Status: in the process of writing yo

This One's For You

Those In Glass Houses ~Chapter 5~

*Maddi's P.O.V*
I wake up to a pounding headache. I open my eyes and notice unfamilar surrounds. This isn't my bedroom? I sit up and look around. I'm in a king size bed with cream white sheets. The walls are beige, and theres a bookshelf equipted with many books. I look to my left and theres a small bedside table with and open book upside down, a empty beer bottle, and my phone. How did I end up here?

I hear someone breathing. I turn around and theres a guy next to me. I screamed out loud and hopped off the bed. I backed up into the bookshelf, shaking it a little. I looked down and noticed I was just wearing my underware and a oversized shirt that said "Aspire & Create." What happend last night? The man that laid next to me sat up and rubbed his eyes. He was shirtless, and has short black bedhead. He had amazing tattoos on is stomach and all up his arm. He looked at me. He looks awfully familiar.

"Oh my God you're Austin Carlile!" I used my hands to cover up my half naked body.

"I'm guessing you don't remember anything from last night?" he says, with a big smirk on his face.

"...Did we have sex?!" I looked down, feeling ashamed of myself. Anyone would fuck Austin Carlile if they got the chance. I don't think I would. I plan on staying a virgin intill I find someone worthy of giving it away to. I rack my brain trying to figure out what even happend last night. All I remember was running out of my house after my parents started fighting.

"Um, no." He turned bright red and look discouraged. "Someone drugged you last night at the party. Then some guy tried to have sex with you in the backyard and ended up beating you up. So I fucked him up, and you ran off. Then, me and Alan were driving home, and noticed you on the ground. You said you didn't know how to get back home, so I let you crash here."

I stood there, trying to comprehend everything he said. I'm still surprised I'm in the same room as Austin Carlile. That I shared a bed with him! That he beat up someone, just for me!

"Are you serious?! I was ...... drugged?" I never done drugs in my entire life, let alone think about doing them. "I apricate all of this, helping me out and stuff, but I should probably get home. My moms gonna flip out."

"Let me at least make you breakfast first? I mean it's the least I could do. " He got up and threw on a big t shirt.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna be a bother.." I feel so bad that he's doing this all for me. I don't deserve this.

"No, it's seriously fine." He says as walking out the room.

Wow, now I know why everyone drools over him. He really is so handsome. I never really noticed how goodlooking he actually is.
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ugh sorry im a shiitty writer hah