Status: It is complete, I hope you enjoyed it

Omega in the Pack

Ally and Kahlan

Ally was sitting with her feet buried in white sand as a light breeze blew over her, listening to the lazy waves. Her long hair tossed gently in the wind along with the skirt of her white sundress. Everything was calm and peaceful on the beach today and Ally loved it. It had been a while since she had been to the beach last. She leaned back on her hands and let her head fall back so the sun's rays could kiss her face. She smiled into the warmth and sighed happily.
"What are you doing?" Ally opened her eyes to see a carbon copy of herself staring impatiently at her.
Ally looked around and then returned her gaze to the person in front of her. "Who are-"
"Who do you think I am?" The girl asked as she rolled her caramel gold eyes.
Ally carefully looked the girl over. She was shoeless just like herself, had on purple short shorts, a purple and green plaid bikini top, rose sunglasses sat atop her head, and her shoulder length wavy blonde hair blew in the wind. "Kay?"
"Took you long enough."
"What are you doing here, you're dead." Ally stated in confusion.
Kahlan chuckled as she plopped down next to Ally. "Technically yes, but me being here isn't important. The better question is: What are you doing here?"
Ally's brows knit together as she asked, "What do you mean?"
"This place." She gestured around the beach, "Isn't real. What do you remember before you came here?"
"I-" Ally thought hard. "I don't know."
"I think you do." Ally looked at Kahlan who replied to the unasked question, "You're holding your stomach."
Ally looked down, "So? That-" A memory flashed before her, "I was hurt. I-I-I was in a- fight... and was attacked... no me being hurt was... an accident."
"How were you hurt?" Kahlan asked as she leaned on her knees and smiled.
Ally unearthed her feet and criss-crossed her legs as she faced her sister. "I was..." Her mind was too foggy for the memory to come through.
After a few moment of no answer, Kahlan prompted, "Who did it?"
Ally was about to replied that she was not sure when a name popped into her head, "Derrek."
"Good. How is he connected to you?"
"He's... he's," Emotions connected to the name slipped through the fog and Ally answered, "He's my Alpha, housemate, and friend..."
"Then if he's all those thing, why did he attack you?"
"He didn't mean to..." Slowly the memory presented itself to her, "The pack was fighting something and it did something... It was-was a... Siren. She put our pack mates under her spell... and I was fighting them. Derrek came to help, but... the others were let go and when... when I turned he impaled me with his claws." Tears started to flow from her eyes. "He didn't mean too, she... she had bewitched him... after she let go of the others." Ally's eyes dropped down to her lap and she jumped. Her sundress was ripped open and eight claw wounds were torn into her and her dress was stained red.
"Ally calm down. You are okay, but you need to remember the rest." Kahlan placed her hands on Ally's face. "I'm here."
Ally calmed down and tried to continue, "Something happened to her and... Derrek was back and-and-and there was pain... lots of pain and I wasn't healing and there was blood everywhere... and things got fuzzy." Ally looked up into familiar eyes and asked, "Where am I? Where is everyone else?"
Kahlan took a deep breath and replied, "This is Limbo. You're between life and death Rai, and you have to make a decision."
"What decision?"
"Which way you want to go." She replied honestly.
"You're here to help me make it, aren't you?"
Kahlan nodded. "I needed you to remember so you could make the decision rationally. Do you remember everything else?" Ally nodded slowly, memories were coming back now. "Well, up we go." Together they got up and Kahlan stood before her. "Go left," She pointed, "And return to the world where you will be in a lot of pain, memories of that night will haunt you, many more fights will happen, but you will see your friends, pack, and whenever you meet him, your mate. However, go right, "She pointed to her right, "You will walk to the after life where you will see your old pack again, there will be no pain, and you will live in bliss. However, you will be leaving behind your pack, those who love you, and there will be no chance of meeting your mate. The choice is yours and yours alone."
Ally looked to the right. It was very tempting, she would be able to see her mom, dad, hopefully a not crazy sister (her other half), and her entire pack. She would no longer have to dream of the massacre or the recent fight. She wouldn't have to go through the painful process of healing after being ripped open and gushing blood. Her psyche would no longer be damaged and she would not feel hollow and lost. But like Kahlan had said... Ally turned her head to the left. She would be leaving behind her new pack. Leaving behind the people she had come to see as friends, loved ones, and family. People already broken and who had lost so much and so many, could she really let them lose her too? She would not be able to tell them how much they mean to her, help them protect their territory from yet another creature, protect them from painful things, comfort them, she would not be able to tell Derrek how she does not hold him responsible for what happened. Yet she would be entering the world in pain, feel weak from so much blood loss, have new nightmares to wreak havoc on her at night, have to fight more, and be babied for God knows how long. Could her mental state really handle anymore?
Ally looked up at her sister with determination shining in her gold orbs. "So you've made your decision, little sister?" Ally nodded. "Are you sure it's one you can live with, spiritually or literally?"
"Yes, I'm not ready to rest forever. I have people I need to protect, comfort, reassure, meet, and love. Thank you for everything and it was nice seeing you again, even if you are just something my mind created." She smiled brightly at her twin.
"You too, Rai. If it's any consolation, I think you're making the right choice." The sisters hugged before Kahlan disappeared and Ally made her way to her worried friends.
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This and the next chapter were actually going to be one, but this part was longer than I thought so now it's two. Enjoy!