Status: Updating a few times a week :') I'm busy with exams so please don't shoot me if I'm late updating!

Don't Ever Let Go of That Smile

All They Told Me Was Just Give Up

Note: this is just a short chapter. I'm updating now so I will be forced to update again later this evening, so I promise I will update twice today :)

Hands shaking, arm and head aching, he scrolled through his contacts on his phone. Names of old friends, current friends, and 'friends' that had seemed to have abandoned him flashed up at him.
Finally, he got to the name of the man he needed to speak to, urgently.
He pressed the call button. As the operator informed him of the call rate he'd heard so often, he shifted his weight from one foot to the other multiple times, whist fidgeting with his hair and wincing. He heard the tone informing him that the person's phone was ringing. He waited.
After about three rings only, someone answered.
"Hello?" A deep voice answered. There was silence in the background, which was definitely good. He was afraid that he'd be out somewhere, or with other people when he called him. That definitely wouldn't be good.
He realized a good 10 seconds had passed and he hadn't said anything. He closed his mouth, and opened it again, but no words came out.
The man spoke again. "Uhh, is anyone there?" He sounded a little annoyed.
Kellin cleared his throat. One; to let the receiver know someone was there. Two; to prepare himself to speak. His hands were sweaty and he was sure he was going to puke at any moment, or pass out. Or maybe both. How was he supposed to do this?
"M-Mr. Carlile? Uhh.. This is Kellin. I-I'm af-afraid I have some eh, some bad n-news..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so late/short. I've been so busy D:

HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Hope you all enjoyed it :)