Status: Just starting. It may take a bit but please read it



My second night home did not turn out well. To sum it up, Matt and his friend Car invited me to an NA meeting in Fall's Church, a good two hours from where I live. Unfamiliar with the bus system, I used the Metro and make it alright. Knowing Car is homeless at the moment, I bring some warm clothes he can have. I don't like Car but he takes care of Matt like a brother so I am thankful at the least.
After the NA meeting, it was too late to get back home and a nearby shelter has turned us down. So we sit behind an old church until four in the morning when it starts to rain. Matt has taken his sleeping meds and is out. Neither of us can wake him up. I have put my waterproof coat over him and I have his head in my lap. I'm worried because he is shivering in his sleep. The weight of his head against my left arm is irritating the cuts in my skin. I do this when I'm stressed out. My switchblade is in my backpocket and the blood has soaked through my sweater.

Car is hudled up against my shoulder, dozing off. I have only two sweaters on and they have been soaked through because of the rain. I am freezing and can't breathe. I nudge Car. "We need to get inside." I say simply. He nods sleepily.
I grab my backpack and Matt's and help Car lift him up. We can't wake him up and its starting to scare me. I'm in pain and freezing, it has gotten windy and the rain is coming down harder. I wish I had stayed home. I feel like crying but I have two people to take care of.
I am knocking hard on the door to the shelter that had refused us earlier. If they did so again they would have Hell to pay. Finally a large black woman opens the door and her eyes are wide. She ushers us in. I make it inside and to the front desk before I pass out on the floor.
I wake up in an ambulance and I'm so happy that they haven't moved yet. Theres an IV in my left arm and they've taken my wet sweaters off and bandaged up my wrist. I'm embarassed and cold. "Do you feel okay?" One of the Paramedics asks me. I blink at him. "I think so." I tell him honestly. "Your vitals look fine now, do you want to go to a hospital?" He says, pulling out an electronic tablet and a pen.
"No please." I answer and he has me sign form before they remove my IV, hand my clothes and walk me inside the shelter. I am extremely tired and want to know where Matt is.
He is in a plastic chair, knocked out, and about to fall out of it. Car is watching him tiredly and together we pick him up and lay him on the couch before going into another room where there was an empty space. We sat down, huddled too close under a blanket. The woman brought us bag lunches and for the moment we're warm and safe. Its five thirty.