Status: editing, and editing, and reediting chapters.

Welcome to My Life

Like somehow you just don't belong

I wonder to myself that if I write about how sad a state I'm in, maybe I will realize I need to fix it. Yesterday I picked up Catching Fire, the second novel of the Hunger Hames and nothing else was accomplished until I finished it at about midnight the same night.

Today I have an aglgrea two test.
Next period I have an algebra two test.

My last test I got a 72.
This test i understand nothing at all.

I failed to really understand it in the morning, at lunch and not now. Now I drown my sorrows in chocolate.

Yea this chapter is short lived.
Just like my happiness.

I feel icky. During lunch, on of the girls from colorguard showed me a picture of me last year.
I looked great. Today I've had a breakfast taco, poptarts, rice with beef, snapple, and chocolate. I am not on the road to greatness, and it does not feel too good.

Somehow, over the summer I managed to gain 10 pounds, that don't want to come off. I don't like it. I've been the same weight since 5th grade and now it's changed.
My friends tell me it because i'm a teen, that my weight will always go up and down slighly but I want to be who I use to be and not who I am now.

On the bright side after school I'm supposed to go shoe shopping with my mom. Oh. Because that sounds so exciting. Right.


So on the bright side, shopping wasn't so bad. I got 5 pairs of Victoria Secret Undies for about 16 bucks, and a new pair of secrets. On the way out of the mall, my mom reminded me just why I love her. The conversation went something like this:

mom: " You'r doing really well, new sneakers, new Victoria secret underwear that nobody is allowed to see... except your girl fiends"
me: "So....Your giving me permission to be a lesbian?"
Mom: "Yes! Please at least for a few years"
♠ ♠ ♠
hahahaha I love me mom ♥