My Miserable Romance

***ed up.

I didnt say anything. He sat down next to Ray again.
"Im gonna spin the bottle?" he asked Ray. Ray nodded, but Frank didnt spin the bottle. He took it in his hand, walked up to the window, opened it and threw out the bottle in the night.
"I dont wanna play anymore" he mumbled and sat down on the couch. The rest of us followed.

Damn, he just made me even more confused. Why did he kiss me? Cause he couldnt come up with anything else to do? Cause he wanted to thank me for making him moan? God, that sounded stupid. I really dont know why he did it.
I really need to talk to someone, but I cant.

I walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I knew that they were watching me, wondering why I left, but I didnt care. If I cant talk to anyone, then I want to be alone. I laid down in my bed and stared at the bunk above me. I need to think...
I heard the door open, but I didnt bother to see who it was.
"Are you okay, Gee?"
Oh fucking great. Frank.
"Why did you leave?" He asked and sat down in the bunk across mine. This was a really small bedroom. There were just one metre between the bottom bunks, wich meant that he was sitting just one metre away from me.
"Cause Im tired"
"So it's not because of what happend earlier?"
"Tell me what happend earlier" I mumbled.
"I want to, but I dont know exactly. It was just a game, right?"
"Yeah, just a game" I said and looked at him. Those beautiful, green eyes, the black, soft hair, his neck, shoulders, chest... I cant stop looking at him.
He gave me one last look before he got up and left. As soon as he closed the door, I felt tears well up in my eyes. Everything's fucked up. Im fucked up. This birthday's fucked up and my life is fucked up. A few minutes later, I fell asleep to my own quiet sobs.