Status: I should be updating, if I don't, send me a message.

The Return of the Fellowship.

The Return of the Fellowship~ Chapter 3.

Sam and I reached the Horse’s Inn at the same time, drawing in our contest.
Lostariel was still sleeping deeply.
“Sam, you go get us a room and I’ll look after Lostariel, okay?” I checked, staying sat on Shadowfax, making sure she was okay.
“Will Gandalf be there yet?” Sam asked, jumping off Jeff and tying him to a post.
“Well, we travelled over a night.. So he’ll be here tonight. With Pippin, Merry, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli.” Frodo nodded.
“Okay, I’ll tell you where it is. We’ll take Lostariel up to the bed so she can sleep.” Sam smiled and headed into the Inn.
“Oh my dear Sam, you haven’t changed one bit.” A hint of a smile played at my lips.
I sat, leaning against Lostariel quietly.
“I’m okay Dad…” She mumbled.
I sat up, looking at her curiously.
The poor girl. Who was her Dad? I was curious to meet her parents. Had they left her there, by herself?
Sam came back out.
“Come on, we’re up. Do you want help carrying her?” Sam asked, poking his head out of the door.
I nodded, getting her down from Shadowfax, with difficulty. Sam helped me sit her on the ground while I tied up Shadowfax.
“Alert me when Gandalf gets here, okay?” I ask the horse, stroking it’s nose.
It gave a sharp nod and I headed over to Lostariel.
“What room are we in?” I ask, as I help Sam pick up Lostariel.
“241. It’s up the stairs and 5 doors to the left. We also have 242 and 243, they’re for the others.” Sam told me kindly.
“Thank you for coming Sam.” I whispered softly.
We began to climb the stairs, Lostariel still whispering to herself.
“Do you think Gandalf can help her?” Sam asked, leading me into the room with Lostariel.
“I don’t know Sam… But I sure hope he can.”
It wasn’t long before I heard a loud whinny from Shadowfax. I, of course, knew it was just his way of telling me Gandalf was here. Phew, that was good. I looked forward to seeing everyone again.
“I’ll go down and get him. You watch Lostariel.” With that, Sam left the room.
I gently slipped my hand down the collar of my shirt. The ring… It was still there. Smooth, cold to the touch. I shivered softly.
“Frodo!” I heard a gruff voice shout in excitement and then a small dwarf threw himself out me.
“Gimli!” I laughed, hugging the dwarf close to me.
“Master Frodo.” Legolas gave a smile and nodded at me, taking a bit out of some Lembas bread.
“Hello Legolas. Are Merry and Pippin here?” I ask, looking up at Legolas.
“Yes. With Gandalf and Aragorn. Arwen and he are going through a little rough time right now..” Legolas averted his eyes.
“I’ll see them in a bit, when everything’s calmed down.” I smile.
“Who’s this then Frodo?” Gimli asked gruffly, looking at Lostariel curiously, taking in her flawless face, her long brown hair and frowning.
“I found her in Mordor. She was left in an alley. She’s ill.. I was hoping Gandalf…” I trailed off as she begin to stir.
“Father. He won’t… Mother… Help me. Don’t let them take me.” A tear ran down her face.
“Frodo. Who do we have here?” A loud voice boomed. I looked over to the doorway.
“She’s ill Gandalf… I just want her to be okay.” I whisper lightly, running a hand through the girl’s hair.
“Aragorn… Arwen!” Gandalf shouted, his eyes concerned. I looked up at him.
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Oooooh, guess what's going to happen. Do it! Guess!