Angels of Unknown

Chapter 2


I slid my pajama top off myself, and gulped. Social occasions were never really my thing. I reached into the cupboard and pulled out my smart jeans. The scar on my chest caught my eye, and I sat on the sofa. My surroundings changed, and I was right back in that moment from a few years ago; those terrifying minutes with that girl in that alley...

“Well?” She shouted at me, grabbing the front of my shirt, forcing me against the wall.
“What've you gotta say for yourself, Moron? What have you gotta say for marrying that Lynsay bitch, and not me!?”

I quivered at this twenty year old female who had forced herself against me, and brandished a blade in my direction. She'd been stalking me for ages, and she used to leave love notes on my car windscreen. It all stopped once I married LYN-Z. It had all resulted in this. She leant in and whispered right in my ear.

“You know what happens to naughty little boys where I come from, don't you? They lose their... equipment. Or they die. Die a very, very painful death”

She put her hand around my neck, and I gulped. Like a weak animal, I flailed at her arms, trying to shake her off. She was relentless. Tears stung my eyes, thoughts of LYN-Z filling my mind. The savage female started to hack away at my chest with her knife as I winced and yelped with every incision she made.

“Stop!” I cried, making her halt; as still as a polaroid. “I'll do anything. Anything. I promise. You name it, and I'll do it. Just don't kill me!” The tears in my eyes rolled down my face. “I love her. I don't want to lose her. Let me go!

She backed off, and stared at me, bewildered. I trembled, and braced myself to make a run for it.

Anything, eh? Well, well, well...” She threw the blade to the floor, and clicked her knuckles.

Howsabout this, then? If you say anything, then I guess you don't mind doing a little... 'favour' for me...

She thrust a photo in my face, forcing me to stare at the mugshot on the celluloid.

Kill him. Murder him. Nice and slow. Mmmmm! He likes it like that!

I began to shuffle nervously.

What? Who is he? Why? What did he do t-

No questions, smartass, or you'll be getting the same treatment. He's Frank. Frank Iero. The bastard used me once, ages ago. I'm getting my revenge.” She grinned maliciously. “Mmmm! Three cheers for sweet revenge, Rardy! It's best served chilled and bloody. But remember this, Gee: Don't do this... 'errand' for me, and you're next

I sunk onto the cold, wet concrete and smelt the distinct smell of the rain from earlier. I quivered and cried, observing the bleach blonde hair of my psycho-attacker wander away into the distance...

“Oi! Geebear! Why are you lying on the floor? We don't have time!” Lyn-z snapped me back into reality. I sat on the floor, curled into a tiny ball.

“I don't want to lose you, Lyzzlekinz. Never. Never again!”

“What's brought this on? Get up you big softie!”

She pulled me up and prodded the scar on my chest.

“You're a wierd fuck, baby”

Both the jolt of pain from the scar, and her comment made me push her away violently.

“What the fuck!?” She questioned, staring at me breathing heavily.

You! You remind me of her!

“Her!? Who!? Tell me, Gerard!”

“No! Just... leave me alone. Go. I need to calm down!”

She sighed and walked away, just like the girl that night.

I slid on my clothes and chased Lyn-z. I couldn't let her know about my horrible past, but there was no damn way I'd let history ruin my marriage...