Status: This is my first English story. Sorry if I make mistakes in the way I write. Hope you'll enjoy it!

Life Starts Now

Time That Remains

Adam woke up early and decided to prepare breakfast for Skye. He spent most of his time searching for food and looking for plates. Eventually, he found the plates but managed to hit two together, making this very annoying sound that woke her up. As he was doing his best in the kitchen, Skye opened her eyes, trying to get her brain to work. Then, memories of the night before came back and she couldn’t help it, a smile instantly appeared on her face. She took a deep breath; his perfume covered the sheets and at that precise moment, she felt a sparkle in her mind. «If love ever exists, this is what it looks like» she thought to herself. She was happy, more than she had ever been. Her relationship with Andrew never felt like this. With Adam, it was so real, so deeply honest, it was almost scary. But she was ready to compromise and live with the fact that he was gone most of the time. She was ready to do so because she loved him.

When Adam finally pushed the door open with his foot, she turned toward him, still in her bed. He smiled at her. His first thought was how pretty she was just waking up. Her hair was a total mess but there was a glow in her eyes that made his heart literally melting in his chest.

«I made breakfast», he said with his deep morning voice.
«Wow! You can cook? I should marry you right away! » she laughed.

He put the tray on the night table and lied by her side over the bed, smelling tenderly her hair.

«I’m warning you, I may take you to your words someday» he added, as he kissed her neck.
«Oh I bet you will»

She turned over to face him. His eyes were so bright, Skye felt like she could get lost in them all day long.

«You don’t even know how happy I am to be here with you Skye» he whispered, putting his forehead against hers.
«I wish we could stay here forever… » and she kissed him softly. «But we do have to make a dream come true today! Let me get a taste of this breakfast you made. »

Adam smirked and Skye got up to reach the scrambled eggs on the night table.

Later, Adam went into the shower while Skye called Tucker at the hospital to get some news about Dylan. He had chemo the day before, which made him so sick he had to get an IV to rehydrate him. From Tucker’s point of view, Dylan looked like a death body. This morning, he kept looking through the window, not talking to anybody.

«He really needs this Skye. I don’t think he’s going to last long… »
Skye assured him they would be there in an hour or so. Tucker told her he informed his mother about the project and that she was so happy about it.
«Let’s bring happiness in his heart! » Skye sang into the phone as Tucker laughed.

She entered into the bathroom before Adam got out of the shower, trying to save some time. She was curling her hair when her boyfriend finally got out. She looked at him in the mirror and blushed. Skye wasn’t that much used to nudity; hers or others, even when it involved her own boyfriend. But she couldn’t stop looking at him as he dried his body with the towel. A droplet slid of its dark hair up to its chin before falling silently on its trunk, tickling its angel's tattoo. She followed it until it slides along his stomach and gets lost on his thigh. She then raised her eyes a little and saw the tattoo on his left arm, the one he made for Naomi. The indelible proof that he had a past with her. The permanent drawing of a girl she despised. She closed her eyes for a moment. Today was not a day to think about this. Today was the day she would help a dying boy meeting the person who wrote his favorite song. It was positive so she did not give herself the permission to be negative in any way.
Putting a towel around his waist, Adam went to her and slid his hands on her sides and set his chin on her shoulder.

«Adam, your hair is dripping on mine! I was almost done with mine! » she shouted, almost laughing.
«You are so beautiful right now, I could take you here, right now» he said wildly.
«You better forget that option right now boy! Even if I would love you to, we do have an appointment in less than an hour, remember? »

Adam sighed before leaving to get dress. When he was finally ready, Skye was by the door, with his acoustic guitar and his coat. They took a cab to the hospital. She explained everything to him and gave him a little review of Dylan’s case.

«Are you ready for it? » she nervously asked him.
«Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? »
«I don’t know. It’s so important to me, and I’m sure it will mean the world to Dylan. »
«Don’t worry baby. I can’t be more ready to change his life»

That morning, the hospital was quite quiet; it almost felt strange to Skye that it was so calm. She held onto Adam’s arm as they walked to the elevator.

«Hey baby, relax. Everything will be just fine. » he whispered in her ear, even if he knew it was not enough to calm her down.

The bell rang and the doors opened. Skye softened her grip as she recognized the bright colored walls of her department. She was at home. She walked to the nurses’ desk and asked for Tucker. Adam followed her in silence. He was at ease in this place. He couldn’t help it; the only thing his mind was telling him was that it was the place where kids die. He took a deep breath, trying to get rid of this horrible idea. Tucker showed up a few minutes later, followed by a tall brown hair woman who seemed tired despite de huge smile on her face.

«Hey guys. This is Sharon, she’s Dylan’s mom. » Tucker said with a smile. «This is Skye and Adam»
«Nice to meet you Sharon» Skye said, holding out her hand.
«Dylan likes you» Sharon answered. «I know when you work because he looks a little better than usual. » A tear appeared in her eyes but she blinked to make it disappear. Tucker broke the awkward silence that followed.
«Well, let’s get this thing started. Dylan just woke up. So Sharon and I are going in first, talking a little bit. Then Skye can come in with her surprise. I reserved the playroom for a little show later, so Dylan and the other kids can enjoy. Is it good for you Adam? »
«Sure. Let’s make him happy to be alive. » Adam added, which made Sharon smiled.

Tucker and Sharon left the couple. Skye turned to Adam and kissed him.

«What was that for? » he asked.
«I still can’t believe you’re doing this for me. »
«I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for this guy back there you can’t figure out how to live. I’ve been there, remember? »
«You are amazing, you know that, right? » and he kissed her back as an answer.

She took his hand and leaded him to room 420. She knocked on the door and entered with Adam looking at the floor.

«Hey Dylan. I’ve got a surprise for you! » she almost screamed as she was so excited.

Dylan slowly and painfully turned his head to the door as Adam’s gaze found his eyes. He took a few steps ahead to reach his bedside.

«Hi. I’m Adam from Three Days Grace. » the singer simply said as Skye waited in the doorway.

Dylan’s eyes widen as he realised what is going on.

«Really? How could you… How… WOW! » was all he could manage to say.

Skye reached for the bed and smiled at the teenager.

«You said Adam’s lyrics were telling the world how you feel about your health issues. I thought you could talk to him about that. It’s my contribution to your happiness. » she added. «We’ll leave you guys alone for a while. Is it okay for you Adam? »
«Yeah, we’re good babe. » he answered as he brought a chair closer to the bed.

They all left the room as Dylan smiled from ear to ear for the first time in months.

«Hey buddy, what’s up? » Adam tried to take his anxiety to a lower level.
«I can’t believe it’s you. Did she really ask you personally to come here? »
«You know Skye. She can be very persuasive when she wants it. Plus, I can’t deceive her, you know, she’s the boss at home. » Dylan laughed happily.

They talked for a whole hour about everything. They talked about leukemia, about touring with 3 dudes, about girls (which included Skye), about life, and about music. Dylan asked him to play «No More», which he did. At the end, they were both crying. Those lyrics meant so much for Dylan. It used to be something that Adam was thinking all day long.

No more
I just can’t live here
No more
I can't take it, can't take it
No more
What do we stand for
When we all live in fear

With the emotions coming to the surface, Adam felt the urge to explain the lyrics.

«I know how you are feeling. When I was battling against addiction, I was so afraid of the future. What was ahead of me? All I ever knew was life with drugs, just as all you know is life with cancer. There was days were I couldn’t take it anymore; I would have run away anytime to go back to my old life. Rehab and therapy and talking over and over again about how you feel, how much you’ve hurt the people you love… It is hard. I was scared of my future. I was scared to be happy even with my problems. The whole One X album is about my struggle. »
«It’s like my own struggle. I mean, people are telling me constantly to fight for my life, that I am strong, that God gave me this struggle only because I can face it and survive. But these days, I get weaker and weaker every day. I know I am dying. I want to be okay with this but my family and everybody around me are not. I am sick of fighting and suffering. I want to stop feeling the pain. I know that death will stop it. I’m ready to go. I just want my family to let me go and be happy that I’m not hurting anymore. »
«You must be the most courageous man I have ever known. »

And right at this moment, Adam wanted to write a song for Dylan. With Dylan. He asked Dylan to take his notebook and a pen and help him write their song.

Skye and Sharon got back to the room just before noon with some restaurant food for the boys. Adam was still playing the guitar and Dylan was sitting in his bed, writing and singing. Sharon stopped for a second. Dylan seemed so alive, so happy. She was so glad for him.

«Hey guys. We brought lunch. Hope you are hungry! » sang Skye as she entered the room.
«Put it there, we are not finished yet. » Dylan said without looking at them.
«What is going on? » Sharon asked, intrigued.
«Girls, we’re going to ask you to leave. We have a song to finish before the show this afternoon. We will eat when it’s done. And thanks by the way. » Adam said with a smile.
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I know, I suck with my updates. I didn't have time to write in a long time, so I hope you'll enjoy this part!