(Un)Lucky Coincidences


'Where the heck did Gero got lost? He was right behind me and now he's gone!' Sandra was searching around the place looking for his dark brown hair. There were so many people. 'How can he leave me on this huge festival area all on my own?' Still searching she saw a bundge of guys walking around and she was sure one of them was Gero. So Sandra started running after them and jumped on his back. There were unfamiliar faces looking at her anxiously.

„What the heck?!“ This voice wasn't at all known by her, so she jumped off and looked at the guy.

„Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else. Did I hurt you?“ She tilted her head.

„Why do you jump on people? What's wrong with you?“ The man was still yelling at Sandra and looked angrily. She couldn't help but giggling.

First they were confused, but her laughing convinced them to start too.

„Why are you laughing?“ One of the beardy ones asked smiling. The red-haired woman was holding her belly and wipping a tear from her eye, „You looked so obset with me about nothing and I just couldn't help myself.“

„But you jump on strangers.“ The dark-haired told her.

She was still smiling, „but I thought you were my best friend. Sorry again. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Maybe a pint?“ She tried to look as innocent as possible, but soon felt an arm wrapped around her shoulders, „You read my mind!“ He grinned, „I'm Rob, by the way.“ He held out a hand towards her. Sandra took it and shook it, „I'm Sandra. Nice to meet you.“ The others interduced theirselfs as Chris, Roughton and Liam. They all started walking to the next stand and Sandra wondered, why she felt familiar with these names, „Have we met before? I'm quiet sure I've heard those names before.“ Roughton giggled, „No, I'm pretty sure, we haven't. I would remember back-jumping ladies.“

Sandra shook her head, „Hm. Okay then. You came all the way from the UK to this festival? Pretty far, isn't it?“ Changing the subject from one second to the next was one of her powers.

Liam looked confused, „How do you know … Oh, of cause, the accent!“ He chunched his hand against his forhead and laughed.

Sandra smiled back and winked, „Yeah, it's quiet obvious. - So what you're about to see tonight?“

Rob spoke up, „We'll be working. But may we'll catch up for the Prodigy.“

Her face lit up, „Oh, so I'll see you there.“

They reached the stand and Sandra ordered the pints for the guys.

„So you're here with your friends? Where are they?“ Chris wondered.

Sandra shrugged her shoulders, „Gero got lost and Lydia wasn't in her tent this morning, so she probably found some better place to sleep.“ She couldn't hold back a smirk thinking about Lydia's night.

„So they all left you?!“ Chris assumed.

Sandra nodded, „Yeah, seems so. But at least I have to find Gero, because he has the key to my tent.“

Roughton frowned, „Just give him a call?“

„Yeah. No. He has my cell phone, too.“ Sandra smiled anxiously.

„So what you're going to do?“ Chris wondered a bit confused.

Sandra shrugged her shoulders again, „Have another pint and wait to get found?“ She looked around smiling and had a sip of her beer.

Rob swung an arm around her neck and grinned, „So you're all on your own tonight?“ Sandra's smile left her face, when she noticed the strange tone in his voice. „Hm. Seems so...“

His smirk even grew, „You wanna stay with us? - Untill we have to work.“

She looked from one of the lads to the next slowly, „Why not?! What do you do anyway?“

Rob tilted his head, „Uhm. You'll find out later.“ She looked at him confused, but wasn't willing to ask way more questions, so she finally gave up. „What ever.“

The brown-eyed girl held to her pint and looked around the festival area in hope to find some rescue and let her thoughts slip away, 'Where did you got yourself involved into this time? These guys are quiet strange. But I still know them from somewhere... But where???'

It wasn't long before Liam's head popped up in front of her, „Hey there, smile again!“ He ripped her out of her thoughts and she responded with the brightest smile. „That's way better!“ Liam said, while smoothing her shoulder.

„Hey, what's that?“ Sandra just discovered a tattoo on the inner side of his arm. She grapped his wrist and turned the whole arm to have a better view. „I know that. Why do you have a Mandelbrot set on your arm? That's kind of cool.“ She mumbled.

He seemed to be confused, but also excited. „You know that?!“

She smiled, „Yeah. I had to work with it at university.“

Liam frowned, „What did you studied?“

Sandra's smile just grew brighter, „Mathematics and education. - I'm a teacher.“

Now all of them faced her and looked really suspicious. Liam articulated, what all of them thought, „You are a math teacher?! Are you kidding me?“

The young woman laughed out, „Noone ever believes me! Even though I'm really good.“ She still recieved weird looks. „I know, I look more like an alternativ hippie or something.“

The guys smiled back. „Yeah. Something like that. You're actually one of the first ones that recognized that set.“ Liam seemed happy about that fact.

„That was one of the interesting things.“ Sandra smiled brightly, still holding her hand to his arm. Suddenly she was hugged from behind, „So you found entertainment, while I was searching for you?!“ It was Gero looking down at her.

Her smile grew even wider, when she turned to hug him back. „How did you managed to get lost within 2 seconds?“ She quizzed.

Gero scratched the back of his head, „Well, I saw Chris and wanted to say 'hello'. Sorry for getting lost.“

She smiled and nodded her head, „So, what's up next?“

„Um. I actually wanted to go for a beer with Chris. There are some problems with his girlfriend, you know? So, I just searched for you to hand you your phone and the key.“ He said anxiously, but made an excited smile, „But you look like you found company?!“

„We can look after her.“ Liam grinned and put an arm around my neck. 'He's kind of cute.' Sandra smiled up to him. As if Gero was reading her mind, he nodded smirking.

Suddenly he clapped his hands, „Great guys. But I want her back in one piece. Alright? So please don't make her do stupid things, okay?“ Gero looked at Sandra with a knowing smile and she mirrowed his facial expressions.

Liam looked between Gero and her, “You do stupid things? Sounds interesting.”

Sandra reached her hand out to Gero, kissed him on the cheek goodbye and than faced Liam again, “Buy me another beer and I may tell you some.” She laughed out.

He pulled her to the stand, “It seems like your way more interesting, then I thought.” He smiled while ordering the pints. He handed them over and had a sip of his, “What's that thing between you and that guy? You look really intimate though.”

Sandra had a sip of her beer, before answering, ”We know each other now for so many years and he became like a younger brother for me. He's one of the most beautiful souls I know.” She stood smiling into herself while thinking of Gero.

“You're a loving one, aren't you?” Liam gazed at her and grinned.

She replied, “Yeah. I care for the ones I love. Especially when we went through so much together.”

“Oi, Rory! We have to go!” Chris shouted from the rest of the group.

Sandra frowned, “Rory?! Who's that?”

Liam ruffled his head, “My nickname.”

Her eyes widened, “Wait a minute. Now I know, where I know you from! You're this band ...” She calmed down her voice, “Enter Shikari, right? - It's not fair to keep quiet about that, even after I asked.” She folded her arm over her chest.

“It was refreshing, that you didn't know. And Rob said 'You'll find out later'. So lies have been told.” Liam or Rory assumed, “I'm sorry. But I got quiet tired of the girls, that want to meet 'famous' people. And you're different. I like that.” He smiled at her to apologize.

“But you would have found out, even if you told me. I'm not like this freaky girls.” Sandra felt still hurt and pissed and tightened her grip around her chest while stepping back, “You have to go. The guys are waiting.” She said monotonly.

“Don't be mad at me. Come and join me ... um ... us.” He took a step forward and held to her shoulders.

“Maybe I'm too crazy and anoying to join you?!” She looked away to the side, but suddenly was hugged by Liam, “Don't be like that. Please join me as an apology. That would be really lovely.”

Sandra smiled, pulling out of his grasp, “Okay, then. I'll come with you.”

“Great.” He swung an arm around her neck and led her to the rest of the lads. Roughton gave him an irritated look and arched an eyebrow. Rory replied grinning, “Can I keep her? I promise to feed her and make her behaive.” Sandra playfully hit his rips with her elbow, “I'm not a fucking pet. Start behaiving yourself!”

Roughton smirked and shook his head, “Alright. But you have to organize a backstage passport for her.” Rory winked, “Yeah, yeah. I'll do that.”
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Hello everyone. Here it is, my first story. Hope you like it. Message me, if you have some feedback. ;)