I’ll race you.” Sam burst into a grin.
I smiled widely, watching his eyes fill with mischief. I began to canter, going faster as Sam rode alongside me.
“Horse’s Inn, meet you there!” I shouted, making Shadowfax run even faster as I kept my arms around Lostariel, making sure she didn’t fall.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh. I know, still crap.