My Miserable Romance

A Fire Inside.

We ran out to the stage to the roar of the crowd. I was almost shaking, but not just by nervousness, also excitement. I yelled some random shit and a few seconds later, the show had officialy started. The music blared out and my voice got mixed with the fans' screaming. I smiled and looked out of the sea of hands in the air and got that familiar feeling of wanting to do this until I die. We all jumped around like maniacs, except for Bob, who had to sit still, and after the first song, I was really out of breath.

The show went on and as the last song ended, I backed away from the front of the stage, cause I'd been informed that we would have fire works on this show. I waited for a few seconds, but nothing happend.
I gave Ray a questioned look, but he just shook his head, not knowing what was wrong. I started walking up to the front again to see what was wrong with the freakin' fire works and gasped as I saw that the keeper that they were in had fallen over, which meant that they were pointing towards the stage. I jumped away just as they started to spark and make some weird noises and two seconds later, they exploded. They couldnt hit us, cause they flied right into the wall, but the whole wall started burning.

I heard that the crowd started panicking, which wasnt such a good idea.

"Everyone calm down and walk out through the entries!" I said into the microphone and to my surprise, they obeyed. Well, they didnt stop screaming and stuff, but at least they didnt push each other. The fire had now spred itself to the stage, blocking our way to get backstage so we just had to go out the same way as the fans. I saw Mikey jump down from the stage, quickly followed by Ray. I looked at Bob and Frank and was just about to jump down myself when a burning beam came crashing down from the ceiling. The security guys screamed at me to stay where I was, but I jumped over it, which resulted in me falling off the stage, landing painfully hard on my shoulder. Mikey helped me up and I looked around again to see that everyone was with us, but Frank wasnt here.
"Where's Frankie?" I screamed to Mikey, but he didnt hear me over the crunching noised the fire made. Mikey grabbed my arm and before I could protest, he dragged me out of the building. Ray was already outside and Bob was behind us but there was no sign of Frank.

The fans were all standing outside and I mentally thanked them for not freaking out when they saw that we were there too. Sure, some of them started to scream, but no one actually came up to us.
"Mikey? Where's Frank?" I asked, now that we were outside I didnt have to scream.
"Shit, I dont know! I thought he was behind us, but-"
I didnt let him finish the sentence. Well aware that I was acting like a cheesy wannabe hero, I ran back into the arena, which was now filled with black smoke.

This can't be happening... It's too surreal!

I couldnt see a shit, but I ran in anyways.
"Frank!" I yelled, but immediatly had to stop when my mouth was filled with smoke. I coughed to try to get the smoke out of my mouth, but it just ended up getting down in my throat. I coughed and inhaled more and more air until my lungs were filled with the thick, suffocating smoke. I couldnt breathe or see, all I could do was to hear the fire eating up the building bit by bit.
"Frank!" I wanted to yell, but it only came out as a whisper. I coughed and coughed until I thought that the inside of my throat was bleeding and I decided that I needed to get out. I couldnt help him, or find him, if I couldnt breathe. I turned around but I couldnt remember which way the door was.
All I could see was the smoke and occasionaly some flames, which made me fear for my life. I could die in here... The fire would burn my body into ashes, and I would die in great pain as the flames would lick my skin until it turned black.

"Help..." I whispered, now knowing that I wasnt the one who needed to save, I needed to be saved.
My eyes filled with tears, but not cause I was scared, it was the smoke. It burned all over my body and at first I thought it was the fire that finally had came to end my life, but it was just smoke.
I tried to stumble over to what I thought was the direction towards the door, which it wasnt cause I ended up on my knees as I walked into a wall. The lack of oxygen was now making me dizzy and in pure frustration I inhaled some smoke again, just cause it might'd been fresh air, but no. It was smoke again and this time it wasnt just a feeling, I actually felt blood coming out of my mouth. I didnt know if it was because of my violent coughing or just cause my lips were bleading and as a matter of fact, I didnt care.

Just when I thought that I was about to faint, I laid down on the floor and noticed that it was a lot easier to breathe down here. It wasnt fresh air, but it wasnt pure smoke either. I breathed in slowly and felt that my dizzyness slowly disappeared, but it wasnt that much of a relief. I knew that if I tried to get up, I would faint and then no one would find me.
I cursed my stupidity for walking in again, but remembered that I did it for Frank. I was about to die for him and that was actually the perfect death, if there is such thing. I silently started crying when I saw flames appearing to my left. I dont wanna die!

I took a fast decision in my head and bounced up from the floor with my hands over my mouth. I didnt know where the hell that door was, but I sure knew that I wasnt gonna lie and let the fire take me. Another beam came crashing down just a few metres behind me, which made me gasp in surprise. Once again, the smoke seeped down my throat and I ran the fastest I could towards-
Yeah, towards what? Nothing, really. I just ran.
My shoulder that I'd landed on when I fell of the stage was painfully aching and the dizzyness hit me like a slap in the face again.

"Hello?" I heard a voice yell and my brain reacted immediatly.
"Help!" I managed to yell, and it actually came out a noise. I heard foot steps walking in my direction.
"Where are you?" the voice asked desperately.
"Here" I yelled, but this time I wasnt so lucky. It wasnt more than a hoarse whisper and I just prayed that it was enough for the person to find me.
"I need to get my flashlight, I'll be back in two seconds, okay?" the voice said and the footsteps disappeared.
"No..." I whispered. There was no time. I couldnt breathe even if I was lying on the floor and I felt the fire coming closer and closer until I could feel the heat against my arm. I desperately tried to hear any footsteps, but no such luck. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and prepared myself to be burned alive.