‹ Prequel: Names of Secrets

The Legacy's Girls

Faith, Hope, and Trick

Melody's POV
153 Corrier Drive. That was the address that our grandmother had given us to find out more information on our parents. The only problem was...where is it?

"Goddamn it, it is obviously not here. We have looked for almost an hour. There's 151 and 155, but no 153."

"Chill," I told Salem. "It's probably hidden back somewhere. I mean, this should be top secret if it has something to do with ninjas, right?"

She sighed and looked around, pausing for a moment. "What's that?"

I looked at where she was pointing. There was a dirt road hidden in the woods, and it made sense that something important would be down there since it was so difficult to find.

"Let's go." Salem parked her car, and we got out, heading towards the trail. I stopped right before we entered.

"Do you think this is a bad idea?"

Salem snorted. "Of course. Now c'mon, we don't have time for your fear to get in the way." She pulled my hand into the forest.

"Ugh. I did not pick the right outfit for this," I said as my heel sunk into the dirt yet again.

"And that is why we dress sensibly on these types of missions."

"Well I didn't know there were woods involved!"

"Shh! I heard something."

We stopped walking, listening for any humans around us. Before we could continue walking, four figures dropped in front of us from the trees.

"Holy shit!" Salem yelled as they came towards us. We went into action, punching and kicking, but eventually the men overpowered us.


"SALE--" but before I could finish, something was injected into my arm, and everything went black.
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Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=77753692