Sequel: Butterfly Kisses

Summer Love

Dear Lizzie

Dear Lizzie,

I remember getting off the plane. I was going to say with a relative of my Dad's. I didn't know them, but from what Dad had told me, they were very nice people. I was just excited to be spending the summer away from home and in my most dreamed of place to visit, London.

There was a man in a tuxedo holding a sign that said Ariella Haley . He must be my ride. I hope these people that I am going to be staying with are nice and not snobby.

"I'm Ariella," I said when I got to the man.

"I'm Geoffry and I will be taking you to Dr. and Madam Beckett's home," he said before grabbing my bags and heading out the luxurious black car that was waiting out front. I climbed in and we were soon on our way.

As we drove I took in my surroundings, falling in love with the beautiful buildings of London. I was amazed by the city and excited to soon be able to explore it.

We soon pulled up to a beautiful house, it was huge. I wonder what these people do for a living. I got out of the car and went inside. The first thought I had was they better not be snobby and uptight.

They weren't anywhere near snobby. Actually, they seemed very down to earth, but also very sophisticated. Their names were Scarlett and Bradshaw, Brad for short. Brad is a Neurologists and Scarlett is a Therapist. Both of them go by Dr., but I have been given permission to call them by their first names. They have one kid, a son. He is 42 and his name is Vincent. He has a wife named Heather, and three children Claire, who is 13, Seth, who is 10, and Daniel, who is 7.

I also put two and two together and figured out how exactly my father and Brad were related. Brad just so happens to be my Dad's uncle. You see my Grandma, Dad's mom, had never gotten along with her brother so she lost touch with him. When Grandma died, Dad had met and got to know Brad a little bit. They have kept in touch ever since. That is the short version of the story at least.

Anyways, back to the real story about how I met your father. I remember when Scarlett's twin brother, Simon, had invited all of us to a party. This wasn't just any party either. This was an extravagant party where there were paparazzi and famous people. I'm sure you have met many famous people by now, considering who your father is, but this is me we are talking about. I have never been to a party that was this huge!

I wore a dress to this party, because it was mandatory. The dress was a light pink strapless dress that looked as though it had a gold belt around the waist of it. I also had a pair of gold strappy heals on, making me three more inches taller than my 5 foot 2 inch build. For jewelry I wore gold and ivory bangles, four rings, all of which I got from my parents, a pearl necklace and some gold dangly earrings. I curled my hair and makeup was done to perfection. I remember looking gorgeous as ever.

Oh, I almost forgot, I have included pictures! There are pictures from my entire trip. Many of them are of me and your father. The last few are of you in my stomach. I had decided to include them because they are just another memory of what my summer love and the beautiful angel that we created together. The last picture is of me and you and your father. That is and forever will be the only full family picture of us. I am happy that you are able to read this letter and see how you came to be. Anyways we should get back to the story, yeah?

When we arrived there were many people with cameras. I figured out that they were paparazzi. I was stunned by them. I watched as Brad and Scarlett strut their stuff, stopping for the cameras when their name was called. I just stood in awe of what to do. That was when I met one of your Dad's friends, Harry.

"Who are you?" a boy with brown curly hair asked me. I had recognized him from somewhere, but I wasn't sure as to where. He seemed very familiar to me.

On a side note, I hope that Harry still has his gorgeous locks because if he doesn't then he has a bunch of explaining to do. If he doesn't have his curly hair could you hit him across the back of his head and tell him why and that it was for me? Actually even if he has his curly hair do it, but just tell him that I told you too.

"I'm Ariella and I'm here with Bradshaw and Scarlett Beckett. I have actually lost them and have no idea what I should do. I have never been to an event like this," I said.

"I can help you. I'm Harry. If they ask who you are let me handle it, alright?" he said before putting his arm out for me to take. I took it and we started walking, but stopped soon because the paparazzi kept yelling for Harry to stop and take a picture of him.

The entire time people kept asking Harry who I was. I was very tempted to tell them who I was when I remembered what Harry had said about letting him handle it. Whenever somebody would ask he would answer with "She is Aria, a friend that I just met and she wasn't sure what to do and looked very confused so I offered to help her make her way inside."

When we got inside I was almost relieved. I was getting annoyed with all those people. I glanced around the room and couldn't find Brad or Scarlett anywhere. The room was full of unfamiliar faces. I wasn't sure what to do until Harry took me out of my panic mode when he asked me a question.

"Ariella, can I call you Aria?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, you already told the paparazzi that that was my name," I said. I was still panicking. I don't know anybody but Harry.

"Harry, there you are," a guy said walking up to us.

"Lads, I would like you to meet Ariella. Aria, these are my mates; Liam and his bird Danielle, Louis and his bird Eleanor, Zayn and his bird Perrie, and Niall," Harry introduced. I instantly felt a little better now knowing ten people total, but I was now confused with Harry's choice of words.

"Nice to meet all of you, but would someone please tell me what a 'mate' is and why did he call you girls 'birds', and what is a 'lad'?" I asked, hoping they wouldn't make fun of me. I may have loved this country, but I hadn't really caught up on the slang that they tend to use.

"We have ourselves an American here," Louis said but was hit by his 'bird' soon after.

"Sorry about him, he doesn't use his manners very often. ’Mates' are what we call friends, 'birds' are girls, or in our case girlfriends and 'lads' are like what you call guys," Eleanor said. I now fully understood Harry's comment.

"You look fit," Niall said out of nowhere. This dude must not have been paying enough attention to what I had just asked. Just so that you know, your Dad was staring at me. I thought he was talking about my body build, as in I was in shape so I answered with what an American would say.

"I work out every day," I said. The boys all burst out laughing.

"He means you look pretty," Danielle said. Niall had blushed a beautiful shade of pink.

"Tell us how you got invited to Simon's party," Liam said.

"I am staying with his sister and brother-in-law for the summer," I said.

"You're staying with Dr. Bradshaw and Dr. Scarlett? How did you pull that off?" Zayn asked seeming shocked.

"Brad just so happens to be my great uncle. I love it here. I am learning so many new things in this magnificent place. I almost want to stay here forever, but I have to go back to the States in the fall. I have always wanted to go to London and now I am here, having the experience of a lifetime," I said.

"If you would like to see more of London, we would love to show you around," Liam said.

"I would love that," I said.

"Ariel, there you are. I have been looking everywhere for you," Scarlett said.

"Hello Dr. Scarlett," the boys chorused.

"I see you have found the boys from One Direction," she said.

"That is why you boys looked so familiar! My best friend, back home is in absolute love with Harry," I said, making all the boys laugh.

"Yes, now Brad and I want you to meet our son, his wife, and my brother. Come, I'm sure you will be back with this bunch soon," she said bringing me to where I was to meet them.

Lizzie that was the night that I met your father, as you may have already figured out. I also had exchanged numbers with all the guys and you can't forget Eleanor, Dani, and Perrie. The girls and I had actually planned to go shopping soon and the boys had decided to take me on their own guided tour of London the next day.

The next day they had picked me up at Brad and Scarlett's house. We had loads of fun around London. We went to Buckingham Palace and messed with the guards there. As you may have already figured out those guards don't move at all even when you are messing with them. I wonder how many people do that daily. All I know is that job would suck.

We went out for supper that night to your Dad's favorite restaurant, Nandos. I had to agree with him, the food was absolutely delicious and I had fallen in love with the restaurant as well. Niall and I had bonded over food, among many other things. We had soon started to hang out, just the two of us.

It didn't take long before he asked me to be his girlfriend, or 'bird' as he put it. I remember when we both said that we loved each other.

We were cuddled together on his sofa watching sappy love stories. If you didn't already know, your Dad is a hopeless romantic and loves to watch sappy movies. You should totally sit down and watch some with him some time. He would like that.

"You're beautiful," Niall said kissing my hair.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I said turning to kiss him on the lips.

"I know we haven't known each other very long, but I think I am in love with you," he said.

"I love you too," I said before we started to make out, completely ignoring the movie that we were watching. Our make out session soon led to sex. That was the night you were conceived.

That night was my first time having sex. By the time you have read this your father had better had the sex talk with you little missy. I am glad that your father was the person who took my virginity. I was also happy that I was able to experience what having sex was like.

Niall and I began to have sex more often, both of us enjoying the closeness of our bodies. The others had noticed a difference between us. We were now almost connected at the hip. It Niall moved, I moved and vice versa. We barely did anything without the other by our side. People wouldn't say what is Ariella doing it would be what are Ariella and Niall doing. We were in love and nothing could change that, except for me having to go back home.

"Niall, I have some bad news," I said one August morning.

"You have to leave soon," Niall said, not skipping a beat. He seemed just as sad as I was.

"Yeah, next Monday," I said, not actually wanting to leave the comfort of his arms.

"We will try and make the time we have left together the best that we can," he said hugging me closer to him. I snuggled into his side taking in his scent. I am going to miss this, just the two of us watching his favorite sports teams on television. I will most definitely miss Niall, but there are many others I will miss, like all the guys and their girlfriends, and Scarlett and Brad. Niall helped to make my summer the best summer ever. I fell in love and had experiences that I only dreamed of doing.

I remember the day that I left. It just so happened to be the worst day of my life. The day I had to say goodbye to Niall. Now goodbyes mean forever and I wanted Niall to feel as though he had a hope to see me again, but I knew that he probably wouldn't.

Niall had offered to bring me to the airport and I took the offer, not wanting to say goodbye any sooner than I had to. We drove to the airport in silence, neither of us wanting to talk about what was going to happen. We held hands, just content with being together.

"I'm going to miss you," I said.

"I know, I'm going to miss you too," he said, parking the car before getting out helping me with my bags and saying our final goodbyes.

"I will call and write as much as possible," I said, thinking that I would.

"Please don't promise that you will do either of those things. I hate when promises are broken. The only promise I want you to keep is the memories of us. There are so many and those memories will forever be my remembrance of you," he said.

"I want to keep in touch though," I said. I hadn't told him about my illness.

"If you really want to then go ahead and keep in touch, if you will, I will. I just don't want to break any promises," he said.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he said.

"I don't want to leave,' I said hoping that he would take me back to his apartment and keep me there forever.

"You have to go. You can't miss your flight," he said, but I didn't want to leave my Nialler. He was a fragile soul and will forever be my first love, you being my second.

"Fine, I love you," I said, knowing full and well that I was repeating myself, but I just wanted to say it as many times as I could before I never got the chance to again.

"I love you too. Now get on that plane before it leaves without you," he said kissing me passionately on the lips.

I reluctantly got onto the plane and I was soon on my way back home, missing your father and unknowing that you were growing inside of me.

I had told him that I was pregnant and he wanted to come and help out, but he couldn't leave his job. We kept talking and then one day he asked me why I was looking pale and I told him that I was dying. He instantly got permission to stop touring and came to me. The rest of the band did as well. When they arrived Niall wouldn't leave my side.

One night your father and I were talking about you and choosing names. That day when we picked your name we decided that we should get married, though your father hadn't asked me, we just talked about it.

A couple days later he proposed and we were married two weeks later. I wore the most gorgeous dress. It was short and white, about knee length, even with my belly. I had a white coat to keep me warm when we weren't in the church or any other warm building. My shoes were embellished flats. I wore a pearl necklace and diamond sapphire earrings. My hair was in a messy bun in the back of my head. And I of course had my engagement ring on my finger.

A month later I had you. I finished writing this letter just after you were born. Your father and I are very proud of you.

Lizbeth, sometimes life throws you lemons and with those lemons you make lemonade. I wrote this for you baby girl. You are my pride and joy.

Lizbeth Ariella Horan, make Momma proud. Tell Daddy that I love him and no matter what I am always with you, watching out for the two of you. Lizzie, I love you and I wish that I could be there with you to see you grow up, but life doesn't always go the way we planned it.

I'm sure your Father or Grandparents have told you about the disease that I had. They had found a cure for it when I was pregnant with you and I had told them that it was too late to fix me. The disease is one that you get when you are born. You were lucky to not have it. When I was young I was told I would never have a kid and I beat those odds and had you. I love you Lizzie, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my summer love and your father.

Love always, Mommy

***Niall's point of view***

I sat in the hospital chair, holding my baby girl as I read the letter Ariella wanted me to give to Lizbeth when she was fifteen years old.

I hadn't let anybody hold my baby since Ariella had passed away three hours ago. I was in shock and didn't want to let go of the only thing of Ariella that I had left.

Ariella knew that she wasn't going to live much longer, even with that knowledge she sought out to make her last summer the best summer of her short life.

Lizzie is adorable. She has her mother's nose and lips and I only hope that she gets her hair as well. I also hope that she will be as gorgeous and free spirited as her mother. Harry came over to me and I knew I should let him hold my little girl. Actually, I should let all the lads see her because none of them have since Ariella passed.

"Niall, when can we see her?" Harry asked.

"Only when you are sitting down," I said already over protective of the little girl.

"Okay," he said. We would be able to leave soon and I would probably head back to Ariella's parent's house to stay for a little while before heading back home.

When I had heard that Ariella was pregnant I had almost jumped on a plane to see her, but the lads needed me and management wouldn't let me go. I had felt bad for not being able to be there. When I found out that she was sick, I was on a flight to be by her side until the love of my life left this earth. She took with her a piece of my heart, but gave me a precious little angel to care for forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Party Dress
Wedding Dress

This turned out to be 3,292 words long.

I really enjoyed writing this! It was fun! I am currently writing the sequel to this, another one shot, but there may possibly be a longer one after that.

I must add that I do not own One Direction or Simon Cowell!