‹ Prequel: Names of Secrets

The Legacy's Girls


Melody's POV
I woke up around six that morning, tired from partying. The memories of the night before crept back into my mind and I shuddered. Two bad things in one night. Although, showing up Emmett did give me a little joy.

I quickly got ready and headed downstairs, greeting my parents and relatives as I grabbed a poptart for breakfast. Salem strolled downstairs, looking pensive as she got a glass of juice.

My parents looked nervously at each other, but before I could ask, Salem told me it was time to go. We hopped in our cars and drove to school.

Salem and I headed to our lockers, gossiping on the way there. "And she was like 'You better finish your homework missy' and I was like 'Bitch, you aren't my mom, don't tell me what to do'."

I laughed as Salem became more animated, talking about our science teacher to our friend Brittany. "I'll see you later Mel!" Salem yelled as she walked to her class. I put my backpack into my locker, and as I was pulling out my books, I felt a hand tighten around my ass.

"Mhhh, I love that dress on you," a familiar voice purred into my ear. I hit the hand off of me and turned around.

"Back off, Caleb. Didn't I teach you a lesson last night? Or don't you need to be reminded?" I saw a flash of anger in his eyes, and I felt a flicker of fear. Last night he was drunk, but today he was a sober, 250 pound football player who could probably hurt me without anyone doing anything about it.

Caleb put his arms on both sides of me so I was trapped against my locker. Suddenly, someone yelled out, "HEY. Do we have a problem here?""

I looked to see who my savior was, and my eyebrows shot to the roof when I realized that it was Emmett. Caleb moved his arms into a crossed position. "Who are you?"

Emmett slid his arm around my waist. I wouldn't protest if it would get this guy off my back. "Someone you don't want to be messing with. Now move along before I mess up that pretty little face of yours."

Caleb faltered, but checking out Emmett's look of strength made him walk away. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"Thanks. That was...really nice, actually."

His asshole smirk came back, and his arm tightened around my side. "Anytime babe."

I pushed his arm off me. "Don't get your hopes up."

I headed to first period with Emmett trailing close behind. We were both quiet and thinking. Maybe this guy wasn't half bad. Not to jump to conclusions or anything.
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Clothes- http://www.polyvore.com/legacy/set?id=64825757