Status: It is complete, I hope you enjoyed it

Omega in the Pack

Going Greek

Alanna, mainly Stiles, decided to stay the week and get to know everyone better, she wanted to know what Stiles's group of friends were like. The pack was fine with it, deciding right away that they liked her and she worked well for her boyfriend. The Sheriff adored her and offered her a room in the house if she ever decided to visit; she was grateful. However, things got tricky on Monday, she arrived on Saturday, when the pack noticed that there was something supernatural once again skulking about their territory. They did their best to act normal around Alanna, but they were finding it more and more difficult to act cool as the week progressed. Ally could see the others getting restless as the unknown entity roamed their town invisible. One minute they could sense the creature, the next, it was gone.
"I think I have something!" Isaac called as he trotted into the living room of the pack house. Derrek, Jackson, Lydia, and Ally turned to look at him. He held out his hand to reveal a feather with a little blood on it.
"No offense but, why is this important?" Scott asked.
Isaac rolled his eyes and replied, "The blood you see is from the feather being ripped out... and blood is humanoid in origin."
"Hold up," The pack stared at him, but Jackson was the one to speak. "So your telling me that some person is growing feathers like... a human bird?"
"That's ridiculous. There are no such things as bird people, are there?" She looked to Derrek who was thinking grimly.
"I don't know, I haven't heard of any but if what Isaac has is pretty damn good evidence that says they do exist."
Ally called Stiles later that night when Alanna was taking a shower. "Stiles, we need your help in your vast knowledge of all things supernatural."
Stiles chuckled as he replied, "Go on."
"Isaac found something today that may be what we have been trying to track. It's a feather that had blood on it from where it was pulled out. However, the blood wasn't avian, it was humanoid. Do you know any mythological creatures that fit that description?"
"Hmm, let me think." He picked through his brain as he crossed his arms over his chest and cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder. He heard the door to the bathroom open and he called, "Alanna, Ally is trying to solve a puzzle and the hint is: a being with feathers but is humanoid."
Alanna cocked her head and replied, "Sounds like either a Greek harpy or siren. A siren was a half bird, half beautiful woman creature who sang so beautifully that she put men under a spell. They usually sang on rocks and had sailors drowned themselves. A harpy was a bird creature with a head of a woman. They started off beautiful but later the myth changed so the face was that of an old hag. They were known for carrying people off to the underworld and torturing them and were thought to be the personification of storm winds."
"You are so knowledgeable." Stiles replied in awe.
Alanna giggled and kissed his head, "That is what I'm doing my Thesis paper on; Greek mythologies. More specifically Sirens, Harpies, Gorgons, and the Fates. Does that help Ally?"
Stiles snapped out of his awe and asked, "Did you hear that?"
"Yes, thank you. Tell her she's awesome."
"Ally says your awesome."
Alanna blushed and smiled, "Thank you."
"You coming over later?" Ally asked.
"Probably. Dad wants us to be home for dinner though, so maybe after that." Stiles replied.
"Alright, thanks again. Later."
"Later." Stiles hug up, and Ally faced her friends.
"In Greek mythology there are two creatures who kinda fit our description. The Siren and the Harpy, and neither sound fun to deal with."
"When are the creatures that step foot in our territory ever fun to deal with?" Jackson asked sarcastically.
Ally glared, or as best of a glare as she could do, and replied, "Yeah, but at least with vampires and werewolves we know the basics. Who really knows about Sirens and Harpies?"
Scott commented, "Well, don't Sirens sing and sailors drown themselves? Or something like that."
"Yeah, but I've never really heard of a way to stop them."
Lydia already had her tablet out and searching both creatures. "The only two tales that have men surviving Sirens are Odysseus who put wax in his crew mates ears and then tied to the mast while he listened to the song, and Jason who was only saved because Orpheus played music for them and it cancelled out the song's power. He was the god of music or something. The Harpies were only stopped from befouling food of King Phineus, who was being punished by the gods, when Boreades chased them to the Strophades Islands." She looked up from her tablet and replied, "If we are facing one of these creatures, we're kind of screwed."
Derrek rubbed his temples, "Wonderful, just what we need."
"I wonder if any other pack has to put up with the bullshit we do?" Isaac chuckled humorlessly.
"We could ask around." Allison offered. "We can talk to some of our Allies who can talk to theirs, and I can look in the bestiary to see if either are in it."
"That's a good start. Will Chris be okay with you looking in it?" Derrek asked.
Allison shrugged, "He's not uptight about you guys anymore since you haven't attacked anyone and I Am a hunter so I do have access to it. Plus, if whatever is in town could hurt someone, he'll want to know what it is too."
Derrek nodded, "Alright, let's start doing research until dinner time. We'll compare whatever we've found out so far and continue when Alanna isn't around. Let's go" Everyone got up, some to find a computer and others to head to the local library for books on Greek mythology.
They did not find much about either creature except the same stories over and over again. To make matters worse, the creature had not left anything behind since that day Isaac found the feather. three and a half days past since then and it was the day the creature decided to make itself known. Ally was at home cleaning when she felt something nearby. She walked to the backdoor and opened it. Her werewolf ears were picking up wings and her nose twitched at a peculiar smell, but she saw nothing. She growled out a warning before turning around and heading back into the house. Ally had just finished placing a load of laundry into the washing machine when the door bell rang. Her eyebrows knit together as she approached the door and caught a familiar smell.
"Hi Ally." Alanna greeted.
"Heey." She drew out the word in confusion. "Whats up?"
Alanna stared at Ally confused, "Isn't everyone meeting up here?"
"Meeting up?"
"Ah, I got a text from Stiles saying we were all meeting up here for some reason. Didn't you know?"
"No." She replied carefully. "Can I see the text." Alanna retrieved the phone and showed her the text. As the girls reread the message both looked up started as they heard laughing coming from nowhere. Ally's heart bottomed out as she caught a whiff of the same odd smell as earlier. Suddenly they heard the back door slam open and Ally grabbed Alanna's arm. "Car now!" The girls booked it to Ally's Explorer and without even buckling up, Ally floored it backwards and screeched as she turned around.
"Ally, what are you doing?" Alanna asked with an erratic heart and frantically trying to buckle up.
"Driving, the house has been breached."
"Breached? Breached by what?"
Before Ally could answer, the car got slammed into and rolled. The girls screamed as they tumbled three times and the car landed on its side; Ally's side. "Oh I shoulda buckled up." Ally rubbed her bleeding head and then realized Alanna was still in the car. "Alanna, are you okay?"
Alanna groaned, but replied, "Yeah, may have a concussion but I'm fine otherwise."
"Good, we have to go." Ally could hear the flapping of wings as she helped Alanna from her seat and safely outside. She looked around and saw a shadow swoop by over head. Continuing down the road was dangerous because they would be out in the open, and going into the woods was dangerous because the creature probably knew these woods better than Ally and could move swifter since it was alone. Choosing the lesser of two evils, Ally grabbed Alanna's hand.
"What are we going to do?"
"We are going to pull a Doctor. RUN!" Together they bolted into the woods and Ally prayed they could avoid the thing until help arrived.
♠ ♠ ♠
Greek info found on wikipedia,, and
So as I'm writing this, I'm watching my brother play Darksiders II. It's a pretty cool game to watch =) Cheers!