Status: in the process of writing yo

This One's For You

My Understandings ~Chapter 4~

*Maddi's P.O.V*
My whole face hurts. My vision is blured. My head is in excruciating pain. I'm stumbing, trying to find my way home. I don't remember where I am, or how I get home. This defintily isn't what it's like to be high. They must've like laced something into it. My mom is gonna flip. I should probably call her so she doesn't freak out. She's not used to me being out late- well, being out at all. I feel around my back pockets, looking for my phone, but it's not there. I dig through every other pocket.
"Fuck." I yell.
Now I'm stranded, with no phone, and I'm drugged on something. Oh, and to top that off, I got beaten up, and I almost got raped! Great night.
I look all around me to try and see where I am. All I see is distorted houses. I rub my eyes and look around, again. Everything is still distorted and weird looking. It's like looking into a fun house mirror, except thats what I'm seeing all around me. I kneel down and rub my head, trying to process what is happening.
All of a sudden, I see bright head lights behind me, blaring heavy music. I turn around, wanting to know who it is, shelding my eyes from the blinding light. The car slows down. I look up trying to see who's there. All I see is distorted lights. I hear a car door slam, so I get up and start walking away. I don't need to get kidnapped, after every that happend tonight.
"Wait!" says a familar voice.
I turn around and look to see who's calling after me.
"Are you okay? I have your phone!" says the voice.
I walk up to the figure.
"Do you need a ride?" he says.
It's Austin Carlile again. Oh my god, obviously. I feel like a fucking retard. But, I can't try and find my way home like this. I can't even go home like this.
"Uh, I-I don't know what happend to me, b-but I think I got drugged or something. I c-can't go home like t-this." I stammered out.
"You can crash at my place!" He seemed excited almost.
"A-are you sure?"
"Yes. Definitely." he exclaimed.
He leans his head in the passenger side door, whispering something to whoever's driving, then opens the back door for me.
"Here, get in."
I start walking over to the car, and I almost trip over the curb. Austin puts his arms out to catch me before I fall. Wow, his arms are so strong and muscular.
"Uh thanks." I bit my lip.
I get in the car, slump back in my seat rub my eyes.
"This is Alan." Austin says, refering to the ginger.
Isn't that the guitarist of Of Mice & Men.
"Oh, er, hi." I feel so awkward.
Alan turns around facing me. "So, what happend to you?"
"I have no idea. I s-smoked some weed I-I guess. Th-then some guy punched me i-in the face. And everyt-thing I see is distorted a-and blurred. My head h-hurts really bad, too."
He sat there for a minute, looking me up and down. "Oh, so that's why your face is fucked up. But you probably got roofied. You'll be fine in the morning."
Roofied? The date-rape drug? Why would someone lace that in pot, I thought to my self.
"Hey, uh, did you say you had my phone?" I said to Austin.
"Oh yeah! I think you dropped it when you ran off." he handed me my crappy phone.
I unlock my phone. 32 text messages and 10 missed calls.
Mom: Come home hunny.
Mom: Where are you?
Mom: I'll pick you up.
Mom: I want you home now.
Mom: Maddi, where are you?
Dad: Get home now.
Mom: Do you want me to call the police?
Oh god. She's gonna flip.
Me: Sorry Mom. I was at Tay's house and I fell asleep. I'm just gonna stay here for the night. Call you in the morning. Xoxo.
I sent the text fast and put my phone down. What is my mom gonna do. She's gonna be so mad. I'll be grounded for life. That's one of the things I hate about myself. I'm always so paranoid. About everything. I take out my phone and examine my face. My face looks terrible. It's purple and blue all over my eye. He messed me up good.
I put down my phone, and rest my eyes. I think about everything that happend tonight. I'm such a fuckup.
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sorry i took a long time to update :c