A story for a certain someone...

The story...

So... Prepare for what I'm sure will be a very cheesy story, you have been forewarned.

Once upon a time, quite some time ago, there was a beautiful princess who lived under the roof of her oppressive parents. While her parents provided her a place to stay and a roof over her head, they were also completely crazy sometimes, and plain downright ridiculous at times. Yelling at her for the smallest of things, or making her feel bad over something she did not deserve to feel bad about, and those are just a few examples.

One day she went to a small performance of music being played at the local church. She was accompanied by a friend of hers, and by some small stroke of faith, I also happened to be going on this very night. The performance went on and was rather okay, it wasn't my first choice to go but a few friends invited me, so I went anyways, and as of right now I am very happy I did attend. After the performance my friends had already left and I was still there waiting for my carriage to show up, while I was standing outside the church a very pretty girl, who happened to be the mentioned princess said "Hey loner! Come sit by us!" to me, and while being as shy as I am, I sat next to them and talked, while it was only a few minutes there was something that felt right about talking to her. At the time I didn't think much about it.. As I didn't expect to see or talk to her again at that point....

Days later I received a letter from a friend telling me about how the princess who I met at the performance had asked about me and wanted me to write to her, at the time I had a girl who I was with, who got jealous of my messages to the princess. (Turns out that the girl I was with was not of the best variably, and most definitely NOT my type...) After being away from her I continued to send letters to the princess. We quickly started to talk more and more and become more interested in each other, and one day she invited me to go with her and her friend (Who was bringing a date of her own) to gathering (Or party lets say) In the town square. After seeing her for a second time my heart jumped, she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen and something about her lured me to her. Needless to say, that night would be our first "date".

That night at the gathering I was really quite at first as I didn't know either of the people I went with very well, But at a point we got up and went to try out some new "Skates" that were just invented, the basically stuck wheels to the bottom of your shoes (Turns out wood does not roll that well!) While I had practice with something similar to this, I caught on rather quickly. The princess, who from now on will be named Bella, was a little clumsy her self and almost fell a few times. At this point, its good to note that she also had a "Significant" other, and seeing her stumble a few times, I was compelled to hold her hand and help keep her stable. I was afraid to at first because I knew of her other and was afraid to make things awkward. As the night progressed we did eventually hold hands and continued to even after she was stable. Holding her hand just felt right, something about her... That night turned out really great. And it will be one i remember for a long time to come.

After that night our letters began to send at a quicker pace and we took more interest in each other, after that night it was hard of me to stop thinking of her. At this point in time I was still with the other girl. In short, its needless to say that it did not last long with her, and my interest in Bella only grew. I planned on taking her to see a play being put on at the town theater, it was one that she and I both wanted to see. This turned out to be yet another night to remember. Lets say the movie ended with "Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" and a kiss to seal it. That kiss I remember for as long as I live...

To be continued... I know its cheesy and sappy, but its really meant for my special someone to read... But hey if you like it then feel free to say something! :D
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Its probably terrible! But oh well, its the thought that counts you told me. I hope you like it.. <3