‹ Prequel: Names of Secrets

The Legacy's Girls


Melody's POV
I arrived at my locker at the end of the day, pulling out my books. I had to go over to Emmett's house for some project as to which I was not excited about the next day, so I decided to get something done tonight since we'd be bickering the entire time.

"Hey," Salem said, skidding to a stop at the locker next to mine. "Sorry I'm late."

Her eyes were wide in a mixture of fear and shock. "What's wrong? Salem, what is it?"

"I found these on the floor outside of the boy's bathroom." She handed me two pieces of paper. I opened them, and my jaw dropped at the contents. I looked around to make sure no one else was in the hallway.

"Are you sure this isn't just some prank? Some joke or something?" Salem nodded.

"Look. 'Kill' kind of only means one thing. Obviously someone's after us. Maybe that's why my grandma wanted me to come visit her..."

I tilted my head, confused. "What are you talking about?"

Salem explained to me what the note from her grandma had said, and that she was going to go see her today.

I thought for a moment. "Mind if I come?"
We pulled up to a large house that was only an hour away from our house. Salem and I had never met this woman, which was strange since she lived so close.

Salem and I walked up to the front door, and a man in a suit answered the door. "Ah yes. You must be the granddaughters," the British man grumbled. "I'll take you to Madame V now. Follow me." He shut the door behind us and led us through the large hallways.

Salem and I kind of gawked at each other. She lived like a queen. Maids and butlers were bustling around everywhere, and everything seemed to be decorated in gold. She had good taste.

Finally, we were led into a meeting room, and our grandmother was sitting at the head.

"Girls! Oh, you look just like your mothers!" She pulled us into hugs, and we awkwardly hugged back.

She gestured for us to take seats in the large plush chairs around a conference table. She smiled at us. "I guess your parents decided to give you my letters."

I gave her a confused look. "Um, no. Salem told me about her letter, and I decided to come."

She looked shocked. "Yes, your mother was most firmly against this idea...well, it can be our little secret."

"Okay," Salem said. "What exactly is going on here?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Note 1: http://www.polyvore.com/note/set?id=64826613
Note 2: http://www.polyvore.com/kill_her-bentley/set?id=64805476