‹ Prequel: Names of Secrets

The Legacy's Girls


Salem's POV

I stayed home as Melody went to the party. It was thrown by a football player, and I was invited, but I just don't like "popular partys". You get raped most of the time.

I took out my song notebook and started writing. Yes, I keep a song notebook. I wanna be a singer one day, it's just something I love doing, and apparently really good at.

Suddenly, erupting my writing, my dad walks in my room.

"Sweetie, were you expecting company?" The look he was giving me told me that Emmett was here.

"Yes dad, it's my social studies partner." I said standing up and walking up to him.

"Why did it have to be a boy!" Dad said, pouting.

"Boy girl assignment. And chill out. I don't like him like that." I pushed passed him and jogged down the stairs. Emmett was standing with his hands in his pockets at the front door. He looked at me and smiled his sideways smile.

"Hey, you can come upstairs." I said, pointing to my room over my shoulder.

"Cool." He said, jogging up the stairs behind me.

We walked into my room, a judgmental look from my dad on the way, and I shut my door.

"Sorry about him, he thinks were gonna fuck or something like that." I said, plopping down on my bed.

He plopped down too, "Nah it's fine. He DOES know we are just friends right?" He asked.

I laughed, "Yeah, but you know dads, they don't believe anything you say."

He grinned.

"Yeah I know what you mean, I would be like that to MY daughter to."

I nodded and opened my notebook, social studies one this time. He took his out of his bookbag and set it on my bed.

"So what are we supposed to do again?" I asked.

He was silent. "I have NO idea."

We laughed. Suddenly, my door opened.

"Sa- What the hell is he doing here!"

Oh boy.