Status: Here's the sequel I promised, enjoy. :)

Raised by Wolves

Month Three

Ryan and I walked around in what was probably the sixth store we've been in today. He is so picky. He can't just choose things with out debating over it for twenty minutes. It makes it even harder that we don't know what the baby is going to be yet. He was currently trying to decide what crib to get, and we've been standing here for about ten minutes now. “What do you think Ron, the white crib or the brown one?” “I don't know babe, whichever one you want. They're both nice.” “But I don't know, that's why I'm asking you.” “Why don't you ask Amber? Maybe she'll give you a better opinion.” “Good idea.” He turned to her, where she was sitting in the cart. “What do you think Amber, should we get the white crib or the brown crib for your little Sibling?”

She thought for a minute, looking back and forth from one crib to the other. “I think you should get the brown one mommy.” He smiled at her. “Well, the brown one it is then.” Thank god that's over. But now he'll probably just do the same thing with something else, and he'll spend another twenty minutes trying to decide. We were pretty much done with furniture. Now we just had to get some clothes. Oh boy, this is going to be even worse than the furniture, I can already tell.

He kept asking Amber which things she liked better, and at first I thought he was crazy to completely trust her opinion, since she is only five. But she's not too bad at picking things out. Everything she chose was actually really nice. I gave my opinion every now and then, but not too often. I'm not very good at that kind of stuff. Eventually, after a long day of shopping, we all returned home with a bunch of boxes and bags. We had originally planned to start decorating the baby's room, but we decided to wait until we knew the gender of the baby.

I could tell Amber was tired from our long shopping trip. She was laying on the couch as we brought everything upstairs, so they wouldn't be in the way. Her eyes struggling to stay open, and when we came back down, she was asleep. I carried her to her bed, pulling the blanket over her. I joined Ryan in our room, laying down next to him. He too was asleep. Wow, they must have been extremely tired. I kissed his forehead, and he stirred slightly, smiling in his sleep. I chuckled, then turned out the lights and snuggled into his side, my hand resting on his large belly.