Thanks For The Memories!

The Beginning of It All

"Piper, guess what?!" Gareth exclaimed as he rushed into my room, interrupting my conversation with my cousin, Darren. Quickly telling him that I would call him back soon enough, my finger pressed the red phone button before focusing on the much taller blonde-haired male. If this wasn't important, my best friend would slowly be killed as I was enjoying my phone conversation.
"What now?!" I growled, sitting upright from the previous relaxed position on my bed. My hazel eyes glared into the spring green orbs that the male possessed as the phone shoved into the jean pocket carefully.
"We've been asked to play this year's Warped Tour!" he practically squealed. God, I am sure that my best friend is gay. Although, I can't talk as my sexual orientation hasn't figured itself out just yet. A grin developed itself on my pale features as I launched myself off my bed, grabbing my laptop at the same time before heading into the living room where the other two were lounging around. I guess they haven't been told yet…
My body squeezed itself between Daniel and Matt's slim frames on the cream couch which was situated in front of the wall. Clicking the power button of the laptop, I waited before looking at the two males sitting next to me. Soon the laptop was fully on and I opened the internet, Google greeting me as I typed 'warped tour 2014' into the search bar. It wasn't as if I didn't trust Gareth, it was just that I wanted to make sure about the line-up.
"What are you doing, Pip?" Matt asked, leaning over to look at the screen, bright red hair tickling my cheek ever-so-lightly. Sighing lightly, I clicked the page link and waited for the page to load as Matt continued to make his hair tickle my cheek, even if it wasn't intentional, it was annoying me now.
"What's happening on the Warped Tour?" Daniel asked as his head leaned over but covered the right corner of the screen, my hazel eyes catching way too much acid green for my liking.
"Move your head!" My hand swept the problem away as a giggle bubbled from between my candy-floss hued lips. As soon as the page had came up, the band's headlining where staring at us along with all the other's.

Simple Plan
Green Day
My Chemical Romance
Blood on the Dance Floor
Bullet For My Valentine
Fearless Vampire Killers
The Blackout
Papa Roach
Fall Out Boy
Patrick Stump
Snow White's Poison Bite
You Me At Six
All Time Low
Bring Me the Horizon
Framing Hanley
Sleeping With Sirens
The Killers
Foo Fighters
Cupid Arrows
And many more!

"Whoa…" all of us muttered in unison, staring at the screen in amazement. This was real now. We were playing in the Warped Tour. The tour that was in 3 weeks and we were playing in that.
"W-We're playing the Warped tour?!" Daniel choked, a grin permanently plastered on his golden features as he bounced slightly in his upright sitting position. He was the second youngest and the drummer of the band, me being the youngest and the singer and bassist. Dark blue eyes glittered in excitement as all the boys began to giggle like lovesick schoolgirls. I have concluded that my best friends and band members are in fact, gay.
"Yeah, plus it's in 3 weeks time so we need to get sorted.


-3 weeks later-

Zipping up the flap of the duffel bag, I made a mental note to grab some food from the fridge and was ready for heading out of my room with two bags. The duffel bag contained my clothes, makeup and toiletries while my backpack contained my laptop, notebook, pens, books, and other small things that I would need. My phone was shoved into my jean pocket and my wallet was in my hoodie pocket.
"HURRY UP PIPER! THE TOURBUS IS HERE!" Matt yelled from probably the living room, his tone excited yet nervous. Sighing, my fingers curled around the neck of my bass guitar before my hazel eyes glanced around the room quickly before running out of the room and towards the boys.
"Come on then. Don't want to be late, do we?" I chirped as we all headed out of the apartment and down towards the tour-bus. We were astonished by the size of the vehicle. It wasn't a small van at all, it was a proper long tour-bus, or house-on-wheels as it seemed.
"Whoa…." At that, all of us raced onto the vehicle, greeting the driver and heading towards the bunk-area.

I chose the bunk on the top-right while the others chose whichever they wanted. Right at this moment? We were all lounging around as the bus was being driven to the venue. I was on Tumblr while Daniel was listening to music, Matt and Gareth where playing their guitar, trying to make the notes sound decent with whatever they were playing. Tumblr had WAY too many inboxes with questions from people who were already our fans from previous shows as support to different bands.
"Piper. Did you know that Black Veil Brides is also playing on the tour?" Daniel piped up, my eyes widening at the question. They were an amazing band and I loved their music. It was one of the inspirations that drove me into making music. I'm not one of those fans that fall for band members. It was one of the things that can enter me in the run for their biggest fan.
"Really? You know that I love their music!" I chuckled before turning my attention back down to the screen of my laptop, searching through my dashboard. Maybe there was something interesting from the small fan club we already had.