In Denial

Matty, You Need A Boyfriend.

"Maybe if you'd stop yelling at me -"

"Well maybe if you were listening to me, I wouldn't have to yell at you."

"Maybe you should shut up."

"No, maybe you should shut up."

"Maybe you both should shut up."

Both of the boys turned to look at Matt as he growled out the warning. His head was pulsing with pain and even though it was not entirely his friends fault, his grumpy mood was just getting worse. Four pairs of eyes watched him as he carelessly threw down the paper they had been working on for hours and walked up the stairs of the basement and into the kitchen. He let out a sigh as he walked into the living room and threw himself down onto the couch before. Matt pulled the pillow out from under his head before blocking everything out by placing it over his face. Matt's eyes slipped closed as he tried to get his head to stop pounding.

A lot had been going on in the life of seventeen-year-old Matt Sanders but since he couldn't ever seem to talk to his best friend he kept it to himself. It wasn't like Zachy was gone or anything; he and Brian had probably resumed their relentless flirting seconds after he left the room. That was his biggest problem: sharing Zachy with everyone else. Of course, it wasn't everyone else that worried him, it was Brian and the sudden attention he had begun giving the boy. The fact that he may be jealous of Brian was blocked from his mind. That couldn't be it. It had just been a roughweekcouple of days that he had been feeling this way. Matt's eyes shot open as the pillow was taken off his face, letting the light in, and someone sat on his stomach carefully.

"Geez, maybe you should get some more sleep, Matty." Matt nodded, rubbing his tired eyes with a hand, "Now, why are you being such a bitch?"

Matt shook his head, not answering for a moment. "I'm not being a bitch."

"Oh, but you are fact, I don't think you've ever been that meant to me before." Matt gave a small, apologetic smile to Zachy before groaning as the boy shifted on his stomach, closer now to his legs. Both of them instantly froze, hearing the noise. Matt felt his cheeks grow hot with a blush while Zachy stared down at him and let and evil chuckle escape his lips.

"What...was that?"

"Shut up!" Zachy smirked and shook his head, squirming again. Another groan escaped Matt's lips but this time he grabbed the front of Zachy's shirt pulling him down so that their faces were close together.

"I'm warning you Baker....I'm gonna kill you if you -"

Zachy's lips crashed down onto Matt's, surprising him. He stayed still for a moment before kissing back and wrapping his arms around Zachy, dragging him down onto his chest. This wasn't the first time they had kissed but it had been under different circumstances. They had been alone, locked up in Matt's room where no one could see, not laying on the couch in his living room with the guys right downstairs. Matt pulled away after a moment and looked at Zachy, waiting for him to say something.

"You need a boyfriend, Matt. That'd make you less grumpy.."

"I'm not gay." Matt shook his head as he pulled away from Zachy, letting his arms drop to his sides.

"Really? You sure weren't acting like you weren't on your birthday last week.." Matt blushed as Zachy frowned.

"That was one night." Zachy shook his head and stood up, "That was just us showing each other how close we really are."

"That, Charles, was called sex and it wasn't some kind of trust exercise." Matt avoided Zachy's eyes for a moment before finally speaking.

"Please don't call me know I hate it when you call me by my middle name." Zachy rolled his eyes and looked away for a moment before leaning down and pressing their lips back together. Matt resisted for only a few seconds before he he gave in, pulling Zachy down onto him again. A smile appeared on Zachy's lips as he pulled back and moved himself so that he had one leg on either side of Matt.

"You going to tell me that your not gay now?" Zachy asked, looking Matt straight in the eyes. He watched as the other boy shook his head. "Then are you going to tell me that you do, in fact, need a boyfriend?" Again Matt shook his head, making Zachy give a frustrated sigh.

"I don't want a boyfriend Zachy, I don't like guys." Zachy stared at him in disbelief.

"Well then I'd like to know what the hell happened last week? You don't like guys? Then why were you so submissive?" A large blush ran to his cheeks as Matt sayed silent, knowing that Zachy had him beat.

"Look, I trust you, okay? I just...I don't want to date any boys.." Zachy smiled slightly before nodding, looking away.

" trust me enough to have sex?" Matt nodded, shrugging.

"It it really that big of a deal?" Zachy shrugged and stood up, smirking slightly.

"Uh-uh...I know that look and the guys are right down the steps." Zachy shook his head and took Matt's hand, pulling him up and leading him over to the steps. "No, Zachy...we'll get caught."

"No, we won't. We'll be quiet....I swear." Matt shook his head, knowing that he would be the one to get them caught.

"I just don't want them to-" He was cut off by Zachy's lips pressing to his own and his body being pressed against the wall. He kissed back before pulling away and looking at Zachy.

"I swear if you get us caught, your dead."


Matt let out a soft but tired groan as Zachy flopped down beside him on his bed. Instantly, his arms wrapped around Zachy as he snuggled into his warm but sweaty chest. Sex with Zachy was something that Matt enjoyed very much of course, Zachy knew that but no one else. Matt had to question himself though. Was he gay or not? He held on to Zachy as their breathing began to regulate.

"Hey, Matt?" Zachy asked, looking up from his chest.

"Yeah?" Matt breathed out, running a hand along Zachy's arm gently.

"I still think you need a boyfriend."

How many times do I have to tell you Zachary...I'm not gay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well this is the first chapter to what I hope will be a wonderful and long story. I'm looking for some feedback- it'd be wonderful- and I was hoping to get it on this site. Banners would be nice...I simply adore them. I hope you enjoy and have fun reading! Laterz!

Katie Lynn.