Status: It is complete, I hope you enjoyed it

Omega in the Pack

Siren's Song

Alanna and Ally stumbled into a covered clearing and bent over to breathe. "What the hell is chasing us?" Alanna gulped out.
"To be honest," Ally looked up and replied truthfully, "I haven't the foggiest..."
"You're sharp."
Ally looked down and bit her lip. It technically was not her place to let out the big secret, however Alanna's life was on the line and deserved to know what was going on. Apparently the last time a human was not in the know, bad stuff happened... like the rebirth of Peter. "Um there's a pretty good chance that either a Harpy or Siren is following us."
Alanna stopped what she was doing, looked at Ally, and then chuckled, "Right Ally, like a Harpy is chasing after us."
"Actually I'm a Siren." The bird woman replied as she landed across the field. Alanna turned around and then back peddled towards Ally, while Ally stood protectively in front of Alanna. "Don't confuse us." Her voice was soothing and flowed like the tide.
Alanna balked at the creature before her as Ally growled, "If you're a Siren, then why attack us? Your power has no effect on us." Ally was slightly bluffing, she had no idea if a Siren's song could enchant her.
"You are right." She replied with a wave of her winged hand. "My song does not work on females, however," Her turquoise irises glistened, "They work on them." She gestured to Ally's right where Scott, Jackson, and Isaac came bursting through.
"Ally, Alanna we came as soon as we-" Scott stopped when he, along with the other two, noticed the Siren.
"Hello Boys." The three Betas growled at the bird woman as she greeted them. "You should not do that, it is rude. Why not hear a song to calm down." She grinned menacingly before opening her mouth and unleashing a heaven sent voice.
The Betas fought to keep control over themselves as Ally cursed and turned to Alanna. She grabbed her shoulders firmly and rushed out, "Okay, I'm going to tell you something and you have got to not freak out until After. Please don't pull a stereotypical movie move and be like 'screw this' and run away because that never ends well for the person who runs away. I promise to protect you against Scott, Jackson, and Isaac."
"I think I can handle one of them, you don't need to protect me." She argued.
"No you can't. You're strong, but you can't fight them. Those three are... well, they're werewolves." Alanna inhaled sharply and looked like he was about scream when Ally quickly said, "No, no screaming or running, you can do that all later. For now, stay behind me."
Trying to calm down for the moment, Alanna asked, "How are you going to protect me if they're-"
"Because I am one too." Ally turned and looked into Alanna's eyes, "Know this, I will protect you no matter what, we never told you what we were for safety reason, except for right now where a freaken Siren is controlling the guys, we would never hurt you, and you are not dating a werewolf." Ally's head turned towards the others, "Here they come, stay behind me."
The three Betas stalked over to Ally and Alanna shifted into their wolf forms. "Beta form is so unattractive." Ally complained, much to Alanna's amusement, right before Jackson attacked. Ally dodged and kicked him in the stomach right as Isaac attacked next. The fight was all over the place as Ally dodged, rolled, flipped, and somersaulted, trying to avoid her pack mates, but not hesitating to attack when they got to close Alanna.
As Ally fought, Alanna stood behind trying to figure out how to help her friend. She was terrified by the fact that she was surrounded by four werewolves and a Siren, where had her life strayed to?, but she trusted Ally and wanted to help her. She knew she needed to stop the Siren from singing, but did not know how. She slowly made her way behind the nearest tree and started to make the stealthy journey to the Siren.
She had only made it to the third tree when she felt a hand over her mouth. Her scream was muffled as the person turned her to face them. "Shh, Alanna it's okay, it's me." Allison whispered. Alanna calmed down as her eyes fell upon Allison, Lydia, and Stiles.
"Wait! No! Stiles, you cannot be here." She cried frantically.
"Don't worry, he has earplugs in." Allison smiled soothingly. "What's going on?"
"Ally's fighting Scott, Jackson, and Isaac because they are under the Siren's spell."
"Dammit." She muttered. "I'm going to help Ally, you stay here with Lydia and Stiles. Derrek will be arriving soon and can hopefully wrap this up quickly."
"Wait, are you a werewolf too?" Alanna asked unsure and feeling weird at having asked the question.
Allison was taken back, but replied, "No, but I can handle it. I've kinda had training... too complicated to talk about right now. So stay with Stiles, he'll protect you." She turned to Lydia and handed her the bow and arrow. "Here, you know how to use this. Try to get in a well placed shot, you'll only have one shot before she'll know where you are. Stay safe." She gently pushed Alanna towards Stiles, who held her protectively, and crept out onto the field. She assessed the situation and called to her boyfriend, "Hey Scott, what are you doing?" She folded her arms expectantly.
Scott lost his focus on Ally and turned towards Allison. He cocked his head as if trying to recognize her, but the Siren amped up her song and he roared at her. "That's not nice Scott, I thought we got past this." Scott ran at her and she easily moved out of the way and so their dance began. The Siren's spell on Scott fluctuated the more Allison talked to him and she was having a hard time keeping him under her. She glared at Allison every time she had to put more power into her song.
At some point, Derrek crept up next to Alanna as Lydia did her best to find the optimum spot for shooting the Siren. "How are we doing?"
Alanna jumped slightly, not realizing he had approached. Lydia replied, "Ally is fighting Isaac and my idiot of a boyfriend, while Allison is fighting Scott. The Siren is having a hard time keeping control over him and has to keep upping her magic or whatever. Ally needs your help more than Allison at this point."
"What are you three doing?"
"Stiles is protecting Alanna, but can't hear anything. I'm trying to find the best place to shoot the bitch singing. She keeps moving and there is wind so it is proving to be quite a task." She grinned, it has been a while since she had such a challenge.
"Alright, keep working on it. I'll go and help Ally." Derrek moved to go, but Alanna placed a hand on his arm.
"But what about the song? You'll fall under the spell. Wait, why aren't you trying to attack us?"
He was quiet a moment and asked, "You know about the others?"
"About them being werewolves?" She asked hesitantly.
"Yes." She nodded, "I'm their Alpha. Perhaps that enables me to think straight or maybe I'm a heartless bastard. Who knows, but I'm going to use this to my advantage and help Ally and get my pack back. Be careful." He entered the opening and looked over to how Allison was doing before stalking over to the others.
"Now you come." Ally huffed as she dodged a swipe from Jackson.
Derrek grabbed Jakcson by the neck and chucked him twenty feet away. "I came as fast as I could." Together Ally and Derrek kept Jackson and Isaac at bay. "How can you stand that noise?" He asked, referring to the song.
"I think it's rather pretty, but at this point forced and loud." The Siren was getting frustrated and angrier the longer Derrek did not submit to her song. "Derrek, try going Alpha and see if you can get them to recognize you as their Alpha."
"Alright, it's worth a try." Just as Derrek pulled back to shift, the Siren shifted her focus and let go of the Betas.
Scott was the first to become free and in mid-punch, stopped and shook his head confused. "Allison?"
Allison stopped her attack and asked. "Scott?" Smiling, she ran up to him and hugged him.
After being thrown to the ground, Jackson stayed on the ground confused. "What the hell?" The hold on him was gone as he stared up at the tree covered sky.
Ally just punched Isaac in the face and the impact raddled enough of Isaac so he woke from his slumber. Ally was about to attack again when he looked up with clear eyes and asked, "Ally? What's going on?"
She sighed and replied, "It's okay Isaac, you're back." She smiled at him and told him, "Make sure Jackson's okay." She turned to Derrek, "Derrek, they're back to-" She stared with wide eyes as her mouth opened at red eyes staring angrily and hazily at her. She gasped for breath at the intimidating eyes.
As Derrek roared at her, the Siren cried out as she was hit through the neck with Lydia's arrow.
A tear dropped from Ally's eye as she whispered, "Derrek?" Derrek shifted back with an equally shocked face, staring into Ally's blown pupils. Together they looked down to see Derrek's fingers covered in blood and Ally with deep claw marks from both sides of her naval and going up two inches, cutting through a few of her ribs.