Status: It is complete, I hope you enjoyed it

Omega in the Pack

Peter Hale

"Um, who is Peter? I know he's Derrek's uncle and I get that everyone seems to not particularly like him, but I don't understand." Ally let her eyes roam over the pack as she saw them exchange looks. "Should I be worried that he'll try to kill me or something?"
With a sign Scott spoke, "Well, we haven't seen him in over a year."
"Not since the pack had to deal with the Alpha Pack." Stiles commented.
Scott nodded and continued, "But he was Alpha before Derrek. He..." Scott's voice lowered into a growl, "He's the one who turned me and tried to make me join his pack. A lot of shit went down and Lydia..." Scott was not sure if he should speak of it; it was still a sensitive topic.
"He attack me." Lydia's voice was dead as she tried not to think back to the night of the dance.
"Yeah... even threatened my mom, he would do anything to get his revenge on the people who killed his family. Eventually the Argents, Derrek, and I found him at the Hale house."
"There he killed my aunt because she went against the Hunter's Code and burned down the house." Allison added, her voice held pain.
Scott brought her closer to him as Stiles continued, "Jackson and I showed up and set him on fire with chemical bombs Lydia taught us how to make."
"Derrek slit his throat and killed him, thus becoming the next Alpha." Scott finished.
"But, then shouldn't Peter be dead?" Ally's voice raised in alarm.
Everyone bit their lips, unsure how to tell the next part. Lydia broke the silence, "I helped bring him back. I'm immune to lycanthropy, but he managed to get in my head some how. On the first full moon since his death I managed to bring Derrek to the house and under the moon brought back his uncle." She fell silent and leaned into Jackson.
With only a slight pause Scott Jackson finished, "Since then he's been a regular Beta like all of us and seems to have no desire to reclaim the position of Alpha. Just be careful of him, he's unpredictable."
"I've noticed." She mumbled, as her mind drifted to the fact that dead werewolves could come back to life.
"You okay?" Isaac asked concerned.
Ally's eyes refocused to the present and looked at him. Isaac turned beat red and looked down, making Lydia roll her eyes, "Stop picturing Ally naked."
Ally's eyes widened as everyone started to laugh. "Huh?"
"You don't magically regrow clothes after shifting to Alpha." Everyone's laughter stopped and an awkward silence fell over the room.
"Wait, what about an Alpha?" Scott perked up and looked around confused.
"Oh yeah, you were passed out when all this went down. Well, to make a long story short, Ally's an Alpha." Stiles informed his friend.
"Really?" Scott looked at her surprised.
Ally shifted in place, "Um yeah. I've only shifted once, but I'm technically an Alpha."
Scott made an 'oh' face and turned back around. "Ally's actually got a really pretty Alpha form." Stiles thought aloud. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. "What? Aside from the fact that she had a menacing growl, her form is rather pretty. She's the complete opposite of Derrek. While he's all black like night, she's all white; while he has no problem being offensive, she's more of a defensive wolf who'll only attack if you get too close." Everyone inverted themsevles as they thought of Ally's wolf. "She only gave warning growls but once someone backed off she was fine and only attacked the hunters when they attacked her."
"All I know is I'm glad she's on our side, she was terrifying as she tracked us with her eyes." Isaac said.
"Sorry for scaring you. I don't remember much, but I know my wolf well enough that she wouldn't just randomly attack someone without good reason. Derrek wants to teach me how to handle the Alpha form so I can control her and remember." Everyone smiled at her and told her it was okay. They ended up resuming the movie and watching three more, knowing Derrek would be a while. Before sitting down, Ally called up the sheriff to apologize and reschedule a time to look at the car.
The teenagers left around 11:30pm and Derrek still hadn't returned. Ally ended up falling asleep on the couch. Derrek entered the house around 3am to find Ally fitfully sleeping and a few stray tears gliding down her cheeks. He sat on the arms of the couch and stroked her hair and arm until she relaxed, then he tiredly trudged upstairs to pass out in his bed.
When Derrek finally got out of bed, he found Ally in the kitchen brewing coffee as she sipped at her tea and looking through some important looking papers. Once she sensed him her eyes looked up, "Morning." Derrek grunted and retrieved a cup from the cabinet. "May I ask you something that has to do with Peter?" She asked cautiously.
"Sure." He replied as he poured himself coffee.
"Do I have to worry about being kidnapped again?" Derrek raised a brow and she elaborated, "I didn't exactly want to go with him yesterday. He was all 'come or I'll drag you.' Like most people I'm not a fan of going somewhere against my will."
Derrek chuckled and replied, "Probably not. But just keep your sense open, he's still lurking around. What's with the paper work?" He leaned against the counter and sipped his drink.
Ally's face immediately lit up and she grinned, "I put in for a transfer to the University 20 minuted from here and was accepted. Next semester I'm actually going back to taking classes at a school instead of online."
"How long has it been since you've been in a school?" Derrek got the feeling that she has not stepped foot in a year in years.
Ally fiddle with the papers as she replied, "I dropped out of high school once I turned 16 and got my GED when I was 17. I started wandering around the country and applied to UMass Amherst when I was 18 and since then have been taking online courses. So quite a few years."
"What is your major?"
"Biology, with a minor in Music and Chemistry." Derrek's eyes widened in surprised. "What?" Ally suddenly got self conscious.
"You're ambitious. Except for Lydia, I don't think any of the others know what they want to do. Which is probably bad since they're seniors." He took another sip and asked, "What do you want to do as a career?"
"I'm not quite sure. I was thinking something with animals, I enjoy working at the clinic and I get along better with them than with people." Derrek nodded. "Um another question... what are we doing for Christmas?"
"The pack tends to come over sometime during the evening and we exchange gifts and such." Ally nodded. "You have anything special in mind?"
Ally shook her head, "Nope, but I'm excited. It's been awhile." Before Derrek could say anything, Ally's phone went off. "Hello? Oh, hi... yep, see you soon. Bye." Derrek gave her a questioning look and she smiled, "Sheriff Stilinski's found a car for me and we are going to look at it. I'll see you later." She waved and hurried to her room to change.