‹ Prequel: Names of Secrets

The Legacy's Girls


Salem's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about the offer my parent's gave me. Why would they choose to let me go NOW? When they wouldn't even let me ask questions? And did they read the letter?

I reached into my song notebook and took it out, re reading it instead of listening to the teacher talk.

"Dear Salem,
You need to know about your family. And I know your parents would never tell you. But I can SHOW you. Please come to my house and learn all the questions you have been wondering for a long time.
Grandma V."

I stared at it for a minute, then Bentley kicked me again. I turned to look at him and he nodded to the teacher. I rolled my eyes. He was just like Melody.

"And that's why your hair has its color. Questions?"

Of course, no one raised their hands.

"Good. You have a project starting next week, and I have your partners picked out for you already so you can go ahead and plan what you are going to do."

I looked down at the picture I hid in my song notebook that came with the letter as he said the names. It was a picture of a building. A tall building, in what looked like a large city, maybe New York. And across the top was Nightcrawlers Inc.

"Salem and Bentley."

Great, I had the smart kid as my partner. At least I could get a good grade.

The bell rang and I shot out of my seat, shoving my stuff back in my bag. Bentley came and stood next to me.

"So, we need to talk about our project."

I stopped and turned to him. "Look, you like school, and I don't. I sort of don't like you. Just something about you makes me sick. So feel free to do whatever you want for our project and sign my name at the bottom or something." I said, picking up my bag and pushing past him.

I could tell he was following me, he wasn't going to give up easy.

"Look, I don't like you either. You think your to good for school, when really your not. So yes, you ARE doing the project. And your actually going to HELP with work for once in your life."

I stopped and turned to him again.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I'll do whatever the hell I want to do. Last time I checked, you weren't a teacher. You aren't my parent. So do NOT tell me what to do."

He looked taken back.

I took out a piece of paper and wrote on it, handing it to him. He looked down at it and looked back up to me.

"Be at my house at 6 Saturday."

I turned and walked out of the school to the parking lot, feeling him smiling at my back.
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Salem's Outfit= http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=65973303