12 Days of Christmas

Day Eleven

Louis bit his lip and stared at his phone yet again, hoping to see text messages from his four best friends. It’s his birthday and so far he’s only got a phone call from his family and Eleanor. It’s now evening and Louis was starting to believe his friends forgot about his birthday, he didn’t know how since he’s been texting them a countdown since November. Yet, there hasn’t been a peep from his friends and Louis isn’t’ going to lie and say he’s fine because really he’s more upset than he is letting himself be. It’s his birthday and Christmas Eve he can’t let anyone ruin his mood, even if his four best friends and band mates have forgotten about him.


“Are you sure he’s going to show up?” Liam asked worriedly glancing at his watch seeing as its half past the time Eleanor was supposed to bring Louis to the restaurant and there was no sign of their best friend.

“He’ll show!” Harry reassured. “He has to, right?” Harry asked gnawing at his bottom lip.

“Yeah of course he’ll show.” Niall agreed nodding.

“And he won’t be too mad at us?” Harry asked.

Zayn shrugged, “Maybe for a bit but once he realized what we did then I think it’ll be okay. He’ll be over the moon.”

“Guys, El just texted me they’re walking in now.” Liam told his friends then motioned to the room full of people to keep quiet which thankfully they did.

The four boys held their breathe and moved around, unable to stand still for much longer. They all knew how upset Louis was going to be with them for forgetting his birthday or so he thought so they wanted to make sure this surprise party was perfect. Finally they heard Eleanor talking to Louis and the doors were being opened and everyone yelling ‘surprise’ with Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn being the loudest of the bunch. Louis’ eyes grew wide as he stared at everyone looking back at him, genuinely surprised that his friends had pulled this off. He didn’t have time to really process everything until the boys were running to capture him in a group hug.

“We didn’t forget Lou!” Harry spoke.

“We just wanted to surprise you! We didn’t want you upset.” Liam added.

“Yeah please don’t be mad at us!” Niall pouted.

Zayn placed a sloppy kiss on Louis’ cheek, “Yeah boo bear! We just wanna love you!”

“Oi, I feel the love!! A little too much.” Louis spoke glaring at Zayn who simply licked his friend’s cheek to piss him off.

Louis groaned and pushed his friend’s away, “You guys are twats, you know that?” he asked but a smile played along his lips letting his friends know he really isn’t upset anymore. “Now let’s get pissed, yeah?”


“Lou, Lou, Lou!” Niall chanted trying to gain Louis’ attention back from Eleanor.

“What Nialler?” Louis asked finally noticing the Irish lad.

“It’s time for cake!” Niall yelled. “Now come on!”

Niall tugged on Louis’ hand and dragged him onto a little stage where Harry, Liam and Zayn were already standing. Louis pushed Louis in between Liam and Zayn and ran off to the side so he could roll the cake onto the stage. It’s a three layer cake with a figure of Louis sitting on the top tier except half of the figure is Louis and the other half is the red Power Ranger. Louis’ smile reached from ear to ear as he stared at it and everyone in the building started singing happy birthday. Once the song was over he blew the candles out and tackled his best friends in another group hug holding onto them tightly to try and show how thankful he was for everything they did for him.

They wheeled the cake back off of the small stage but brought it to a special VIP room for the lads and their girlfriends to spend some time together and enjoy the cake. After Niall ate half the cake and everyone was well on their way to be completely trashed, the lads bid goodbye to their dates and got into a taxi to take them to Harry’s flat where the boys would be spending the night and part of Christmas day together. The drive to Harry’s flat was loud with lots of screaming, misunderstood jokes and the driver threatening to kick them out. They stumbled out of the cab, Zayn paying, and held onto each other as they made their way into Harry’s flat.

Someone shouted that they should have another round of drinks before bed which of course sounded like a fabulous idea and Niall made a large sandwich demolishing it into almost three bites before they all retired to Harry’s bed. They stripped of their clothes, never being shy with one another and climbed into Harry’s bed wrapping their limbs around each other like they did since the beginning of the X Factor. Most friends would probably shy away from sharing a double bed and being so intimate with each other but the boys were shoved together in a matter of seconds and from them on they’ve been through an incredible journey together and for so many months they only had each other. It was natural and normal for them to cuddle with each other before bed or during an interview or while watching movies. All of them knew it was platonic and it was never awkward between them, it just felt right.

“I was really worried you guys forgot.” Louis whispered after everyone was settled. “I don’t know why, I knew you guys would pull through. I just…I was scared.”

“We would never forget your birthday, Louis.” Zayn reassured.

“Yeah Louis, we’ll be celebrating your birthday with you for the rest of our lives.” Harry added his voice low and thick with sleep already.

“We love you so much, Louis.” Liam told him.

“We do, Lou, happy birthday mate.” Niall added kissing Louis cheek and due to the alcohol in his system he kissed Niall’s nose in return.

“You guys are the four best friends in the entire world. I love you guys and Merry Christmas Eve.”