‹ Prequel: Names of Secrets

The Legacy's Girls


Salem's POV
I walked into my class about 5 minutes late. I had a reputation to hold up, that I didn't give a fuck.

"Ms Sky, how nice of you to join us." Mr. Sanders, my English teacher, said to me.

I smiled at him and looked around the class. I saw some of my friends and they smiled at me. I smiled back and walked to my seat. I sat behind my friend Neon and in front of some boy with red hair. Not MY red hair, but ginger red hair. And ginger's have no souls. EVERYBODY knows that.

"So class, as I was saying, for your first assignment in this class is to write a poem that describes you."

I rested my head on the back of my hand and gazed out the window. By this point I wasn't listening. Suddenly, I felt someone kick me. I turned around to see the ginger smiling at me and leaning close.

"Did you just kick me?" I said.

"Yeah, I wanted to tell you that your Monsters were coming out of your bag."

I looked down at my hand bag and saw my Monster energy drinks were almost literally falling out of bag. I reached down and shoved it back in.

"Thanks." I said.

He smiled, "I'm Bentley."


He smiled at me one more time before looking back at the teacher. I turned around just as the bell rang. I started to stand up and get my stuff as I heard Mr. Sander's annoying voice.

"The poem is due tomorrow! Guidelines on the website!"

I rolled my eyes and walked out into the hall just as Melody did.

"God I hate school." I groaned as we walked down the hall.

"I missed school actually." She said standing tall.

"Nerd. What class do you have next?" I asked.


"Smart science?" I asked, looking at her with a questioning look.

"No. They didn't have enough room for me. At least not this year. I still get their homework though."

"Cool, I guess. But hey, one class together so far!" I said as we walked into our classrooms.
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Salem: http://www.polyvore.com/salem/set?id=64715575