Status: Updating a few times a week :') I'm busy with exams so please don't shoot me if I'm late updating!

Don't Ever Let Go of That Smile

It Was The Lie When They Smiled

Kellin woke up in the Emergency Room, with very little pain. His arm hurt like crazy, and his head was a little sore, but he was glad that was it. They could easily be taken care of. The only thing he was worried about... Was Austin. Where was he? Was he okay? Were his injuries severe or minor? He looked around for a paramedic, there was quite a few. They'd obviously just arrived here. He spotted the paramedic from earlier on.
"Excuse me, uhh, Katelyn? Hello?" He called to her. She turned around and smiled at him.
"Hello, Kellin. You're awake. I see the anesthetic has worn off quickly!" She said. She didn't seem too worried about him, and he sat up in the bed he had been rolled in on.
"Yeah, uhh.. Where's Austin?" He clearly had no interest in whether his goddamn anesthetic had worn off or not.
"Your friend? He's..." She looked around the room for the familiar boy. "He mustn't have been brought in yet," she shrugged.
"I want to know where he is and if he's okay. Like, now." Kellin had always been quite demanding. Katelyn looked a bit surprised, but she'd expected him to be snappy. He had every reason to be.
"I'll go and find as much information about your friend-"
"AUSTIN. His name.. Is Austin." He corrected her, fighting back tears. He was sick with worry.
"...Austin. I'll be right back," she smiled.
Kellin felt a little bad about being so horrible to the woman who genuinely did seem very nice, but Austin would always come first. Always.

After about ten minutes of extreme frustration, tears and a breakdown, Katelyn returned. She no longer had that slightly patronizing smile on her face. Kellin gulped.
"Hayley. The nurse over there. She has everything you need to know about Austin," she forced a smile. "I'm so sorry, I have another accident to attend, but if I see you again, I'll be sure to say hi. I hope the best for you guys," she patted his good arm and walked away.
Austin would be fine. Right? It was AUSTIN. He got through anything and everything. He'd learned to cope with the passing of his mother when he was just seven. Surely he could get through this? Then Kellin realized that a car accident wasn't something Austin -or himself- could control.
He stood up slowly and walked over to the nurse -or doctor, he couldn't tell- who had been watching him since she saw Katelyn point her out to him. She had strikingly red hair, tied up in a bun at the back of her head. Kellin couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. She was holding a clipboard in her hands, and as he walked closer, he realized that Austin was lying in a room right beside where Hayley was standing. He forced back vomit. He was lying flat on his back, rigged up to what seemed like thirty million wires and tubes. His drip had three bags of liquid on it, all different colours. The silence from his shock allowed him to hear the steady beep coming from the heart rate monitor. He took a deep breath, and looked at Hayley, letting her speak first.
"Hello, I'm Hayley. You must be Kellin?" Duh. Who else?
He nodded. "Uh.. Is he.. What is.. Uhhh.." He stuttered, searching for the right question. A tear rolled down his cheek.
"Your friend is in a coma. He injured his head pretty bad, but we don't know the extent of the injuries just yet. We've already had tests done..."
"Is he going to be okay?! I mean, he's not going to.. Uh, he's going to.." he gulped, "survive... Right?" That may be one of the toughest things Kellin had ever had to say in his whole life.
"I'm afraid we don't know just yet. Right now, he's stable. That means his heart rate is fine. We're hoping he will stay in a coma for another while, as it will give him some time for his body to.. 'fix' itself," she explained. She looked at her watch. "It's nine thirty right now. We should have results in about forty minutes," she said. "Feel free to hang around. If you need anything, just ask for Hayley," she smiled.
"Uh, thanks, Hayley," he couldn't look at her. He stared at the ground.
This couldn't be happening. At any minute he would wake up in his bed and this would be another crazy dream, like every night. Right?
He wiped his eyes with his hands. And sat down. As soon as he'd done so, his name got called from a young looking male doctor. Great. Can't he just put a bandage on it and go?

Twenty minutes later he was sitting back down outside, with a sling on his arm, and aspirin for his head. It was so unfair that he'd gotten away so easily, when Austin was...
He stopped thinking about it. He still had roughly twenty minutes to spare. He then realized something. Something very important. He took out his phone, checked his credit balance, and walked outside hurridly, reluctantly.

He had a crucial call to make.
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Hope you like it:3