My Miserable Romance


~Frank’s POV~

Gerard was asleep in the bedroom, where he would stay for at least two more hours. They way he can sleep through a whole day amaze me sometimes… Good thing he has me to wake him up though. I took another sip on my coffee, trying to replace the nervous feeling in my stomach with the heavenly liquid, but didn’t succeed. I just hoped that everything would go okay when Lisa and Gerard’d meet. The sun had just emerged behind the endless rooftops outside the kitchen window and I cursed my habit of not being able to sleep more than nine hours. Gerard can sleep fourteen hours and still be tired the rest of the day. Speaking of Gerard, I’m starting to feel lonely… I glanced at the clock on the wall – 9am. He would freak out if I woke him up. But since when did I care about that? But now when I think about it, I’ve been kinda harsh to him these last few days, first when I told him my ex girlfriend would be at our wedding and then when I snapped at him for not planning the wedding ‘properly’. Maybe he deserved to sleep in.

But my boredom remained, so after sitting quietly for at least ten more minutes, I made my way out of the dark kitchen into the even darker bedroom. Gerard had insisted on having black curtains in there with the lame excuse of saying that he thought it looked cool, but I knew it was to block out the sunlight in the mornings so he could sleep longer.

I really hated my flat; it was so boring and so… not me. I couldn’t be bothered to paint the hideous-coloured walls or to fix all the things that needed to be fixed, like squeaky doors and stuff. Maybe I could convince Gerard to move somewhere else. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, he doesn’t like this apartment either, not that he had said so, but whatever.

I smiled at the contours of his sleeping body in the darkness and decided that the best way to wake him up was to let the sunlight in. And so I did – without getting any responds from him what so ever. I stood at the window for a few seconds, letting the room bathe in the light but gave up soon enough when Gerard just kept on sleeping peacefully. With a sigh, I walked up to the bed, leaving the curtains open and just stood next to the bed, gazing down at him. His long hair was covering his face and his mouth slightly open, moving as he breathed. My eyes wandered down from his face and my lips curled up into an evil grin as I saw the bulge in his boxers, restraining his morning erection. He groaned quietly and made a sudden move to scratch himself on the nose before going back to peacefully sleep with one hand on his stomach and the other loosely hanging down from the mattress. What if I woke him up in a nice way…? Would he still be mad at me for waking him up? Probably not, plus, my new idea was a lot more fun to do than to just simply wake him up as I always did.

With a smirk, I carefully climbed into bed so Gerard wouldn’t feel the weight on the mattress that I was pressing down, but accidentally placed a hand on his hip as I almost fell down from the bed. He groaned lightly again and was just about to roll over to lie on his stomach when I pressed his hip back, forcing him to stay on his back. He obeyed and I slowly and very carefully took a hold of the edge of his boxers and slid them down his thighs. He didn’t make any signs of waking up at this, so with certain difficulty, I slipped off his boxers and threw them on the floor. I let my fingers ran up on the inside of his thigh, but had to stop when he tried to roll away from me. Quickly, so he wouldn’t wake up, I crawled up between his legs and without any warning, let my tongue touch the tip of his erection. He didn’t react now either, and seeing that he was asleep, it was no fun teasing him so I simply took a deep breath and then took as much as I could of him in my mouth, sucking and licking as hard and fast as I could. Gerard let out a long moan, but to my surprise didn’t wake up, so I kept sucking him, with my head going up and down so violently his body had to follow.
“Frankie…” he mumbled in his sleep and even though it was really silly, I felt happy that even he was asleep, it was me he was thinking about when he felt this. This could be a good way to see if a person’s cheating on you… Or not, ‘cause it’s probably just Gerard who can sleep through this, but hey, at least he’s thinking about me and that was almost worth more than any ‘I love you’s’ he could ever say. I kept sucking, now smiling widely, or at least as wide as I could with his dick in my mouth, and then felt his body tense up. He would spill any minute, I could feel that, the weird part was that he hadn’t woken up yet. I gently bit him to wake him up, wanting him to a bit more presence when he climaxed, but no. He just moaned loudly, before finally ejaculating in my mouth. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he looked at me who was now lying next to him with my mouth full of his cum.

“Morning…” he panted. “You have no idea… I just… I just had the best dream ever…”
I raised my eyebrow at him, wanting him to continue but I couldn’t talk, or else he’d notice that I had something in my mouth. “You were in it, and we were having sex on some weird island that was full of vampires… You okay?”
I nodded, trying hard not to swallow and then leaned in to kiss him. He smiled and seeing that I couldn’t open my mouth just yet, he was the one to part my lips with his tongue. I giggled as I quickly opened my mouth, spitting his cum into his and he pulled away. He was silent for a second, trying to taste what I had just given him and then spat it out on the mattress next to him.
“Was that mine?!” he yelled and I shook my head.
“It was mine” I answered.
“Oh… Well, then it’s not that bad” he smiled but stopped when he saw my huge grin. “It was mine, wasn’t it?”
“EWW!” he yelled and wiped his tongue off with the sheets, then stopped. “So it wasn’t a dream?”
“We weren’t exactly on an island with vampires, but the rest was reality” I smirked, “Like it?”
“The hottest guy alive just woke me up with a blow job, how could I dislike it?” he grinned, then his face dropped. “Lisa!”