Status: in the process of writing yo

This One's For You

Farewell To Shady Glade ~Chapter 3~

*Maddi's P.O.V*

"Are you okay?" He looks at me with sorrow.
I just kind of stare at him. He's so handsome. I probably look mental. His face literally took my breath away. His voice- so raspy. He was very tall, maybe over six feet. He had a loose tank top on, that said "Create Music" on it, Maybe he's a musician? His shirt was paired with very tight skinny jeans. His legs were the size of my arm! For such a tall guy, he was so skinny. He has intricate tattoos all down his left arm, and I could tell he has a chest piece.
"What's your name?" he says, inturpting my thoughts I completley forgot what was going on.
"Maddi..." I croaked.
Hi Maddi. I'm Austin. Are you okay?"
Oh my God. Austin. Tattoos. Create Music. It's Austin Carlile. How could I not tell?! He's the screamer in Of Mice & Men! I dont listen to them that much. I mean, I have a couple songs downloaded but...Oh my God. I'm standing in front of a rockstar. A idol. A hero. He just beat up someone for me.
"Not really. I gotta go..." I yell over my shoulder as I start running. I have to get out of here. I'm so embarrsed. I'm so weak. I had to have a rockstar risk his wellbeing for me.
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sorry its short