12 Days of Christmas

Day Ten

Zayn smoothed down his black sweater and adjusted his black leather jacket as he got out of the cab, telling the driver to give him a couple of minutes. He carefully and hurriedly walked up the steps to Niall’s flat, knocking on the door and rocking back and forth on his heels. Finally the door opened and Zayn’s breath hitched in his throat at the sight of his date; his hair is perfectly mused and he’s clad in a gray sweater, black pants and black vans. It’s a simple outfit but Niall looks so great in it that Zayn can’t help but subconsciously lick his lips.

“Hi Zayn.” Niall finally spoke up, his cheeks turning rosy, whether it was due to the wind or Zayn, he wasn’t sure.

“Hello Niall, you ready to go?”

Niall nodded and finally stepped outside of his flat, locking the door behind him and following Zayn to the awaiting cab. Zayn told the cabbie where they were to go before settling into the seat and taking Niall’s hand in his. They easily made conversation on the drive, since they’ve been friends for a while before deciding to cross the line into dating. When they arrived at the fancy Italian restaurant Niall immediately started protesting, claiming the restaurant is far too expensive but Zayn waved him off, claiming he wanted to wine and dine Niall and really Niall couldn’t compete with that.

“Can I ask you something, Zayn?” Niall asked once their meal was finished.

“Of course Niall, anything.”

Niall pulled his sleeves over his fingers and glanced up at Zayn, “Why now? Like…why decide to take me out now?”

Zayn figured Niall would ask him this and he practiced the answer multiple times in his head but actually hearing it, any practice he did left milliseconds after Niall questioned him.

“Because,” Zayn started to say, “Because every time I look at you or speak to you or even think about you, my heart starts racing and butterflies erupt in my stomach like I’m fucking thirteen or something.” Zayn rolled his eyes. “And my heart swells when I see your blue, blue eyes and when you smile I can’t help but smile. Your laugh is the best sound I’ve ever heard and I just want to make you smile, that’s it. I just want to be with you, I want to be your everything. All of these feelings, they’ve been bottled up for years and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I figured we were good enough friends that if you said no, we’d be okay so I took the chance and here we are.” Zayn watched in amusement as Niall’s cheeks turned a deep red and he casted his eyes down to his lap. “Does that answer your question?” Zayn asked.

Niall bit the inside of his cheek and nodded, reaching out to grab Zayn’s hand over the table and kissed Zayn’s knuckles. “Yeah, yeah it does.”

Zayn smiled and held onto Niall’s hand tightly even while he paid for their meal. When they were leaving the restaurant, Zayn placed his arm around Niall’s waist and held him even tighter when he could feel Niall shiver against the wind.

“I was thinking we could walk around town, look at all of the holiday decorations but if you’re too cold we don’t have to do that.”

Niall shook his head, “That sounds great Zayn.”

Even though Niall agreed Zayn felt bad that Niall didn’t have a jacket so he slipped off his jacket and wrapped it around Niall. It was just a tad longer than Niall but he looked much better in it than Zayn ever thought it would. Niall stuffed his hands into the jacket pockets and leaned against Zayn as they walked; loving the way Zayn automatically wrapped his arm around his shoulders. They walked around the town stopping to get some hot chocolate and randomly throw snowballs at one another. The two walked to the town’s center and admired the large decorated Christmas tree, even getting someone to take a picture of them in front of the tree. They held hands inside of Zayn’s jacket pocket as they walked down a street with all of the buildings covered in lights. When they stopped at the end of the street they looked around admired the way the lights shone in the dark London night.

Niall glanced at the sidewalk wondering why there was a shadow of a plant since there didn’t seem to be any trees or plants around, especially from where the shadow would originate from. When he looked up he giggled at the sight of a mistletoe toe. Niall bit the inside of his cheek again and shuffled around before turning back to Zayn, admiring the way the lights danced along his features.

“Zayn.” Niall whispered.
Zayn looked down at Niall and smiled, squeezing his hand laced with Niall’s. “Yes?”

Niall looked up at the mistletoe toe then back at Zayn, hoping Zayn would understand which thankfully he did. Zayn looked up and grinned looking back at Niall who was blushing again. Zayn moved so he was facing Niall fully and brought his hand to cup Niall’s chin, lifting it up so he could finally kiss him the way he’s always wanted to. Zayn told himself to keep their first kiss delicate and sweet so he wouldn’t scare Niall off but now that he’s actually kissing Niall, his self-control disappears. He moves his hands so they tangle in Niall’s hair messing it up and moving his feet so one leg is in between Niall’s. Zayn’s lips moved expertly and swiftly against Niall’s slightly chapped full lips. Zayn only pulled away when he could hear Niall whimper against him.

Niall tried to stop his smile when Zayn rested his forehead against his own but it wasn’t working. He felt like a prepubescent boy who just had their first kiss; which in a way he did have his first kiss, with Zayn anyway and that was enough to make him feel like the happiest guy alive. He ducked his head and connected their lips again needing the feel of Zayn’s soft lips on his own. The kiss didn’t last as long as their first kiss but it was just as perfect and Niall couldn’t get enough. Even after they pulled away from each other Niall’s lips searched the open air for Zayn’s, sighing happily when Zayn kissed him again and again and again.

“Have I ever mentioned how much I love mistletoe toe?” Niall asked against Zayn’s lips.

“No,” Zayn chuckled, “but if your actions are any indication then I think I’ve got an idea.”