(Un)Lucky Coincidences

# 2

Sandra was brought backstage and placed on a sofa in the wardrobe. She watched the gents busily getting ready for the show.

“So sweety, we have to go on stage in about 15 minutes. Do you want to join me ... um... us and watch the show from side stage?” Rory sat down next to Sandra and put on a cheeky smile.
“What if I say no?” He didn't saw this coming and seemed slightly confused, “What do you want to do instead?” Sandra smiled brightly and patted his shoulder, “I would love to enjoy the show, but from in front of the stage. I wanna go down in the pit.”

Rory's expression lit up, “Oh. Than of cause you can do that.”

But soon the smile left his face, “Do you want to come back here after the set?” He seemed almost shyly and didn't really dared to face her.
“You would really like that, wouldn't you?” He nodded quietly without lifting his eyes to hers.
“Good, because I would love to myself,” she said smiling, when he turned his blue's to meet hers. “Great. I will need a shower after the concert, but let's say we meet up at 5 side stage?”

Someone screamed Rory's name, so the both stood and hugged, “Ok. Sounds good. See you later.” Sandra winked and left the wardrobe.

She quickly got herself involved in the crowd, growing before the main stage. The concert started and she was jumping, dancing, singing along and enjoying herself. She even managed to get pretty far forward to reach for the barrier. She was singing the words of Hectic, when she realised that Rory saw her and made his way down from stage. He climbed on top of the barrier in front of her and than jumped right into the crowd. His eyes were searching for Sandra and he reached out a hand to hers, when he could. He stuck out his tongue and then was floated away by the crowd. All the time Sandra couldn't stop smiling brightly.

After the set, she was all sweaty, but happy. She got herself a pint of water and splashed some into her face to get fresh even a little bit.

She made her way to side stage, where Rory was already waiting, “Are you alright?” He pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around him, “Yeah, of cause.
You were great!” He pulled back, “Thank you. It was quiet a pleasure to watch you, you know? You were enjoying yourself a lot.” He laughed out. Sandra frowned, “What else did you expected?” Rory just smiled while shaking his head.

“So, what's next?” She asked.

“I don't know.” Rory shrugged his shoulders, “Dinner maybe?” He glazed over to her.

She grinned widly, “Sounds like a plan! I'm starving!” And laughed out.

Both made their way to the festival area and looked for something tasty to eat. “Is there something you don't like?” Sandra asked while figuring out what her stomage was craving for.

“I'm a vegetarian, but otherwise you can feed me everything.” He laughed, “And what about you?”

Sandra faced him with a thoughtful expression, “Accept of red meat, fish and mushrooms, I like pretty much everything.”

“Okay. So how about this?” He pointed to a stand selling handmade bread filled with cheese and sour cream. Sandra stroked her belly thoughtfully, “Sounds good.”

They lined in the queue and watched the world go by, when Rory tried to speak up, “Hm... Uhm.” He twisted his hands and was obviously searching for the right words.

“Yeah?” Sandra turn her face to him and smiled to encourage him.

“Um... I thought ... maybe ... we should trade numbers and stay in touch? ... If that's fine for you of cause?!” He was watching his feet and stepped from one leg to the other pretty nervously. He never was comfortable, when it came to asking a girl out. And asking for Sandra's number was really hard for him, but Chris encoraged him to try his luck this time.

“That would be really nice.” She smiled, when he finally faced her, “I'm glad that you asked, because I was to shy to do so.” Now it was her hands twisting her fingers and she wasn't quiet sure why.

He grinned back at her and took out his phone. They traded numbers and got the food.

Sandra pointed to a little hill nearby, “Let's settle down on the hill over there. We'll have a beautiful view from up there.” She took Rory's hand and pulled him to the place she pointed to seconds ago.

He blushed and his heartbeat raised as he followed her. Sandra didn't realised as she was heading in front of him. But when she settled down pulling him besides her, his hand was already sweaty. She smilled shyly and let loose of it, “You have really soft hands for a guitarist, you know?” Rory's face lit up again and he laughed, “Yeah. That's what the lads keep saying.”

They both sat there next to each other, eating their bread and enjoying the festival noises around. Sandra laid down on her back, after finishing her meal and looked at the sky and the clouds, before she realised that Rory was watching her. Her face was occupied with a bright smile, “Come and lay down next to me, would you?” He smiled and followed her invitation as he streched out. They laid there silently for a while and just watched the clouds passing by and the festival continuing around them.

Sandra rested her head on her hand after she rolled to her side and looked at Rory, “I'm wondering, is there any chance we may meet again?” She didn't really thought about what she was saying. It just came to her mind. Somehow she felt good, when Rory was around and the idea that they will go their seperate ways soon, made her sad.

Rory faced her, “I really hope so. We'll be doing a few festivals this summer. Maybe we meet at one of them?”

She frowned, “Hm. I will be at Highfield festival in Germany by the end of August, but that's it.”

He mirrowed her position, “Too bad. We're not there.” But then glazed over at her with a cheeky smile, “And what if I invite you to visit another festival? I have some connections, you know?” He winked.

Sandra laughed, “That would be really nice.” Her smile slowly left her face, “But I have to do my final examination papers and after the Highfield fest, I'll be traveling across Europe for a while.”

Rory seemed disapoited, so she thought of an alternativ, “But what if I come to the UK afterwards and visit you, when I'm there?”

He raised his eyes to hers, “By September?”

She nodded, “Yeah. I know it's a while untill than, but it's something to look forward to, isn't it?” He locked his glaze to hers and smiled, “That's true. - Where are you traveling to, by the way?” She lowered her eyes, “Hm. I'm not too sure yet,” she chuckled.

He arched an eyebrow, “What does that mean?”

Sandra smiled at him, “Well, Lydia and I are planning this trip now since February. We want to go swimming in the Atlantic Ocean in Lisbon. That's all. And there are some cities we want to see an our way, like Amsterdam, Paris, Toulouse or Barcelona. But how long this will take and if we'll actually reach the goal isn't really sure, you know?”

Rory's eyes widened, “Wow. That sounds really interesting and fun. How will you travel? You have a car?”

With a grin she scratched her head and shook it, “No. We hope that there are a few nice people in this world taking us from one place to the next for free?!”

“YOU'LL GO HITCH-HIKING???” Rory almost yelled with a shocked expression on his face, “But you're two pretty girls or at least one of you is beautiful.” He took her hand,”That's way to dangerous!” He squeezed it, “Did you really thought about this?!”

Sandra smiled and gently squeezed his hand back, “You're even more worried then my parents. But yeah, we thought this through and I don't see any reason to not do it.”

He still seemed really concered about her plans, “But all the mean people out there?!”

So she decided to calm him down with a bit more background informations, “Liam, I'm travelling like this now for at least three years and I was never harmed. And usually I'm travelling all on my own.” She smiled while holding her eyes locked on his.

“Okay. - Wow.” He seemed a bit less worried, but still not happy. “But could you keep me up-to-date when you're on your way? I really would like to have you over to visit me happy and unharmed, you know?”

“Yeah. I totally understand that.” She laughed, “I'll keep you up-to-date, of cause.”

Rory rolled to his back again and pulled her down as he was still holding Sandra's hand. She rested her head on his shoulder and her hand was placed on his chest. He smiled into himself, “Good.”

She closed her eyes and listened for a second. “I love that sound.” She wispered almost to herself.

“What sound?” He asked quietly.

“The sound of a beating heart. It's the most beautiful sound in the world.”

He laughed, “Well than you may wanna listen for a while?”

She raised her eyes to his, “Just if it doesn't bother you.” He smoothed the small of her back and replied, “Your welcome.” His heartbeat raised for moment and with a smile Sandra noticed that hers did the same.

They were there laying on the ground for quiet a while enjoying the presents of one another. And they would have continued but were distracted by Rory's phone.

“Yeah? ... Oh, I forgot about the time. ... Yeah, still on the festival area. ... When? ... Oh yeah, lets meet there. ... Sounds good. ... I hope so. ... See you later.” He hung up.

Sandra sat up rubbing her eyes, “Let me guess, You'll have to go?”

“Yeah and no. The guys waiting for the Prodigy right behind the FOH tower and were wondering where I am. We wanted to meet there, you know?”

She checked her watch, “Oh. It's that late. Wow. Didn't feel like three hours to me.” She scratched her head.

“Same goes for me.” Rory stood smiling and offered her a hand, “Come on, the lads are waiting for us.” Sandra took his palm and got herself pulled up, “Us?” She arched an eyebrow.

“Well, you said, you wanna see them too and I thought ...” He trailed off.

“You're so sweet, don't you know that?” She laughed out and hugged him, “Of cause, I'm coming with you.” He hugged her back and pulled her really tight, “Don't play me like this, okay?”

“But I don't play,” she replied quietly. He squeezed her once again and let loose of the grasp. Sandra pulled back, but stopped when their faces were only inches away from each other.

There were a million thoughts in her head, her heartbeat raised, her hands got sweaty and there were an army of butterflies in her stomach. But before she was able to sort her mind, Rory reached his lips to hers and pulled her closer again.

After what felt like an eternity, they parted from each other. Rory seemed confused about his own action, “Um. I don't normally do this, but ...” He smiled anxious and raised his blue eyes to hers.
“... it felt right, didn't it?” Sandra smiled back at him. The worries left his face and released a bright smirk, “Yeah.” He grapped her hand, “Let's head to the main stage. The gents are waiting.”

He tried to distraced the situation. “Okay.”

Sandra couldn't stop smiling and the butterflies decided to settle down in her stomach.