‹ Prequel: Names of Secrets

The Legacy's Girls

Two Can Keep A Secret

Melody's POV
"How the hell am I supposed to do this? And when? They don't really go anywhere without us."

Salem thought for a moment. "Maybe something will come up. Maybe-"

A fist tapped on my door, interrupting our conversation. "Come in!" I yelled. Our parents walked in.

"Girls, we're going out for a while for our date night." Salem and I didn't dare look at each other, in case of suspicion. "We'll be out until around midnight," Salem's father said.

"No parties," my mother insisted, and I smiled a little.

"I promise. No parties or boys or anyone." Just a little thievery.

We kissed them quickly and waited for ten minutes after they left to make sure they wouldn't be coming back. "Okay, we have five hours to do this," I said. "Let's do it now."

We walked down two flights of stairs and tiptoed down my parent's hallway. We were being overly cautious, but we didn't know what was going on. We just knew that it was top secret and that my parents hated the idea.

Salem wiggled the door handle. "Locked."

I smiled a bit. "I've got this." I pulled a bobby pin from my hair. I straightened it out and stuck it in the key hole. I wiggled it around inside, listening for the small clicks. After a minute, I was in.

"Impressive," Salem said. "I didn't know you were such a bad ass." I winked teasingly at her.

I walked inside of my parent's large room. It was designed to look just like one of their older rooms. I guess it made them feel young.

We looked around for a bit, but we couldn't find anything. We checked every drawer, every crack, every crevice of the room, but we came up short.

Finally, Salem exclaimed "I found it!"

She pulled a letter from the bottom of a drawer--it had a false bottom. I took the white envelope, tearing into it and reading the letter:

Dear Melody,
I figured that your parents would never want you back into this lifestyle, so I am guessing that you have already met me by the time you get this. If that is the case, then use these numbers to get into the folder I have given you. If not, come visit me immediately.
Grandma V

After "Grandma V," a list of numbers was scrawled at the bottom. Salem immediately opened the folder, and pulled out a long, thin, wide box with a code puncher. I typed in the numbers and the top was released.

Salem and I left my parents room and went straight to mine to read. What had our parents been keeping from us for so long?
"Ninjas. They were ninjas and they didn't tell us?" Salem asked, exasperated and exhausted from our past two hours of reading.

"Are you going to open your box now or later?" I asked her. There were two small boxes inside of the container. I had opened the one addressed to me, and it was a beautiful black snake-like ring with diamonds on it.

Salem shook her head, then shuffled through the papers we had finished reading. "This is amazing. I just...wow. I can't believe it. Why would they ever give this up?"

"The danger of the job, I'm guessing. It seems so life threatening all of the time. And you never know if someone walking next to you on the street or the person in line in front of you is your worst enemy."

By 11:30, we had hidden all of the papers and the box in my room and Salem had gone back to her room to get ready for bed. I slipped into my pajamas, not bothering to take off my new ring. I turned off my lights and slid into bed, but I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing.

Did I want that life? I've always dreamt of adventure, but was it practical? I couldn't imagine it. But then again, it did sound exciting. How could I even think of passing up this kind of opportunity.

By sunrise, I had my answer.
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The ring: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=68702281