Your Hand Fits in Mine Like It's Made Just for Me

It Was Meant To Be

“Oh Niall, this place is just beautiful,” I said, trying to take in my surroundings.

“I thought it’d be nice and private for us darlin’, we haven’t spent time together, you know, just the two of us for such a long time,” He replied, his Irish accent seeming like music to my ears.

We had rented a massive log cabin in the Alps for a whole two weeks from one of Niall’s friends. Nobody would bother us, there was no phone, no internet, just us. Paparazzi didn’t know we were here, and fans didn’t now we were here. It was a chance to escape back to our old lives for just a couple of weeks. I was beyond excited in the knowledge that I had my stunning boyfriend entirely to myself for 14 long days, letting us be home just in time for Christmas.

“Happy anniversary, Bree,” He said as he wrapped his arms around my stomach, and kissed my neck gently.

“Four years has gone so quickly,” I said quietly “Happy anniversary to you too, Ni,”

I turned around in his arms and kissed him on the lips. He always tasted so good, and his lips were always so soft. Each kiss and each touch from him still sent butterflies off in my stomach, and each time he told me he loved me my knees still went weak. I knew things wouldn’t change between us, and that’s how I knew we were meant to be. Our hands fit together perfectly, and my head would fit just right in the crook of his shoulder as we slept, and it would still be comfortable when we woke up.

That’s another thing, waking up to this gorgeous man sleeping next to me left me in awe every morning. I always needed a couple of minutes to compose myself and to stop myself from gawking at his perfectly toned chest and arms, as he very rarely slept in anything, just occasionally with boxers on. He had pasty skin, but it suited him, and it brought out his rosy cheeks.

“I’ll get that fire lit, and then we can crack open this,” He said, delving into his rucksack, pulling out a bottle of Cristale.

“Niall how expen-“

“Nothing’s too expensive if it makes my darlin’ smile,” He said, and gave me a wink that sent my head spinning.

I carried my suitcase into the master bedroom, and was completely in awe at how beautiful this cabin was. It was decorated in French style shabby chic in the bedrooms, and traditional styles the rest of the way through the cabin. The bed was covered in a luxurious thick duvet and soft white linens, and there were rose petals scattered across the bed.

I turned to the wardrobe, noticing two black dress bags hanging up, one on each door. My eyebrow instinctively raised itself, and I approached the bag on the left. I unzipped it carefully, not wanting to damage anything that was inside, and revealed the most beautiful cream, one shouldered Grecian dress.

“Oh my god…”I whispered to myself, seeing the price tag that had been left on “My size…Niall! What’s all this?!” I asked, and I heard him plod into the room.

He stood casually leaning against the solid wood door frame with a smile on his face.

“It’s for you, we’re having dinner tonight, I’ve got it all planned, just you and me,”

“But you said we weren’t going anywhere?” I pouted. “I wanted to spend time alone,”

“Who said anything about going out? We’ll have our own little table in the kitchen, and I’m cooking,”

“Oh please, you can’t cook, baby, you suck! No offence,”

“Again, another surprise, I’ve been learning,” He replied and made his way over to me “Just,” kiss “For” kiss “You,”

“So I’m guessing this is for you?” I asked, gesturing to the bag on the right hand door of the wardrobe, and reached up to the zip to have a look.

“Aah,” Niall said, playfully batting my hand away “You’ll have to wait and see, now, you need to have a glass of champagne and start getting your beautiful self ready for dinner, remember, my restaurant is black tie only,”

I mocked him as he walked out of the room, staring at this beautiful dress, feeling the soft flowing fabric slide between my fingers.

“Here you go beautiful, see you soon,” Niall said, placing a flute of champagne gently down on the dressing table and quickly making an exit before I could ask any more questions.

I sat down on the bed, trying to fathom where to even start when it came to getting ready. I couldn’t get this massive grin off my face though thanks to Niall’s adorable plan, and I decided to start with a shower. I opened the en suite door and was completely shocked by this massive bathroom, it was beautiful and absolutely spotless. I took a step back and went back to my suitcase, grabbing my toiletries and makeup, and laying out my favourite cream lace bra and panties set on the bed, ready for me to change into.

Stepping into the shower, I felt my body relish the feeling of the warm water flowing over me. I shaved my legs, lathered my body and washed my hair. I wondered where Niall was, but figured that this place probably had more than one bathroom in it. I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, and put my hair up. I smothered myself in my favourite cocoa butter body lotion, and started to do my makeup. I could hear rustling out in the bedroom but I chose to ignore it, as I wanted to be ready as quickly as possible.

Once I was done with my makeup, I’d decided to blowdry my hair straight, nice and glossy, and just leave it at that. I was lucky when it came to my hair, I didn’t have to use much heat to get it to do what I wanted as I had naturally straight hair. I smiled at my reflection and opened the door into the bedroom, half expecting Niall to be in there, but he wasn’t. I could smell a hearty, home cooked meal drifting through the doors and it made my nose twitch.

The bag containing his suit was still hanging there, but it was empty, and his jeans, t-shirt and hoodie that he was wearing before were piled neatly on top of his suitcase– well, as neatly as a male could pile something – with his bright white Supras sitting on the floor next to it. My inquisitive bones were almost aching to know what had brought this side of him out, not that I was complaining, it was enthralling.

I dropped my towel, walking over to the bed, and I went to pick up my bra, then realised there was a note next to it.

Oh babe, you know I love this ;) xx

He was so forward, I loved it. He never held back when it came to anything he wanted to say, and sometimes it caught him out, but it also meant that he’d never pass up on a chance to say something that would turn my cheeks crimson.

I felt my cheeks flush as I started to get dressed, and I moved the note to the bedside table. I slipped into my dress, the silky cream material, the material flowing almost like water over my thighs. I smoothed it down my stomach and smiled, it felt luxurious. Reaching round and unclipping the tag off the label, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Even though I usually scowl at my reflection, never being able to feel comfortable with my body, I smiled at myself.

“Oh Aubree,” Niall called from the kitchen, almost singing in his beautiful tone “Dinner is almost served, are you ready?”

“Coming babe,” I yelled back, stepping into some modest, yet beautiful satin black heels.

I gave myself a reassuring nod in the mirror and carefully tucked one side of my hair behind my ear. I made my way over to the door and opened it, picking up the glass of champagne Niall had left for me on the side table, delighting in the smell of something truly delicious graced my nose.

“I’m here,” I said gently, not catching a glimpse of my beautiful boyfriend.

Niall poked his head round the entrance to the kitchen, and I saw a white shirt poking out around his neck.

“Oh, Bree,” He said, his eyes wide “You look…I…”

“You alrght?” I asked, laughing nervously.

He strolled up to me, his mouth slightly open. I felt my knees go weak as I laid eyes upon the most beautiful man, in the most beautiful suit I’d ever seen. It was elegant and black, perfectly tailored to his slim frame and his muscular arms. It had slightly satin lapels, and he had teamed it with a bright white shirt and skinny black tie. He’d even done his top button up – I felt so privileged.

“Niall you look irresistible,” I said in barely a whisper.

I was struggling to pick my jaw up off the floor. What had he done to me? I secretly loved that even after four years, he still made my heartbeat race, whenever he would take off his shirt I’d thank whoever up there that he was mine. Sometimes it was too much to handle, and I’d end up jumping him there and then.

Niall wrapped his arms around me, and I instinctively crossed mine around the back of his neck, and he brought his lips down to mine, so softly, just a simple kiss but it was enough to drive me crazy. It always was. He had no idea what he did to me.

“You are so beautiful, Bree,” he whispered, his forehead pressed against mine “You have no idea how much I want to get you out of that dress right now…” He paused, almost reconnecting our lips “But, we really must eat,”

I barely nodded, he made me feel completely powerless, unable to function, and I loved it.

“So Mr Horan,” I squeaked, managing to find my voice amongst my nerves “What have you got for us tonight?”

“We’re having chicken and mushroom risotto with a side of baby leaf salad and an apparently very nice crisp white wine to go with it, and for pudding, currently in the oven is gooey chocolate pudding, with fresh cream and strawberries on the side,” Niall said, picking up a tea towel to open the oven with, looking rather proud of himself.

“Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” I asked, jokingly looking under the table and behind me.

“I thought I’d surprise you,” He winked, pulling two plates out and placing them opposite each other on the delicately arranged dining table.

The room was dimly lit, and two candles had already been lit either side of the table, the light reflecting beautifully of the silverware adorning the place mats. Niall shut the oven again, and came over to me, placing a hand on the small of my back, and used the other one to pull out a chair, ushering me to sit down.

“Ready to eat?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows, and I nodded.

He swivelled on his heel and I noticed his size eleven feet were clad in the most perfectly polished black dress shoes – he really had gone all out. I couldn’t stop looking him up and down, and it was creating that familiar, exquisite bubbling in my tummy. I bit my lip as he bent over to the oven, pulling out the most beautiful smelling risotto.

“Dinner is served,” He said, the words doing their usual dance off his tongue as he loaded my plate with food.

My portion was relatively small – I never could eat much, but compares to Niall’s plate it looked like a kids portion. I’d gotten used to his ridiculously large portions. He just loved food, everything was about the food. I could practically see he eyes light up as he sat down, reaching over and grabbing a delicately filled bowl of salad.

“Enjoy,” He said with a wink, making me blush.

“Thank you, Niall,” I smiled at him, and he returned it before putting a small forkful of food in his mouth.

“Seriously,” I asked in between mouthfuls “What have you done with my boyfriend? My boyfriend doesn’t eat delicate forkfuls of food, he eats massive shovels of food,”

“Black tie dinner, means table manners,” He said with a wink “All for you beautiful,”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, he really was trying. Not that he needed to – I worshipped the ground he walked on. I would do anything for this man, and I needed him to know.

“I love you, Niall,” I said, in a whisper after I had finished my dinner.

“I love you too, Bree,” He replied “Now for pudding,”

“Smells delicious,”

A small plate was placed in front of me after he had whipped my main course plate away and placed them in the dishwasher, and on it was the nicest looking chocolate pudding I had ever seen. A jug of cream was placed in between us, and Niall placed two scrumptious looking strawberries either side of each of our puddings.

As we began to eat, he would occasionally look over at me and smile, adding that cheeky wink of his that I’d grown to love so dearly. The pudding was exquisite – and I made a mental note to try and question him on whether he had actually made this, and whether he was holding up Jamie Oliver in a cupboard or something.

“Are you done, beautiful?” He asked, gesturing towards my plate.

“Yes, thank you,” I smiled.

He topped up my wine as he stood up, and then removed my plate for me, placing them in the dish washer. He reached over the counter for something, which I then realised was a remote, and suddenly music started playing. This cabin really was kitted out with the best technology, as music was coming from everywhere.

“Oh Niall this is my favourite,” I blushed as he took my hand, pulling me out of my seat.

It was ‘Kiss me’ by Ed Sheeran, and Niall knew that this song made me melt from head to toe every time I heard it.

“I know,” He replied in barely a whisper.

He pulled his body to mine, and we started dancing, right there in the kitchen. It was the most simple yet beautiful moment, the candles still glowing and the light flickering off every surface. I could feel Niall’s heartbeat get faster and faster against my chest, and he pulled away from me, resting his forehead against mine and closing his eyes.

“Bree,” He whispered “I need you to know…”

“What, babe?” I asked, placing my hand on the side of his face.

He leaned into my hand and smiled, nuzzling my hand slightly.

“I need you to know how much I love you,” He said, opening his eyes “You are everything to me, every time we kiss I never want to leave your lips,” And with that, he kissed me so tentatively, so passionately that it took my breath away “When you say you love me, I can’t believe my luck, you are so beautiful, Bree, I never want you to leave my side,”

I had never heard him say something so passionately that his voice almost cracked. He moved his hands away from my waist, and looked deep into my eyes.

I’ll be your safety, and you’ll be my lady’ Ed sang, his words making this moment just that bit more special.

Niall kissed my forehead, and then dipped into his pocket, taking a step back from me.

Was this happening?

My hand found its way to covering my mouth, and my heart beat quickened, making me shake.

He slowly dipped onto his left knee, looking up at me with his perfect eyes, and smiled at me.

“Bree, will you do me the honour,” He said, pausing as his voice faultered a tiny bit, and he gulped “Of becoming my wife?”

He opened the red velvet box, revealing the most beautifully cut diamond set into shining silver.

“Oh my god,” I gasped, trying to fight back the tears “Yes, Niall, yes!”

He beamed a smile, and removed the ring from its box, sliding it onto my finger where it fit perfectly.

“Thank you,” He whispered, pulling me into a kiss so deep my knees knocked “I love you, Aubree,”

“I love you too, Ni,” I replied, nuzzling into his neck as we continued to dance.

Right there, in that one moment, I could see my future, and it was looking just perfect.
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Hope you all enjoyed, just fancied writing something mushy and nice.

Much love xx