12 Days of Christmas

Day One

Liam smiled as he opened his eyes to be face to face with his sleeping boyfriend. He carefully kissed Zayn's forehead before turning around and slowly leaving his warm bed. He stretched and walked over to the window pushing back the curtains to see the freshly lain slow. A grin spread across Liam's face as he admired the front lawn. He ran back to the bed and jumped on it right beside Zayn shaking him slightly but not awakening him.

"Zayn!" Liam yelled shaking his boyfriend. "Baby wake up!" Liam said again kissing Zayn all over his face.

Zayn groaned, "What is it babe? Are you okay?"

"I'm great!!!! Zayn it snowed last night!!!" Liam said grinning.

Zayn glared at Liam, "You woke me up for that?!"

"Yes! Come on come look it's so pretty!!"

"I saw it last year Liam and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that..." Zayn trailed off.

"Yeah but it's out first snow fall together." Liam spoke softly kissing his boyfriend.

Zayn sighed and really he couldn't argue with that so he sat up and kissed Liam once more deepening the kiss. When they pulled away he mumbled an 'I love you' against Liam's lips, Liam immediately reciprocating the sentiment.

"I'll go make us some breakfast while you wake up some." Liam told Zayn kissing him one more time before leaving their bedroom.

As expected it took Zayn quite a bit of time before finally getting out of bed and wandering into the kitchen where Liam was just about done with the food.

"Do you need help?" Zayn asked walking behind Liam and kissing his neck.

Liam smiled and glanced behind him to kiss Zayn's cheek, "No, it's fine. Go ahead and sit down. It'll be done in a couple of seconds."

Zayn kissed Liam's neck once more before going to sit at the bar where a cup of tea was waiting for him. Liam placed a plate in front of Zayn full of food and before he could even make himself a plate Zayn pulled Liam onto his lap. They ate together in silence then cleaned up and curled onto the couch under some blankets to watch cartoons.

"Come on, let's get changed so we can go outside. I know you want to." Zayn spoke up after their stomachs settled.

"Are you sure?" Liam bit his lip.

"Yes, come on."

Liam kissed Zayn and jumped off the couch and ran to the bedroom to change into warmer clothes.

"Zayn!" Liam yelled. "Hurrrryyyy!" Liam whined.

Zayn merely rolled his eyes and ignored his boyfriends pleas to go faster. After changing for the cold England weather the two walked outside, Zayn admiring how completely happy Liam looks to be outside.

"Babe." Liam called over his shoulder. "Look at how pretty this is!"

Zayn walked behind Liam resting his head on Liam's shoulder to admire their snow covered garden. Liam turned around in Zayn's arms, wrapping his arms around Zayn's neck as Zayn's arms snaked around Liam's waist. Liam smiled at Zayn again, sure that he can't stop smiling when in Zayn's presence, and kissed Zayn's nose. Zayn crinkled his nose making Liam giggle and do it again and again before Zayn laughed and moved away from his boyfriend.

Zayn watched Liam admire the yard as Zayn gathered snow in his hands and mold it into a ball. Smirking to himself he brought his hand back and threw the ball hitting Liam in the middle of his back. Liam gasped and turned around glaring at Zayn who smiled innocently.

Liam narrowed his eyes, "Oh it's on."

Zayn yelped and tried to duck behind a tree but Liam already threw a snowball at him, hitting his arm. A snow ball fight erupted between the couple that lasted until their noses were pink and their gloves were soaked through. It was clear Liam won the fight due to all of the remaining snow on Zayn's jacket. Zayn didn't really care that he lost but Liam kept smiling smugly at him and Zayn couldn't handle it any longer and ran to Liam, tackling him in the snow. Of course instead of Liam being upset by being tackled he just laughed and kissed Zayn's frown away.

"Come on darling, you're freezing we should head inside." Liam scooted out from under Zayn and stood up, helping Zayn get up as well.

When they were in the foyer of their home they stripped of their mittens, hats, jackets, boots, and pants. Zayn went to the bedroom to change as Liam went to put their wet clothes into the drier. Once they were both changed into warmer clothes Zayn made them hot chocolate. Liam picked out a quite a few movies to watch as they cuddled up on the couch for the rest of the day.

"Even though you did pummel me with snow balls this is definitely my favorite first snow fall." Zayn told Liam smiling.

Liam bit his lip to try and keep himself from smiling like a twelve year old boy and closed the distance between them with a kiss.

"I'd have to agree with you."